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NO-vember '14 -- SL Gettin & Stayin Sober Thread

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16 days off suboxone

Still waking up real early
Horrible thoughts
Withdrawal symptoms still

Much <3 everyone
How long was your suboxone relapse CH? Did you still have many symptoms when you started taking them again?

Today isn't that great for me I'm feeling agoraphobic and can't even convince myself to go out for a walk
hey guys. sober my self. got a little over 3 months. paws has bene hitting me lately with my mood going up and down and cravings drugs like crazy, but im fighting the urges and just taking it a day at a time. glad to be sober
Hello again everyone

Coming up on 15 months! The past month has been rough.. I have not felt well at all. I haven't craved this hard in a long time. I'm really struggling so I thought I'd pop back in here on a regular basis.

I've been fantasizing constantly.. Every time I remind myself that it's all fake and it's not nearly as fun as my addiction tells me it is and it's not worth it especially given how far I've come. But sometimes it's hard to shut that voice down. Gotta practice.
How long was your suboxone relapse CH? Did you still have many symptoms when you started taking them again?

Today isn't that great for me I'm feeling agoraphobic and can't even convince myself to go out for a walk
I only did it again About 4 to 5 months. Maybe 3 to 4 months.

During my taper withdrawal symptoms appeared.

I know how you feel. I can go out I just hate doing it. My 2 cents, try going out for a short walk. You can always go back in if you don't feel you can do it.

I have 17 days today and I am still feeling awful. I am all alone today and I am hating how I feel, I have a racing heart, and am light headed. It's like that every time I wake up.
They have me on so much Percocet after a car wreck, I don't think I am gonna have trouble though. I hate nodding all the time, not being able to focus etd. I also think it makes me moody. However, this is the first time in my life that ibuprofen would NOT help. I guess a bone break is where my line is for pain. I haven't taken any Percocet today and it is a joy to see the screen clear. Maybe this was what I needed to stop craving dillies. Can't say it is the way to go for others, but dang I am sick of these Percocets.

hang in ch
I only did it again About 4 to 5 months. Maybe 3 to 4 months.

During my taper withdrawal symptoms appeared.

I know how you feel. I can go out I just hate doing it. My 2 cents, try going out for a short walk. You can always go back in if you don't feel you can do it.

I have 17 days today and I am still feeling awful. I am all alone today and I am hating how I feel, I have a racing heart, and am light headed. It's like that every time I wake up.

Congrats Captain !
I only did it again About 4 to 5 months. Maybe 3 to 4 months.

During my taper withdrawal symptoms appeared.

I know how you feel. I can go out I just hate doing it. My 2 cents, try going out for a short walk. You can always go back in if you don't feel you can do it.

I have 17 days today and I am still feeling awful. I am all alone today and I am hating how I feel, I have a racing heart, and am light headed. It's like that every time I wake up.

17 days already! I remember last week and you were really feeling worse. You are just a couple of days from getting really better.
Too bad that´s when the cravings start bothering..
Hang in there, C.H and everyone <3

Day one for me... I had two days but ended up giving into temptation last night, I'm trying again... I really wish I had just gotten this over with during the summer. I can't stand detoxing in the winter for sooo many different reasons... mostly the coldness and the depression factor, it's way worse around this time of year. Trying to ignore that and focus on the positive stuff tho!!

I gotta do this. I can't be wasting my life on this addiction anymore... I'm so over it
^ hey Burt <3.. Not to yank your chain, well yeah i guess to yank your chain.. but in the most loving way possible.. but there has to come a time when you realize and accept that your going to have significantly distance yourself from immediate access or you will always give into temptation.. the old definition of insanity.. doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The part of our brains that are addicted are much more powerful then the part that screams we are done and are not going to do this ever again. ;)<3
Hello again everyone

Coming up on 15 months! The past month has been rough.. I have not felt well at all. I haven't craved this hard in a long time. I'm really struggling so I thought I'd pop back in here on a regular basis.

I've been fantasizing constantly.. Every time I remind myself that it's all fake and it's not nearly as fun as my addiction tells me it is and it's not worth it especially given how far I've come. But sometimes it's hard to shut that voice down. Gotta practice.

I have cravings all the time, I dream about it. And sometimes I really phantasize the whole thing. I guess I learnt to convert this to a good feeling.
It helps me to sleep for instance. I don´t think this is normal but it works for me.
Hang in there, C.H and everyone <3

Day one for me... I had two days but ended up giving into temptation last night, I'm trying again... I really wish I had just gotten this over with during the summer. I can't stand detoxing in the winter for sooo many different reasons... mostly the coldness and the depression factor, it's way worse around this time of year. Trying to ignore that and focus on the positive stuff tho!!

I gotta do this. I can't be wasting my life on this addiction anymore... I'm so over it

Hey hey, it's really good to see you xburtonchic! You were so very helpful to me when I was a few days off H and thought of killing myself. I know it's so hard to focus on the positive stuff though. I just distracted myself as much as possible, even when I was lying in bed seeing demons over me in and out of consciousness… I just streamed Netflix for hours watch House episodes. This helped the first few days go by and making myself walk around the block with sunglasses on and a hood through the park. Before I knew it a few days had passed.

Anyways hang in there, you are worth it best of luck!
Smoky :) <3
oh I do know that, haha. going up North was supposed to be my fresh start like I said, we were all supposed to be going up there clean and not using. I had no idea they were bringing heroin. They tried to hide it from me at first but I knew what was up and finally called them out on it, and it just kinda went downhill from there. I KNOW I can't do it if there are people doing it right in front of me ;p

thank you everyone, it's really nice to see you all too <3 <3 <3
I have cravings all the time, I dream about it. And sometimes I really phantasize the whole thing. I guess I learnt to convert this to a good feeling.
It helps me to sleep for instance. I don´t think this is normal but it works for me.

