NSASDD Social - pop pussies and dirty needles for everyone

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Yo Yep Bankai

cept i didnt do it in a public bathroom, just my bedroom

its like 50 degrees n rainin out right now, how shitty

Memph: so you did have 20 dilaudids n no rig this mornin? what mgs?

*Napoleon dynamite voice*
Yo Yep Bankai

cept i didnt do it in a public bathroom, just my bedroom

its like 50 degrees n rainin out right now, how shitty

Memph: so you did have 20 dilaudids n no rig this mornin? what mgs?

*Napoleon dynamite voice*

no i didnt have 20 dilaudids this morning, i was just saying that i couldnt enjoy them without a rig if i did have them. i bankai'd on a 4mg at around 2:30
Boys, animals, and non-descript, pretentious female figures: Given everybody that's amassed, run off or move.
JC: Get BaybeX a nice one for your wedding night.

Speaking of which, will this wedding be in South Central Florida? Can you please have a FUN reception? I mean if BA and I are coming, then we also want to be like doing opana and listening to heavy metal. And can the dinner be protein bars?

Regarding bankai, I have nothing novel to say about bankai right now. Nothing to snort between the lines. Nothing to search for in the carpet. Just nothing. Which, ironically, isn't what bankai is all about?
I mean if BA and I are coming, then we also want to be like doing opana and listening to heavy metal. And can the dinner be protein bars?

There are no "if's"...you and I are most definitely cuming.

And anything containing protein shall be unnecessary
She's the beast that knows not only which way to horrible but the top of the flight in your never once spoken tongues of time to have seen the first meander.
Chimpo: get on AIM, we need to have cyber sex.

Next on To Catch a Predator: A 24yo, white male, using the screenname Wiggi6969 lures in a 14yo, underaged, white male going by the screenname of johanneschimpo.

Wiggi6969: hey boi. wanna cum 2 my place 2nite?
johanneschimpo: totally. butt u gotta cum ova here cuz i cant drive yet, im only 14.
Wiggi6969: oo i bet ur ass is sooo tyte. lemme send u sum pix of my huje boner.
johanneschimpo: wuts a boner?
Wiggi6969: mm itz wut i wanna put up in ur tyte lil azz.

BTW, Cybering is soo 2005. Skype is the way to go ;).
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