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Harm Reduction New! - Cold Water Extraction Mega Thread & FAQ

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I wouldn't suggest using the effervescent tablets to be honest as they're full of Sodium and Sorbitol which will both turn up in the end solution. Both aren't too good for you in large doses. But it is up to you.
I wouldn't suggest using the effervescent tablets to be honest as they're full of Sodium and Sorbitol which will both turn up in the end solution. Both aren't too good for you in large doses. But it is up to you.

I'm already aware of this but I haven't noticed any difference between the effervescent tablets and any other kind. Plus I'm sitting on a stockpile of over 1000 of those beauties so it would be a shame to let them go to waste. Doing my daily CWEs is probably already detrimental to my long-term health, so a bit of extra sodium doesn't unduly bother me.

Thanks for your concern though. :)
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I use a doubled up t-shirt over a coffee filter and still my mix is pretty cloudy. Im still concerned too much apap is getting through. This may have been answered but how much do you guys estimate IS getting thru. 6 500/7.5 is what i usually cwe. Did one yeterday and woke up with a sore liver today.

I have come to the conlcusion that those Generic "Tabsules" (capsule shaped tablets) are no good for this procedure. They do not seem to filter well, and thus the results are minimal.

34 of these done in 3 batches, (12, 12, and 10) each with 50ml water through 2 coffee filters produced very mild effects, and NO histamine response. Together with a low tolerance and empty stomach, one would probably be safe to assume that the fillers and such in these products don't work well with CWE.

I will compare with the same method, but using the normal-shaped tablets instead of the same strength (10/500).

So, yeah! Not saying they don't work at all, but just putting it out there!
I use a doubled up t-shirt over a coffee filter and still my mix is pretty cloudy. Im still concerned too much apap is getting through. This may have been answered but how much do you guys estimate IS getting thru. 6 500/7.5 is what i usually cwe. Did one yeterday and woke up with a sore liver today.

The water couldn't even absorb enough APAP to give you any problems, unless you're using way too much water, it could just be that you don't respond well to codeine. The result being cloudy is also not a problem; I would be surprised if it wasn't a little cloudy.

My filter is just literally one sheet of fabric cut from a t-shirt and I'm not having any problems with excess secondary product.
To quote a website:
The 222 tablets consist of 350 mg Acetaminophen, 15 mg Caffeine, and 8 mg of codeine. They have solubilities of 14.3 mg/ml, 21.7 mg/ml, and 434.8 mg/ml in 31 degree Celsius water. As you can see from this, Codeine is much more soluble than the other two.

If we could do so, we could dissolve 50 pills (roughly 435 mg of Codeine) in 1 ml of water. This would give us a lot of un-dissolved garbage and 435 mg Codeine, 22 mg Caffeine, and 14 mg Acetaminophen dissolved. That would be great--this is a small amount of Acetaminophen and Caffeine (about a fifth a cup of coffee) and a whole lot of Codeine (equivalent to about 20 mg of heroin--a street bag, perhaps). But this just can't be done from a practical standpoint because there is so much pill and so little water.

So the following instructions involve using 500ml of water, to dissolve 100 tablets, taking the solution, and evaporating that solution in a room at 31C. Then repeating, until you're left with 10 ml of liquid, which should be able to hold a gram of codeine and far less of caffeine. I'm thinking of taking this a step further, and cooling the solution to about 5C, at which caffeine is nearing insolubility in water. The question remains, will the caffeine or apap likely end up supersaturating the solution, or precipitating out?

(Also, suggestive of the instructions, is that evaporation of the codeine phosphate itself isn't a concern. Is this correct?)
I just thought I'd mention that I took a combination of tramadol and codeine about an hour ago and I feel great! It's NOT a sensible thing to do but if you don't care about your long-term health like me then I would recommend it. The high is much better than a usual tramadol or codeine high, nearing an amphetamine high.

My dosage was:
Tramadol: 600mg (that is a BIG dose, especially since I don't use it regularly)
Codeine: 500mg (also a very big dose but my tolerance of opiates is much higher)

If you haven't CWE'd before that combination could well hospitalise you so I would only try it if you're a seasoned opiate user.

