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NEWS: Clubs fail coke test


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
Sunday Herald Sun, 8 August 2004, journalists Carly Crawford And Kelvin Healey

A Sunday Herald Sun investigation found traces of cocaine in five of eight clubs visited in the city and Chapel St, Prahran, this week. The finding comes as high volumes of the drug flow into Australia. Australian Federal Police seizures of cocaine almost doubled last year, with 120kg seized from 703 stashes.

A Melbourne paramedic said the drug was most popular among the wealthy. "If you're going to find it, it will be in a club's VIP room or a private function," he said. "In Victoria, coke is usually used in combination with other drugs."

Using a Drugscreen test kit, the Sunday Herald Sun took samples inside nightclub toilet blocks from the tops of seats, benches and other flat surfaces. The samples, taken on adhesive paper supplied with the kit, were then sprayed with a reagent that indicated the probable presence of cocaine.

At one Chapel St club, each toilet cubicle had a stainless steel shelf at chest height. White powder was clearly visible in one cubicle. Another club provided a large bench top in one cubicle in the male and female toilets.

Victoria Police drug policy unit manager Inspector Steve James said the result was surprising and cause for concern. "Polydrug (multi-drug) use is a major concern, whether from the health perspective or the other dangers, such as driving while drug affected," he said. Insp James said police had not noticed any increase of the drug on the streets, but cocaine use was not easy to detect.

Anti-drugs crusader Les Twentyman said cocaine was becoming increasingly popular in Melbourne, and he blamed the show business industry for glamourising the killer substance. "It is portrayed as a fun thing to do and people have this false thinking that it is harmless," he said. "It is a huge problem."

Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre is starting an extensive inquiry into cocaine use in Melbourne. It will follow studies in Britain and the US that found cocaine was overtaking ecstasy as the social drug of choice. Turning Point researcher Jenn Johnston said the eight-month study would follow earlier research by the centre that had found 80 per cent of regular ecstasy users in Melbourne also used cocaine. She said the initial research had found the purity of cocaine on Melbourne streets was usually "high" and the drug was easy to buy.

The Australian Illicit Drug Data report for 2002-03 said the quality of cocaine being imported had been slipping since 1998. The previous year's report said cashed-up cocaine users rarely attracted police attention and little was known about usage by them.
nice.. so if you ever run outta cash, just start licking toilet seats.....

but seriously, i have definately noticed the number of places that have "artistic" things in toilets, just good for racking....
Oh lordy, not another 'it's the movies fault'!!!! To bad us yound adults are to retarded to make up our own decisions.

can't quite remember the last time I went on a killing spree... must have been high... damn TV!!!!
big deal, if one person used coke in the last week without someone wiping over those surfaces there would be enough substance left for a positive test.
^I'd be less concerned that someone did coke off that surface in the last week than the fact that the public toilet hadn't been cleaned properly for the same period.
I hardly doubt that coccain is almost to the point where it has more use than ecstasy. I mean i could see how it could in the Uk where it is heaps cheaper and probably more available , but i cannot see it being bigger than e in Aust where it is very expensive and not readily available.
^^ maybe here in perth that holds true, but from what ive heard, its alot easier, and id guess quiet abit cheaper to get over east..
big deal, if one person used coke in the last week without someone wiping over those surfaces there would be enough substance left for a positive test.

Exactly. Even if no cocaine had been snorted from the toilet seat or the top of the cistern - unlikely I know, but just assume for a moment it hadn't - if the flush buttons were swabbed, there'd almost certainly be traces - on most night club toilets. As there would also undoubtedly be found on the toilets of many restaurants, coffee bars, and dare I say it.... even workplace toilets.

If this was the objective - to show cocaine was used by people frequenting these clubs - then to substantiate any conclusion, actual amounts found should be stated, or at least the sensitivity of the test. Are the levels of cocaine much above proportional levels of dirt, sweat and body excrement also present on these surfaces? 8(
Most people cant afford coke on a regular basis the whole article is ridiculous.

The police are well aware of drug use in clubs, it is only the news papers that appear to be surprised by it...acting as the sensationalist news piece that it is.
5 out of 8 - where I went to school that was a pass not a fail! ;)

I think they are dreaming if they think cocaine in Melbourne is going to become as popular as E's. Most people I know don't bother with coke in Melbourne because it is of such low quailty.

Another example of the media trying to make a story out of nothing.

"It (cocaine) is portrayed as a fun thing to do and people have this false thinking that it is harmless.."

While not 'harmless' what's this rumour about coke being fun? What will they think of next...... putting convenient doses of MDMA into ecstasy tablets?
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"It (cocaine) is portrayed as a fun thing to do and people have this false thinking that it is harmless.."

Just to expand on this also , if the government would stop feeding the public crap about drugs then people might choose not to do drugs due to the dangers involved. I think the main reason people would think of drugs as harmless is because of the endless amounts of lies being feed to them making them disregard any percieved dangers involved.

Telling the public the truth would certainly discourage more users than what they are doing today i think , People would actually know the real dangers involved and then actually think about wether or not they want to do the drugs. This is not too say that people do not think about dangers involved.

my 2c any way
Cocaine, also known as blow, Charlie and marching powder, sells for $150 to $220 a gram in Victoria.

She said the initial research had found the purity of cocaine on Melbourne streets was usually "high" and the drug was easy to buy.

I wish.
80% of E users also use Coke???

Who are they kidding..........I know heaps of E users and only 2 have ever even tried Coke.

I very much doubt the truthfullness of that statement.
We need to ask the reporter of this article where he gets "his" coke for at $150 a gram ;)

Could it be that they are taking a break from hard hitting GHB now and are moving on to coke instead?

Funny though, I would have thought 8/8 clubs tested in Chapel st would have tested positive.
I'm suprised it wasn't found in all clubs. All this test shows is someone used cocain in that area at some stage since the last clean. It doesn't indicate how much the population uses. I mean go and swab any toilet anywhere and youll probably find coke if it isn't cleaned regularly.
chapel street clubs were found to have traces of coke?? REALLY? wow i'm so suprised 8)

who would have thought all the *fully sik* people around there would be on coke?!
^ It says in the original article, the test kit is called Drugscreen (easy to find on Google).

There was a discussion about these testers here on this forum about three years ago when they first came out - a quick search and I should be able to find it for you: [here]

BigTrancer :)