NEW TOPIC--totally irrelavent to anything...

my DJ name (vu used to be my nick when I was a kid)
Mine is a name from a boarding pass mixup from a flight from denver to chicago. I got the wrong boarding pass, and started introducing myself as the name on the pass instead of mine ... not drug related, but then last weekend FoXtacy brought me a bracelet that says "ABEEE" .... never thought about that, but cool

- aby
I got my name not because I am a big sketchpad but because I have a pair of Sketchers sneakers that I absolutely love and happened to be wearing them at the time I registered. Not too original but I like it.


[This message has been edited by sketcher (edited 09 December 1999).]
I got my name from a fellow raver at my second rave. He said I was so precious, and to always tell everyone that my name was precious from then on. It just kindof stuck. So voila!
Mine sorta does and sorta doesn't... it originally came from my old Quake nickname, Fox Murder (get it get it?). When i started a customer service job last year, I had to pick a name other than my incredibly dull, prosaic, common first name, so I had to think of an alternate. I couldn't think of anything else, so I was liek "aw fuck, call me Fox." So, since I answered the phone "Thank you for calling, my name is Fox, how can i help you?" my coworkers assumed my name was Fox and called me that. I liked it so now I insist that EVERYONE call me Fox, and I plan on legally changing it someday. Of course, it was rather convenient the letter 'X' is prominent in it....
Now my e-mail address is an obvious drug reference that I'm rather proud of....
Well I got mine "GoldenGroove" from a party I went to in the summer...(Oh how unoriginal) well I saw 2 People OD @ that rave and it just serves as a reminder for me when I feel like doing something stupid...
Mine doesn't really have to do with drugs, ok, well, an indirect way! It's my raver nickname cuz whenever I'm at a party (and/or rolling!) i just have to hug everyone and call them my sweetie!!
~*Love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobody is watching*~
Mine has nothing to with drugs at all
It's really what i love doing best..rock climbing.
HEY!!! ya notice how the name might not be naming a drug...but the story behind the name usually talks about being at a rave...or something...? Just something to think about

My name is definitely talking about favorite one actually...X! And I feel that since ecstacy is such a wonderful drug...since it brings out so much is better than just's majik!!!
Mine has nothing to do w/ drugs. It has to do w/ two things:
1)- Dancing
------My second favorite thing to do
2)- that one position, you know!

------My favorite thing to do
mine has nothing to do with drugs, just a cool ass little nephew
. we'd sit around watching the muppets waiting to see fozzybear and after awhile uncle timmy became uncle fozzy, who was i to disagree?
p.s. vicks cheap thrills make the world go around.
hm... not drug related....
AsIa cause I'm Asian- and proud of it- thankyou very much(not that I'm racist)
24- cause tis my favorite number and also my birthday!! tee hee
I'm thinking I wanna change it to
Bean*E*Baby Sounds cute huh?? BUt I guess than I will be related to drugs...
Other nicknames I have
Ylwspice = no I don't like the spice girls but it was made up when we were making fun of them(hints the Yellow=Asian)
Asian Bitch(I was watching a movie with a whole bunch of guys -Resovoir Dogs- and there is this one scene where the cop says `That was one fine Asian Bitch` Every single one of my friends turned to look at me.. hahaha it was really funny.)
Saaoooooorrrriiii ( my Japanese name - well Saori, but they always stretch it out)
Ohimesama - Princess for Japanese cause I'm a princess.. hee hee
otay... PLUR
hm... not drug related....
AsIa cause I'm Asian- and proud of it- thankyou very much(not that I'm racist)
24- cause tis my favorite number and also my birthday!! tee hee
I'm thinking I wanna change it to
Bean*E*Baby Sounds cute huh?? BUt I guess than I will be related to drugs...
Other nicknames I have
Ylwspice = no I don't like the spice girls but it was made up when we were making fun of them(hints the Yellow=Asian)
Asian Bitch(I was watching a movie with a whole bunch of guys -Resovoir Dogs- and there is this one scene where the cop says `That was one fine Asian Bitch` Every single one of my friends turned to look at me.. hahaha it was really funny.)
Saaoooooorrrriiii ( my Japanese name - well Saori, but they always stretch it out)
Ohimesama - Princess for Japanese cause I'm a princess.. hee hee
otay... PLUR
hm... not drug related....
AsIa cause I'm Asian- and proud of it- thankyou very much(not that I'm racist)
24- cause tis my favorite number and also my birthday!! tee hee
I'm thinking I wanna change it to
Bean*E*Baby Sounds cute huh?? BUt I guess than I will be related to drugs...
Other nicknames I have
Ylwspice = no I don't like the spice girls but it was made up when we were making fun of them(hints the Yellow=Asian)
Asian Bitch(I was watching a movie with a whole bunch of guys -Resovoir Dogs- and there is this one scene where the cop says `That was one fine Asian Bitch` Every single one of my friends turned to look at me.. hahaha it was really funny.)
Saaoooooorrrriiii ( my Japanese name - well Saori, but they always stretch it out)
Ohimesama - Princess for Japanese cause I'm a princess.. hee hee
otay... PLUR
When i was setting up my e-mail account w/
hotmail i couldnt think that day so i decided
to use my initials well my last name starts with a W my middle name starts with a J well
i like the way "tj" sounds better than "tw"
so when i was registering with bluelight and
considering what this board is about. i decided to add that magical letter e to my name. so YES you caught me my name does have to do with DRUGS.....
I fell down the hill and kept rolling.
Real cool thread going here!!
There's a few reasons why I chose this name:
1) It's the only animal I can think of which contains my name in it (my name's Coy).
2) My favorite Looney Tunes character is Wile E. Coyote (how cool is his middle initial??).
3) Homer Simpson's spirit guide (in the chili cookoff/soulmate search episode) was a coyote. BTW, I absolutely LOVE The Simpsons.
"Wile E. Coyote -- Supergenius"
"I don't want to brain my damage." -- Homer Simpson
Nothing remotely bean-related. My dad called me "scoby" as a kid. No idea what it means.