I'm off to go listen to some more hardcore. =D

Peace, my brothers.
Careful using that much Tramadol (seizure risk) without using an Anti-Epileptic.
Also, I want to ask if you noticed much difference from using 500mg of Codeine instead of 400mg. It's just that the ceiling dose of Codeine is ~400mg so using more than this is usually a waste, but there are people who are able to metabolize more than others so you could be one of those.
Actually, scratch what I said. I felt good, nay amazing, for several hours but then I started to get an overwhelming feeling of nausea. A few hours after that I was violently sick everywhere. I'm only just recovering now. In hindsight, I wouldn't say the high is worth the discomfort.

Oh well. Nothing ventured, eh?
Codeine 30 mg Efferalgan , Cold water exaction?

Greets from Vietnam. I'm on a one month vacation with my parents and am originally from Canada.

I decided to join my parents on vacation and withdraw from oxycontin cold turkey. Sure was hell the first week but it's getting better.

I been doing 1 - 4 pills of Codeine 30 mg with 500 mg of acet daily , it somewhat helps.

My question is, since Codeine 30 mg pills are legal here and contain no caffeine, I was wondering if it was worthwhile to CWE the Codeine. I'm new to the process but how does Codeine compare to Oxycodone. I'm not really looking to get high, just want to withdraw peacefully.

The pills here are nothing like T3 over in Canada. The pills here are french by the name of Efferalgan and they rapidly de solve in warm water. Orange flavor too.

My second question is, I heard that Codeine pills that de solve in this manner are not CWE able, even though I find that hard to believe.

Thanks in advance.
Greets from Vietnam. I'm on a one month vacation with my parents and am originally from Canada.

I decided to join my parents on vacation and withdraw from oxycontin cold turkey. Sure was hell the first week but it's getting better.

I been doing 1 - 4 pills of Codeine 30 mg with 500 mg of acet daily , it somewhat helps.

My question is, since Codeine 30 mg pills are legal here and contain no caffeine, I was wondering if it was worthwhile to CWE the Codeine. I'm new to the process but how does Codeine compare to Oxycodone. I'm not really looking to get high, just want to withdraw peacefully.

The pills here are nothing like T3 over in Canada. The pills here are french by the name of Efferalgan and they rapidly de solve in warm water. Orange flavor too.

My second question is, I heard that Codeine pills that de solve in this manner are not CWE able, even though I find that hard to believe.

Thanks in advance.
If you want to withdraw peacefully it might be better to not do a CWE on it.

Codeine is a little like oxycodone, but much less potent.
I found out my answer. The Efferalgan pill that de solve (effervescent) in water , orange flavor too, are useless as you can not extract the APAP by cold water.

Thanks anyways.
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I'd agree with Cpt. and just stick with taking them as whole throughout the day.
But I suppose if you still find yourself in discomfort and you're taking more than 3-4 at a time and more than 8 in 24hrs then you should do a CWE purely for your liver's benefit.

The only difference is that the effervescent tablets are full of Sodium and Sorbitol. So don't do too many in a CWE (I mentioned that to Machete up there actually).
They are possible to preform an extraction on too.
If you're having trouble with your extract, read through this thread thoroughly and you will find all the information you need and more.

Codeine and Oxycodone are apparently different in their highs but I can't see them being too different. Codeine is essentially Morphine, and Morphine is nice. I've always preferred Codeine to Dihydrocodeine in terms of effects. It's much more euphoric for me.
I'd agree with Cpt. and just stick with taking them as whole throughout the day.
But I suppose if you still find yourself in discomfort and you're taking more than 3-4 at a time and more than 8 in 24hrs then you should do a CWE purely for your liver's benefit.

The only difference is that the effervescent tablets are full of Sodium and Sorbitol. So don't do too many in a CWE (I mentioned that to Machete up there actually).
They are possible to preform an extraction on too.
If you're having trouble with your extract, read through this thread thoroughly and you will find all the information you need and more.

Codeine and Oxycodone are apparently different in their highs but I can't see them being too different. Codeine is essentially Morphine, and Morphine is nice. I've always preferred Codeine to Dihydrocodeine in terms of effects. It's much more euphoric for me.

I prefer codeine to dihydrocodeine too, even though it's supposedly just a stronger version of codeine.

The tablets I'm using contain no sorbitol, just ~400mg of sodium. Use effervescent tablets if you want. I have first hand experience of taking over 100 in a day and it doesn't feel any different to just crushing standard tablets and dissolving them. Although that's not to say I'm not doing long-term health damage but I cba to find out.

I've never noticed much difference between codeine and oxycodone. I've had them all and I can hardly tell the difference between most of the mild opiate range.

