Mental Health No emotion? I don't know what's going on...


Oct 25, 2009
okay, like I have no emotions really. Like I smile and stuff but when I feel sad about something, I can't get sad... if that makes sense. Like I can't go into tears and feel sorrow like I use to be able to.

Also.. I know this sounds weird but like I can't lust. Like I can't look at a person and feel that feeling, if you know what I mean. Like I try, but it's just not there.

And other things too. Like why can't I cry?? Sometimes I feel so sad that I can't be sad (even about my cat running away and mom dying which were very sad) but it's just like not there. I don't know, is this normal?
What drugs do you use?

I have difficulty with emotion at times and I believe it due to some heavy serotonin depleting drugs.

It's not only difficulty to be happy, but it's difficult to be sad as well.
you are probably a younger person, like high-school age or's called life. you go through times when you can't feel, can't see, can't do anything but drag yourself back up from the pit of your own mind to make it another day...

i went through all that stuff man, everyone does.
uhh yeah I'm in high school, lol. And I don't really use any drugs right now. Just occasional things like alcohol, but not very much right now.

So I will go back to normal? Or what?
yeah you'll go back to "normal"...whatever the hell that is these days.

there's nothing to worry about, it'll pass.

life has seasons, so be sure to bundle up.
there is no realistic expectation of normal in life. it is difficult at times, great at others. I felt the same way in high school. No reason to feel if all there is to feel is pain. Its a dangerous form of self preservation. While it does work, it also sets pathways of thought that make it harder to feel things later in life. have you stopped to evaluate why your not experiencing emotion? is it intentional or based on circumstance?
there's already a thread like this, your situation is different but i think the guys already pegged it, so this needs to be merged, or deleted.
it's not intentional at all. I don't know why. I don't even think I'm in pain or anything... I mean, im bored with life, but is that what could cause it?

Wait so.. your mind like naturally does this when you feel pain? I don't know, for... a very long time now I've felt like this. How can I get back to feeling like I use to though?
there's already a thread like this, your situation is different but i think the guys already pegged it, so this needs to be merged, or deleted.

well... I don't see it. So stfu. Why do you have to be hating? ass hole
Didn't you forget to throw in the word "serotonin" 5 or 6 times in your post? ;)
If your seeking a diagnosis then a psychologist will tell you that your experiencing depersonalization, if your seeking medication then a psychiatrist will tell you that your suffering from depression and give you medication. If your seeking alleviation from suffering an awakened one will tell you to know thyself.

What you can do to fix it is to gain insight into the nature of feelings, thoughts and all phenomenon. Observe all your internal phenomenon see how your thoughts, feelings, sensations arise and fall away, they come like bubbles in the sea then they pop and go back to the sea. Notice how everything that happens internally is like this, not one single bubble lingers very long and even if it lingers its not forever, its not permanent.

Next is to analyze who is experiencing these bubbles, might what you take yourself to be actually turn out to be just another bubble? Sit, relax and just be with the everpresentawareness of the moment watch all internal phenomenon as just bubbles on the sea, notice how they come linger for a bit and then go away, nothing escapes this, everything comes and goes. Now observe what doesn't come and go, even the I, or the sense of self arises in that which doesn't come and go and that which doesn't come and go can only be pointed to with words, it is timeless, attribute less, beyond time and space and is everpresent right now its all there is its the observer of all phenomenon.

So you might ask how can this help you who cares? Well once you are able to notice the impermanence of all those things going through your mind you can be less engaged with all the phenomenon, kind of a divine indifference and once you have this detachment things stop affecting you as much, and negative feelings stop having the power to control you and take over your awareness. Once this is the case and you start analyzing what doesn't come and go and you find that which is always everpresent and you start to just rest in that seeing then you find a peace beyond anything the world can offer you. Once your stabilized in that no matter what bubbles comes or goes you have nirvanic peace, timeless contentment.

This takes no belief, no action, no philosophy... nothing, just throughout your day observe the impermanence of everything... for example:

Thought, emotions, hungers, desires, clouds, rain drops, bubbles, humans, animals, plants, stars

They are all impermanent, nothing you can find in this world has any permanence.

