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New York Observer slams Oz!

Get uncomfortable. There's a lot of this article that has definate merit as being astute (if sensationalistic) comment on Australia's identity crisis. Remember, this isn't a fucking article about the USA and it's wrongs. This is an article about Australia.
So shut up bitching about hypocrisy. Because frankly, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. And as Australians today, we have a lot more to be ashamed about than we do to be proud of. We've been culturally imperialised, politically imperialised and we're reduced to being a pathetic puppet state because of the herd mentality of the Australian public.
Shut the fuck up and think. Then act. Because otherwise in my opinion you can get lost.
-plaz out-
Plaz: I deffinately hear you on Australias lack of identity and I am a very active opposer of most of the australian goverments social policy. But a report like this doesnt help our cause at all. All it does is create a focal point to vent anger and galvanise the Australia public behind John Howard and the establishment and all of the policies that this new york observer guy insults.
It annoys me because I think that this guy should be trying to fix his own countries problems rather than focusing on us when he knows that all a report like this does is drag the public eye away from the problem issues and on to a we are better than them type arguement.
i spent a few months living over in america . got back about 2 weeks ago.
aaaaaaand jeeeeez looooouise do you guys think your the centre of the planet.
the only people I ever met that I totally agreed with their views was a bunch of college students I had a few cones with on the beach. I think they have got the right idea about America, it needs to be changed alot, because its changing the rest of the world too much with it. Hope they actually become somthing and do the things they sought out to do.
oh where i live is fucking beautiful, a nice pretty place to live and bask in. so fuck what eva you think. i love it ere!!!
aaaha its soo good to be back home.
[ 12 February 2002: Message edited by: CONEZ ]
Philip Weiss is probably the kind of guy that goes out and gets pissed and tries to pick fights just so that someone gets hurt.
As much as I'd love to beat the shit out of him, I really wouldn't know where to start. I think what I would be perfectly capable of doing is not giving him the time of day and possibly not throwing him a rope if he looks like he is about to fall off a cliff.
What does he expect? A country that has only been around for 200 years to have a 950 year cultural background? The only cultures that seem to have come from the US are the obvious cultures of New York and Los Angeles and the transparent ideals of Hollywood, California. The first two major cultures in NY and LA both have great focuses on the violent behaviour in most of the literature about either of them. This has to come from somewhere.
I'm really sorry but I can't go on any furthur right now. I am not a very large believer in the Australian culture but I sure as hell am of the belief that the kind of bigoted fucker who wrote this article shouldn't be allowed to have his writing published.
Anyone smell troll or flame bait?
"Philip Weiss is a fuckwit of the highest order", Old Chinese Proverb
we don't have many africans because we didn't import millions of them as a commodity back in the slave-tradin' days. the ones we have came here of their own accord (largely). this is not our fault. however we do have large asian and eastern european/mediterranean populations, so to equate our lack of africans with a society of homgenous whitefellas would be a fairly long bow to draw. while i must admit out relationship with our indigenous australians has been completely fucked since we invaded their country, the same could surely be said of america. and how many times have the noble deeds of american colonists been glorified on the silver screen, as they battled the heathen "Injuns" in their quest to open up north america for other white colonials. both our countries should be ashamed of our histories in this regard, but for an american to cast stones like this is an affront.
sure, racism exists in our country. racism exists in all countries. but that is to show only one side of the coin. the truth is that much of australia is tolerant and embracing of a diverse range of ethnic groups. there will always be reactionaries like Hanson and opportunists like Howard, more's the pity. but there are plenty in australia who are passionate in denouncing these views. you just need to read the opinion pages and letters to the editor in the Age (melbourne) to see this.
As for our culture being barren, i don't think it's fair to look at our american tv on commerical networks and comment based on that. like america, australia has a "cheesy crap" element to its culture. but like america australia also has a strong literary and artistic tradition that goes back well over a century. without reeling off a list of australia authors, poets, playwrights and artists who have been ignored by the author of the above column, trust me they do exist. lots of them. just like there are lots of great american artists through that country's history. and it is important to remember that our country IS a young one, and a small one. how can we be expected to have an artistic and cultural tradition as extensive as a country a couple of hundred years older and with 10 times the population? if you want to compare "high" cultural traditions, then compare america's with those of britain, italy, france or germany. all of these countries have individual cultural traditions spanning centuries, dwarfing american culture. and yes, i do find it offensive that a country that practically invented the talk-show, entertainment-weekly style celebrity shoes, hollywood, jerry springer, oprah winfrey, wheel of fortune, nike and all the rest can criticise another country for adopting it. sorry, but what's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say. that stuff is all populist crap, whether you invented it or not it's still garbage. and it sells by the truckload everywhere in the westernised world.
so yes, australia has its problems. i can admit that. we need to improve our stance on refugees, the environment, missile defense (oh wait, that's one of america's), and lots of other stuff. but to completely disrespect our culture and achievements as a small and young nation is fairly ill-informed. and here's my last snide remark: i think someone's jealous cos in 2000 we put on the best olympics ever, and salt lake city is currently in the process of putting on one of the worst ever. hahaha you guys fucked it up.
Tis good to see ppl getting so passionate about this kinda shit!- not the "we're not as bad as some" arguments, but the "look at who we are" ones.
Anyone who can feel completely comfortable with who we are as a country, has some self-delusion issues. Look at this detention centre stuff- do we all really think imprisoning children for crimes they have not committed sane and just? Also have a look at what the UN says about detention without reasonable time-lengths .... something about a form of torture?
As for us not starting any racial wars- isn't our participation an act of agreeance(?) with the initial cause?
Of course we wouldn't want to piss off our big bro USA- just like we don't want to piss off China by letting the Dalai Lama speak at the press club in Melbourne- i mean WTF?
We may not be outwardly as fucked-up as these countries but we sure toe the line when they ask...
Like someone has already said, self-evaluation will bring us closer to who we think we are. Just don't let the fact that YOUR life is good, make you think this is the standard for everyone.
fuck, i know this is all a bit serious but good stuff all the same.
*Rant completed* pls insert blank disc....
Originally posted by johnboy:
You are entitled to your own opinion, and reply rant, but calling this person a hypocrite is missing the point in the biggest way possible.
Originally posted by plazma:
Remember, this isn't a fucking article about the USA and it's wrongs. This is an article about Australia.
Took the words out of my mouth. Accusing the author of hypocrisy might be valid if the article was called "Why America shits on Australia" but it's not.
If perhaps Philip Weiss wrote this article with the intention to stimulate thought and discussion on the matter, I'd say he's succeeded, hasn't he? Maybe that even makes it a good article.
[ 15 February 2002: Message edited by: yaya ]