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Neversick November - Getting/Staying Clean Thread

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You don't don't need to thank me, ab. Personally I think 8 months is amazing n as you've only had a blip I'd keep counting from that rather than from the beginning as that's kind of discouraging n writes off all your hard work. It's like when someone is on a diet n they have a mars after losing say five stone. They don't put the five stone back on they may put a pound on (you have to consume 3,500 kcals to do so) but they will continue to lose pounds so long as they continue the healthy healthy n see the mars bar for what I was - a blip.
Evey x
Hi, everyone. Just checking in. The harsh letter I shared with you guys a few pages back was a harsh slap in the face of reality when I really needed it most. Been pushing and shoveling snow this last week, and still working during the day. But since I'm done now, I think I'm going to call it a day and catch up on some much needed rest.

For my own hootin and hollerin, I'm on day 25. Would have been 98, and would have been close to 100! I'll live vicariously through sd.h when she hits it. :)

Good (night) !
Today is a new day.

Although I feel guilty about relapsing on opiates yesterday, I can pick myself up and brush myself off and start fresh. I had 8 months under my belt but time is just a number I guess.

<3 It's just a number babe. <3 Life is hard, every day I'm finding the good and the terrible all mashed into one, it's so difficult to deal with. You'll make it through.
Hi, everyone. Just checking in. The harsh letter I shared with you guys a few pages back was a harsh slap in the face of reality when I really needed it most. Been pushing and shoveling snow this last week, and still working during the day. But since I'm done now, I think I'm going to call it a day and catch up on some much needed rest.

For my own hootin and hollerin, I'm on day 25. Would have been 98, and would have been close to 100! I'll live vicariously through sd.h when she hits it. :)

Good (night) !

Congrats on 25 days brah!!!<3 25 is just as close to 98 in terms of relapse. As long as you have days you're on the right track <3.

I am on Day 97 3 days to 100 feels unbelievable :). Time flies in a scary and beautiful way sometimes.

Keep it up guys <3. Hope everyone is ready for Thanksgiving er.. for those who don't celebrate it, are ready for the end of a good month <3. Love you all!
day 7 for me, the sad thing is im just stopped for now to lower my oxy tolerance hopefully under 400mg per dose, isnt that sad? over here thinking im doing good but reality is im just trying to get more fucked up smh... :( when will these cravings stop?
^10 days! It is indeed tough, but I hope you're finding that it's worth it. <3
Day 80 for me! It is kind of weird, I'd never though that I'd be completely sober. No suboxone no alcohol or benzodiazepine or weed and of course no heroin lol. I am staring to learn life isn't all black and white, emotions and situations have all different shades of grey. I still have a little bit of social anxiety at some points but I guess I'll have to deal with it. I want to start taking phenibut for anxiety because i fucking hate antidepressants . I am on gabapentin and it helps a little but I use to only a couple days of the week because if I use it daily I don't get the se anxiolytic effect. I'm going to start nuvigil for add aswell. Most importantly I'm on vivitrol(naltrexone IM) which is very helpful because I don't even think about opiates dachas I couldn't get high if I want to. Idk I just had someone at my halfway house die from a heroinOD. It really reminds me how serious my situation is because that could very well bee if I go back out. Happy thanksgiving, be great ful for another day of sobriety . I know I am, even though some days I don't know why I continue to be sober but I know that it will pay off in the future
day 7 for me, the sad thing is im just stopped for now to lower my oxy tolerance hopefully under 400mg per dose, isnt that sad? over here thinking im doing good but reality is im just trying to get more fucked up smh... :( when will these cravings stop?

Back to square one, I am a piece of shit!:X
13 days. Starting herbalife tomorrow. Operation UK size 8 begins having a caramel latte first then its go go go all the way xxx
13 and 99 days!! That's awesome! Keep going guys, it only gets better from here!

Day 81 for me, thanksgiving will be a little weird because I always got drunk with my family, wish me luc. Happy turkey day everyone !!!
So proud of everyone!!

I lost all my days on Sunday and am no longer clean from opiates. :(
It's okay, relapse is a part of the process for most people. You have as much sober time as me if u woke up sober today and stayed sober . All we really have is today, the past and future are figments of our imagination. I have even sober for 81 consecutive days but really my sober time is about five hours because that is when I woke up :)
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