Next find what is observing all the impermanence, find that which never comes or goes, never arises or dissipates, find that which is the observer of the body, mind, thought, emotions, desires and when you see that there is nothing other than that, stay as that, realize you are not the body or the mind. See that you are stainless, unborn, undying, forever, everything and nothing, beyond all things yet immanent in all things. Once this recognition is made, what bubble could hurt you even a bullet to the leg is happening in your awareness.
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Do you do anything interesting? Maybe you aren't emotional because you haven't found things you actually care about in lyfe
Its possible to mentally register that sad or tragic events happened in your life, while at the same time putting really thinking about it or feeling the emotions. Could you have placed yourself in a less emotional state as sort of a defense to some of things that have happened in your life?
Im just making a guess really. I had a friend who was that way for a long time, his mom died when he was real young and he complained of feeling "non human" and emotionless. Your case could be different, you could also decide that your disaffection is a strength and not seek to change it.

You really can't force tears or emotion. I believe when you live in the moment it happens naturally, and when you think too much about how you "should feel" about things your thoughts become mixed up and it is hard to tell WHAT you are feeling.
Didn't you forget to throw in the word "serotonin" 5 or 6 times in your post? ;)

I agree, OP seems to abuse drugs badly, including MDMA and 5HTP. Maybe its time to quit drugs and get help from a professional until you're in a deeper depressive state
wtf? okay.. moderator. I thought mods were suppose to be i don't know... some what more of a mature person.
Just so you know I've never even tried mdma or 5htp.. I just find them interesting.
Fucking idiot. At least if you're gonna post something, at least know what you're saying. And why do you have to be an ass hole about it even if I did abuse them?

and yeah.. a really hard time did happen in my life. When my mom first started to get sick from huntingtons. I was really really sad and cried a lot. Maybe my mind or something just like made it so I wasn't as emotional? When she recently died I wasn't nearly as emotional when it first started. If this happens as a result of pain or hard times... then how do I get out of it? Or over it??
No one here is an expert. You should expect a variety of responses, dont be offended by them, if you are going to be offended or upset by peoples responses, dont ask the question.

Now, since you say you arent doing and havent done any drugs, we'll just rule that out right now. My next guesses would be either depression or, as was suggested, your mind trying to distance itself from the current hardships in your life. You should seek a professional opinion. If your mind is trying to turn itself off of all the emotional situations that have occured lately, then chances are it will go back to normal on its own, but theres no way to know how long that could take. However, if its depression it could take a lot longer to go away, or it could get worse. Theres no way for any of us to be able to tell you what it is, which is why I say you should seek a professional opinion.

Good luck! I hope things go back to normal for you soon. Also, I am very sorry about the passing of your mother. My heart goes out to you <3
well I know that I can get a variety of responses but that doesn't mean anything. He was just posting lies that he didn't even know about. And yes I've tried drugs, but I've never tried those ones. And I don't even do drugs very often

anyways I think and hope that it will just get better on it's own. I'm kind of confused right now. I wish I could see a psychiatrist or something...
wtf? okay.. moderator. I thought mods were suppose to be i don't know... some what more of a mature person.
I see absolutely nothing in Zzyxx's post that indicates immaturity or condescending.

Your post, however, like all your other posts, is full of swearing, which is the benchmark of immaturity.

FYI, mods have been EXTREMELY lenient with you - to the point where I've been criticizing them about it!

If you were to use swearwords in my forum, I'd slap you an infraction for every single one you use.
wtf? okay.. moderator. I thought mods were suppose to be i don't know... some what more of a mature person.
Just so you know I've never even tried mdma or 5htp.. I just find them interesting.
Fucking idiot. At least if you're gonna post something, at least know what you're saying. And why do you have to be an ass hole about it even if I did abuse them?
One can only make an assumption based on your previous posts regarding mdma and 5-htp. Don't you dare attack Zzyzx for something like this, he's an excellent contributor to the forums, something that certainly can't be said of yourself.
Clean up your act and learn some basic science(pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology, etc.) and you'll be able to answer most of the questions you have.