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*NEW* What Drugs Are On Your To-do List?


Apr 29, 2018
Old Thread Here

Illicit or prescription meds etc you really want to try but, for whatever reason, have never been able to (whether there's just one or hundreds).
Think it's be really interesting to see peoples answers. Maybe even leave a question beside any you wanna ask something about or similar?
The MAIN things I really want to try are in bold.

For me:
1) Hydromorphone
2) Oxymorphone
3) Hydrocodone
4) Tapentidine
5) Methaqualone
6) Secobarbital
7) Pentobarbital
8) Zolpidem
9) Zalepon
10) Hydroxyzine
11) MDMA
12) Adderall
13) Dexamphetamine
14) LSD
15) GHB (tried GBL - is there a difference?)
16) Chloral Hydrate
17) Absinthe (any different from other alcohol?)
18a) Chloroform (curiosity killed the cat xD)
18b) Ether
19) Amyl Nitrate
20) Nitrous Oxide
21) Opium
22) Poppy Seed Tea?
23) Amineptine
24) Straterra
25) Bupropion
26) Gabapentin
27) Propofol
28a) Modafinil
28b) Armodafinil
29) Selegiline

All of the benzodiazepines I haven't tried:

1) Flualprazolam 2) Brotizolam 3) Medazolam 4) Nimetazepam 5) Flunitrazepam 6) Triazolam 7) Clonazolam 8) Quazepam 9) Lormetazepam 10 Oxazepam 12) Phenazopam 12) Clobazam 13) Camazepam 14) Carburazepam 15) Cinazepam 16) Cinolazepam 17) Cyprazepam 18) Phenazopam 19) Delorazepam 20) Desmethylflunitrazepam 21) Doxefazepam 22) Ethyl Dirazepate 23) Ethyl Lorfazepate 24) Menitrazepam 25) Nitrazepate 26) Flurazepam 27) Flutemazepam 28) Fosazepam 29) Gidazepam 30) Halazepam 31) Ketazolam 32) Pinazepam 33) Pivoxazepam 34) Triflunordazepam 35) Tuclazepam 36) Uldazepam 37) Arfendazam 38) Lofendazepam 39) triflubazam 40) Girisopam 41) Nerisopam 42) Adinazolam 43) Estazolam 44) Flunitrazolam 45) Nitrazolam 46) Loprazolam 47) Haloxazepam 48) Oxazolam 49) Ripazepam.
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PCP! Pcp pcp pcp, pee cee pee! And all the analogues too especially 3-meo.
The psychoactive toad venom (is it 5-meo-dmt?)
All varieties of magic mushroom, I've only ever tried liberty caps. Wouldn't mind trying the RC version of psilocybin too (4-aco-dmt?)
Mescaline! That's a big one I reallllly need to try.
I think those are the only ones I need to tick off. Possibly some more RC dissos.

I did shit loads of mxe back in the day although I wasn't into needles back then, but I would LOVE to IV some mxe ? makes me drool just thinking about insta-hit mxe ?????
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All the 50-80s drugs.
Pure cathinones
Pharm meth, since latvian meth is dogshit
Ohh and hydro/oxymorphone, would even use needle
Prob ecstasy.. I just turned 40 so the big ecstasy craze was right after my partying days ended in the early 2000’s
I started a family young and stopped party type drugs in 2001 , so I was partying in the late 90’s and got to do a lot of acid, mushrooms , and even ketamine , we called it special K and it was from a veterinarian..Pills and opiates were not as common in my group or back then , we were hippyish ..
Got hooked on oxy a couple years ago when I started working third shift and fell in love with the feeling , stopped last year for about 7 months when pregnant with my daughter but went back to them after I delivered unfortunately.

Horrific stuff, I actually tossed my stash away. I'd not give you a rusty nail for it myself.

I really want to try.......

also just once more a huge dose of MDA before I die but good quality like the UK had in the late 90's, that stuff I fell in love with & never seen it since.
DOM is alright but DOC is WAYYYY better. 2C-T-21 is great, very euphoric, not too psychedelic but so comfortable and nice.

I haven't done 5-MeO-DMT yet but just got some. Most psychedelic enthusiasts I know say it's up there with the best, and the most surefire way to have a profound experience. But underdoising is really unpleasant.
5-meo-dmt is the ultimate experince. It is pure truth. 5-meo-dmt contains the answers to every question in reality. Seeing it on the market again makes me want to get some more. Supposedly plugging 5-meo-dmt is the best way to take it but i have only smoked/vaped it like dmt in a glass pipe.

I want to try MXE, and maybe before i die heroin.
5-MeO-DMT for me was really not good, now when you smoke N,N-DMT that is a totally different thing.
5-MeO-DMT for me was basic visual effects with what felt like an elephant sitting on my head.

I want to try MXE, and maybe before i die heroin

MXE was amazing, it was never the same after the ban imo. That stuff had real promise in curing heroin addiction & depression, also it put you in a really strange hole I find different to Ketamine.

Heroin isn't something to try believe me, at the start the first few times you think "Well is that it?" & then you start to really understand how it works on you.
I'd NEVER score heroin for someone who didn't have a habit or used it for over a year myself, I may as well pass them a loaded gun.