That is interesting... you actually are not the first person I have heard mention this. I know it wouldn't work for me but everyone is different.

I would urge everyone to remember that cravings, using dreams etc are all part of the process and addicts tend to have cravings and drugs because well... they are addicts. Having a craving doesn't make you "bad" or anything like that. I know a few people in my personal life that feel this way and its difficult to watch them beat themselves up over something that is natural.
Hello again everyone

Coming up on 15 months! The past month has been rough.. I have not felt well at all. I haven't craved this hard in a long time. I'm really struggling so I thought I'd pop back in here on a regular basis.

I've been fantasizing constantly.. Every time I remind myself that it's all fake and it's not nearly as fun as my addiction tells me it is and it's not worth it especially given how far I've come. But sometimes it's hard to shut that voice down. Gotta practice.

I've got 13 months and all of a sudden, I can't get it out of my head. It's all I've been thinking about for the past 2 days. I know I can't, it's simply not an option (at least that's what I've told myself for the last 13 months...hell, its worked...) But yeah...I'm in your (dream) boat!
Well the bad news is that I slipped up today. The good news is that I'm gonna keep trying. The even better news is that I had an intense breakthrough today regarding my recovery, I figured out EXACTLY what I need to do in order to stay clean!! The thing that I'd been missing before. I thought that finding something I was passionate about and changing my environment would be enough, and they're HUGE don't get me wrong!!... but I was always missing purpose - having those small, productive, daily goals to focus on. I have passion for things other than drugs, and it's great and gives me something to focus my energy on, but it's not the same thing as having a purpose... it's just random. I was still putting off looking for a "real" job, finishing up school, paying off debts, etc. I wasn't really accomplishing anything, and so I still wasn't seeing tangible improvements in my daily life.

Today I believe I found the secret formula (or at least *my* secret formula, different things work for different people after all ;p) I started thinking about what was missing, and I came up with that, and it led me to wonder... what would happen if I combined those three things - passion, change, and purpose - and integrated all three of those things into my day? Even better, what if I can find passion IN my purpose? So I thought of something I'd been procrastinating on doing but that needed to be done and finally settled on cleaning my room (purpose) and clearing/rearranging my living space (change in environment), and then I thought of all of the benefits that would come of cleaning my room and how it could help me improve myself and my life overall, which is something I actively try to do anyways (passion). That gave me the motivation to do it, and once I started, it provided the momentum to keep on going. I still had some gear left, and I told myself it would be my reward for making progress in my room (yes, progress... trust me, cleaning the whole thing entirely is going to be a HUGE task that cannot be done in one day haha)... but once I had been at it for a couple of hours and I had made a good amount of solid visible progress, the most amazing thing happened that has never happened to me before!! Well, it HAS happened, just never so strongly. I had absolutely NO desire to "reward" myself with the dope... I wanted to reward myself by putting off doing it for even longer and doing something else that would naturally make me feel good instead. And so I took a hot shower, washed and conditioned my hair, washed my face, shaved, the works. And after I was done, another amazing thing happened... I still didn't really want to do the dope!! And yet for some reason I still felt the compulsion to do it. It was a compulsion I could have controlled maybe, but it was SO incredibly strong. I REALLY didn't want to do the dope - I wanted to smoke a bowl and go clean my room some more actually, and even looking at the dope felt different/wrong to me, it was like looking at death (as morbid as it sounds) - and yet I still felt compelled to move forward. It's like my body was on autopilot as I was getting it ready. I even came *thisclose* to throwing away the little bit I had left... I didn't, but it was closer than I've ever come before and to me that's progress!! I didn't want to do it, and yet it's like I was doing it anyway almost against my will.

Anyway, I'm not sure how to explain it better than that or if I did a good job of explaining it at all, but this whole day was just such a HUGE breakthrough for me. Not only do I FEEL differently at my core about the drug itself now, but I also figured out the key to my recovery. I truly believe now that once the rest of what I have is gone and the immediate temptation is out of the way, I'll be able to use what I learned today to give myself a MUCH better chance at staying off this horrible drug, for good this time. All I need to do is find and follow my passions while living my life with proactive purpose, and change up my environment to give myself a fresh start and again every so often to keep things from getting too stagnant. I honestly believe change is the spice of life and for me at least, a key ingredient to real recovery. I feel that with all of those things combined with the right exercise routine, diet, and social circle/support system, I can finally say with more hope and faith than ever before that I'm going to be able to beat this thing once and for all and that I'm gonna be just fine!! I'm feeling really really good about this now you guys :D
Good luck xburton :) i know you can do anything you put your mind to :)

I'm in LA right now - i spent yesterday and today pretty sick, and took 2mg sub at 5:30 tonight. My first time ever taking subs, and holy crap, this stuff works. I went from really sick and miserable to feeling warm, good, and happy-not high, just normal. Im here til sunday and have 6 mg left, so i should be fine. When i get back i might think about a rapid sub taper, like a week or two... But right now I'm just happy I'm not going to be sick on vacation. I shouldve tried subs a long time ago, i just was afraid of them, id heard they can make you speedy and i cant take anything like that, my heart reacts badly to it. But i feel fine, so maybe a sub taper is something i should look into :)
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