Also I'm never mixing tramadol and codeine in those volumes again. I had an awful night last night. Although if you really want an incredible high for 2 or 3 hours and horrific sickness for another 6 hours afterwards then go for it.

@DarkSkys: Eff.'s definitely do work with CWE! I plug those things all day long and they work great. VERY convenient to extract as well. Takes me less than half an hour start to finish.
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I also got 37.5 mg / 300 mg APAP Tramadols pills but I don't feel a thing on 37.5 mg Tramadols.

Codeine on the other hand, is great. I'm going to try for 2x Tramadols and see how it like.

I'm a little worry about my Codeine use tho. Never higher than 4 pills a day and most days I only do 2 pills of 30 mg Codeine. Been doing this for a good 2 weeks now, is that too much APAP? Each pill contains 500 mg APAP. So that like at least 1 gram or over a day for 2 weeks and going.

I read in this thread that its impossible to extract the APAP since the effervescent pills are made different. (Made to disolve.)
I also got 37.5 mg / 300 mg APAP Tramadols pills but I don't feel a thing on 37.5 mg Tramadols.

Codeine on the other hand, is great. I'm going to try for 2x Tramadols and see how it like.

I'm a little worry about my Codeine use tho. Never higher than 4 pills a day and most days I only do 2 pills of 30 mg Codeine. Been doing this for a good 2 weeks now, is that too much APAP? Each pill contains 500 mg APAP. So that like at least 1 gram or over a day for 2 weeks and going.

I read in this thread that its impossible to extract the APAP since the effervescent pills are made different. (Made to disolve.)

It works exactly the same, my friend. Take that from someone who's used them plenty of times before.

I'm not surprised. I can take 300-400mg of Tramadol before I get high. Although the combination is not advisable. Be careful, I don't want you to be sick.

Good luck.

I have come to the conlcusion that those Generic "Tabsules" (capsule shaped tablets) are no good for this procedure. They do not seem to filter well, and thus the results are minimal.

34 of these done in 3 batches, (12, 12, and 10) each with 50ml water through 2 coffee filters produced very mild effects, and NO histamine response. Together with a low tolerance and empty stomach, one would probably be safe to assume that the fillers and such in these products don't work well with CWE.

I will compare with the same method, but using the normal-shaped tablets instead of the same strength (10/500).

So, yeah! Not saying they don't work at all, but just putting it out there!

^^^(lol @ self-quote)

2 batches of 15 Chemist's Own 10/500 normal-shaped tablets, same process

Results once again were not amazing, however I did note that in the discussion in AusDD on this topic, a user or two mentioned that it is prefferable to leave the solution to sit for 30-45 minutes before filtering to gain the full dissolution of codeine before filtering.

On that note, I'll try the process with that step included.

Any suggestions?

Also, I would like to know about redosing. I heard that it is not possible to redose on codeine, is this true? If results are not desirable with 300, is it possible to then redose another 100 or so an hour later?
^^^(lol @ self-quote)

2 batches of 15 Chemist's Own 10/500 normal-shaped tablets, same process

Results once again were not amazing, however I did note that in the discussion in AusDD on this topic, a user or two mentioned that it is prefferable to leave the solution to sit for 30-45 minutes before filtering to gain the full dissolution of codeine before filtering.

On that note, I'll try the process with that step included.

Any suggestions?

Also, I would like to know about redosing. I heard that it is not possible to redose on codeine, is this true? If results are not desirable with 300, is it possible to then redose another 100 or so an hour later?

With regards to the extra step, I've left my solution for hours before and noticed no benefit to filtering it within about 5 minutes. Maybe it genuinely is that those tablets are no good for CWE. Have you ever had a codeine high before though? It might not even work on you if not. You don't know yet.

As far as I know from personal experience, that statement about redosing has no fact to it whatsoever. I find redosing to achieve the cumulative desired effect very effective and often perform CWEs throughout the day either to sustain my current high or because I want to get higher.
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Machete I agree with you that tramadol and CWE codeine is an excellent combination, I find it to make the tramadol much more sedating however and not at all speedy like you described.
Machete I agree with you that tramadol and CWE codeine is an excellent combination, I find it to make the tramadol much more sedating however and not at all speedy like you described.

Oh I definitely felt the sedative effects after a few hours! For the first few hours I found it to be a very nice, euphoric high. After that I found myself zoning out and finding it hard to focus -- but in quite a pleasant way. So definitely a result, if you ask me.
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