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his original profile pic was Hermann Göring. and you are definitely racist and a nazi apologist.

Delusional.. Sad..
Please, quote one of my posts where I cheer for the deeds of nazi germany. There aren't any.
I just ran out of weed for the first time in 3 years and, basically I`m looking for something else to get me high. Any suggestions? I`m at home broke as fuck so keep that in mind lol what are some good ways to get baked at home is my question. And dont tell me that drugs are bad and its not worth it blah blah blah Ive been down this road before and I no longer care lol
Really, try some naproxen until you start feeling better and then are able to get healthy !
Seems like if you can't tolerate being not high for a few hours you may have a problem.

Not judging, I have the same problem in that I can't tolerate life without opiates.
I just ran out of weed for the first time in 3 years and, basically I`m looking for something else to get me high. Any suggestions? I`m at home broke as fuck so keep that in mind lol what are some good ways to get baked at home is my question. And dont tell me that drugs are bad and its not worth it blah blah blah Ive been down this road before and I no longer care lol
Sports. Have fun.
Gets you high as fuck
I actually thought poop in a bottle was a joke lol. Wth. I suddenly feel better banging dope.
Who was the first guy huffing sewage to discover this. By far the nastiest thing you can do

You're the guy who claimed Göring is Rommel.
You're delusional.
his original profile pic was Hermann Göring. and you are definitely racist and a nazi apologist.
Up until yesterday: the avatar pic. in question was that of Oskar Dirlewanger. The original avatar pic. (that caused such consternation) was that of Göring. Rommel never featured anywhere at any time. No need to thank me for pointing out the error. Attention to detail is important is all.


How did race come into the picture here (again as usual). It's fact and seen on the streets every single day. And it got its name from the glue called "Genkem" which is quite correctly stated in the article posted (but which is not cheap unless stolen from hardware stores or from building sites).
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