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Neversick November - Getting/Staying Clean Thread

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Stardust yayyy!

so after today ill have no more opiates left-- I dont plan on obtaining anymore.
:) Thanks guys. Day 101. Oddly rough day :(. I think it's the cold that's getting to me. Brings up suppressed memories of what I like to do in the cold.

Would love to cuddle up under the blanket with my favorite things. Urgh...
I think its good to identify where we are in the cycle pretty often as it can tell us what we need to be doing to stay safe<3

  • Frustration and internal pain that leads to anxiety and a demand for relief of these symptoms
  • Fantasizing about using alcohol and drugs or behaviors to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms
  • Obsessing about using drugs and alcohol and how his or her life will be after the use of substances
  • Engaging in the addictive activity, such as using substances to gain relief (acting out)
  • Losing control over the behavior
  • Developing feelings of remorse, guilt and shame, which lead to feelings of dissatisfaction
  • Making a promise or resolve to oneself to stop the behavior or substance use
  • After a period of time, the pain returns, and the addict begins to experience the fantasies of using substances again.
This cycle can rotate on a variable basis. For example, binge users rotate through this cycle more slowly. Daily users may rotate through the cycle of addiction daily or several times throughout the day. This cycle can be arrested at any point after the addict or alcoholic makes a decision or is forced to get help. Sometimes, the consequences that arise (legal, financial, medical or social) force the addict or alcoholic to stop using. However, in the absence of outside help, such as alcohol or drug detox followed by addiction treatment help, the substance abuse or addictive behavior is likely to return.

Good post never sick very insightful

Day 83!!! Whoop whoop lol

Do you guys think daily phenibut use would be a problem? I'm sure it would not come up positive on my weekly UA, so that isn't a porblem. I just have anxiety and sleep issues that get to me at times. I think it would be fine especially if it keeps me away from opiates and amphetamines and all other recreational substances
I agree, very insightful NSA <3.

Congrats LaC <3 83 days =D!!!

On the note of daily Pheni, honestly I would only recommend using for 3 days at a time with a min. of 3 days in between. It causes some serious tolerance and some pretty terrible WDs if you become dependent.
Blehhh I drank too much yesterday and think I gave myself a mild case of food poisoning. There was some leftover chinese food in the fridge that had been sitting there for about 4 days. It tasted kind of funny but I was drunk and kept eating it. Wishing I hadn't now. I had actually thrown it in the trash but took it back out and decided to eat it. I wouldn't have done that sober lol. I guess it's true alcohol does affect your judgement. I still can taste old shrimp. :( Not my idea of drunken shrimp at all.
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102 days. Been having a lot of cravings this past week, and it has been frustrating me. Lots of old feelings that in the past I would have just tried to mask with beer so it has been hard to cope. Feeling kinda blah and anti-social. Forcing myself to leave the house tonight to go dancing with some girlfriends. Hopefully that will relieve the craving funk.

After a period of time, the pain returns, and the addict begins to experience the fantasies of using substances again.

I definitely am in this stage of the cycle. Today, I actually fantasized about buying a six-pack and imagined the weight and feel of holding it. Bad!
I smoked meth all Friday, smoked more on Saturday, dropped a Xanax, smoked all the pot in the world and downed a bottle of whiskey. I had to admit it to myself: there is a huge hole inside of me, and it will never be filled, at least not with drugs.

So since then it's been about

17 hours since my last taste of anything

.... Yeah, I know. Whoopdi-fucking-do, huh? But at least this is an honest attempt. I want out of this game.
I had to admit it to myself: there is a huge hole inside of me, and it will never be filled, at least not with drugs.

I feel ya... Besides yesterday I didn't drink hardly at all the last 3 weeks and I've found myself really solemn.

Can definitely relate to this @ :44. Sort of is like how I am sometimes...

Keep going, Spacker. You may use a few times before you finally stop but what counts is that you're trying n that's all any of us can do is keep trying. I, myself don't count days without opiates because I'm on suboxone n so I feel I'm kind of cheating but I need it to get through the Christmas period n so I can work through my issues.

I had two bottles of stella pear cider last night n I was nodding off n started feeling unwell like I had the flu. Maybe not a good idea to drink n take Mirtazapine.

Anyway my point is we all have blips it's WHAT WE DO with those blips that count n get us through
Take care, Evey xxx
Great job, sd.h!

What a month, eh?

One more to close out the year, and the Christmas season is upon us! Put the tree up with the kids, spent time with good friends and family. Didn't really think of dope at all. In fact I've come to the point where the only reason I get on BL is to see how the folks in sober living are doing.

That being said, I hope everyone's still down with kicking bad habits to the curb and dealing w/ addiction. Peace!
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