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Nice Codeine Megathread

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Not 100 percent, getting better though. i can type on a keyboard and lift a cup up sorta
OK ignoring my blatant troll.

I know you probably know what I'm going to say.

That is one dangerous combo, just remember as much as codeine is slated a 'weak' people really should remember 400mg of codeine is roughly 40mg of oral morphine. Not to be sniffed at when you add Valium and booze.

Please be careful its the booze you really want to avoid.
What do you mean by felt like shit? Lots of people just simply don't like opiates and they have a tendency to make you feel very nauseous and stuff at first so they might just simply not be your thing...

Like I said mate. Not my thing. Never got the opiate thing. I just want it to end. Just don't get the whole excitement. I've tried and tried but with no luck. Brown.. DHC... Oxy as said. (thanks fuck)
Got an operation tommorow to remove a cyst, if i do some codiene today will that be alright?

its a routine operation no big deal, i will be under general anesthetic
I can't see why that would be a problem. Codeine has a short half life (as I'm sure you've discovered), so it should be out of your system by the time of your op.

Good luck, I'm sure it'll all go smoothly.
Ok had my operation it wasnt general anesthetic it was the full sleep job. anyway they gave me 30 Co dryamol. Can i just CWE these bad boys?

500 mg para
10mg DHC tartrate

I dont need them for the pain atall, no idea why they gave me them

Edit- Cwe'ing atm, man these pills take the piss to disolve nothing like Zentiva brand Co co's which are done in no time
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Why didn't you crush them?

Just keep them in the packaging as this contains the powder you create then bash each tablet with a rolling pin and then pour out into water.

Simples %)
**sorry if this is in the wrong place im new here**
Hey! New to this forum here but hopeing I could get some guidance from someone more experienced than my self!

So I have recentley aquired a 4oz bottle of cod/prometh 10/6.25, quantity:120. yay me:) I am assuming I have gotten a total of 1200mg of codeine.

I was first indtorduced to opiates when I dislocated my hip... I was given fentanyl and morphine and I believe ketamine (in hospital)... sent home with oxycode 5mg (no tylenol) and Lorazepam 1mg. I never took anything for pain or sleep.... always enjoyment. Anyways it was great... and since then I have been using opiates recreationaly (maybe 5x per month depending on availability). I would say I have a moderate tolerance to opiates, and while a dont do them often... when I do I feel I can handle way bit compared to my friends.

I usually take 50-60mg of oxycode (no tylenol) via insuffalation, and often combine them with alcohol - or - occasionaly a SMALL dosage of a benzodiazapine. Always with alotta ganja:) So here are my questions;

****I would rather have 1 great experience than 4 okay ones****

1) Is drinking alcohol with this syrup safe? I worried about it interacting with the promethazine..

2) So how how many mg should I take WITHOUT Alcohol? WITH?
Ah be careful mate, i screwed up my wrist mixing downers and falling asleep in a weird posistion. Whats promethazine like anyway?
So annoying man, no Co Co's in tesco or sainsbury's for over a week. Thats my only options i might just bite the bullet walk to sainsbury's and buy paramol. If they sell it me cos if its the same cunt that was there a week ago it aint happening.
Ah be careful mate, i screwed up my wrist mixing downers and falling asleep in a weird posistion. Whats promethazine like anyway?

Whenever I've taken promethazine on it's own, it's completely conked me out each time. Used it legitimately for allergies and would just sort of wake up several hours later. Sucks about the pharmacy situation also.
I had alot of wierd luck this week with codiene, my best mate was down for christmas and gave me 64 30/500's then last night he found aload of phosphate in the bathroom cabinet, it was 2 years old but it still works. Boshed about 300 mg worth while drunk. Not doing that again fucking hell i fell over infront of aload of people while getting the train home. Got home started talking to my bro and fell asleep mid sentence. ha
Yeah pure codeine phosphate tablets hit you much faster and harder than 300mg of codeine from a CWE of 300mg. Or even 500mg.

Guessing cus they are so small and pure the codeine gets into your system much faster. Well whatever the reason also do less than you would CWE!
This is my break now, lol i went through stupid amounts of codeine last week i went through 3 boxes of OTC and them 64 30/500's in 4 days. And yeah I agree the phosphate is a hell of alot better then CWE seems to give a better hit thats for sure.
Wouldn't CWE hit faster than tabs, given it's liquid and so absorbed faster in the G.I. tract as no breakdown of solid needs to occur? In CWE you lose quite a lot of codeine unless you're in a lab setting, so it makes sense that pure codeine will hit harder, just not faster.
Wouldn't CWE hit faster than tabs, given it's liquid and so absorbed faster in the G.I. tract as no breakdown of solid needs to occur? In CWE you lose quite a lot of codeine unless you're in a lab setting, so it makes sense that pure codeine will hit harder, just not faster.

yeah that's what i meen by hit you harder i think there is a fair bit lost in a cwe, Plus i just end up rushing CWE's nowadays way too impatient with the otc stuff. Don't mind the script ones but the OTC ones are just long.

But these Phosphate are tiny pills i think they just dissolve really quick i think the onset is relatively the same as a CWE, smallest pills i have ever seen
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