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Need some drug advice right now...

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Oct 25, 2020
I just ran out of weed for the first time in 3 years and, basically I`m looking for something else to get me high. Any suggestions? I`m at home broke as fuck so keep that in mind lol what are some good ways to get baked at home is my question. And dont tell me that drugs are bad and its not worth it blah blah blah Ive been down this road before and I no longer care lol
Quetiapine fumarate? Would that do the trick? If I dont find something I`ll just resort to huffing gas (wouldnt be the first time)
Quetiapine fumarate? Would that do the trick? If I dont find something I`ll just resort to huffing gas (wouldnt be the first time)
Seriously, dont huff gasoline. Get nitrous if you must huff something. Nothing else is even remotely safe. Boredom isn't worth brain damage ....
Ummmm no one is going to recommend or co-sign that in here. Not me, anyway I was in a detox one time and there was a girl in there - her big died the first time he huffed. Scary stuff. Who knows what else was involved in that but still... scary as hell. I have done stupid shit like that and have woken up on the floor surrounded by cans. Or, had a seizure.
Not good.

the nutmeg is an alright idea for shitty’ish at home highs. I’ve done that while in treatment during desperate times (circa 2012?). It worked. I stayed high for almost 24 hours. Was like weed but more psychedelic. However, it was DISGUSTING to choke down.
Ummmm no one is going to recommend or co-sign that in here. Not me, anyway I was in a detox one time and there was a girl in there - her big died the first time he huffed. Scary stuff. Who knows what else was involved in that but still... scary as hell. I have done stupid shit like that and have woken up on the floor surrounded by cans. Or, had a seizure.
Not good.

the nutmeg is an alright idea for shitty’ish at home highs. I’ve done that while in treatment during desperate times (circa 2012?). It worked. I stayed high for almost 24 hours. Was like weed but more psychedelic. However, it was DISGUSTING to choke down.
The biggest problems with nutmeg are 1. The many hour delay between ingestion and onset of effects (4-6 hrs IME), 2. The massive variability in potency of nutmeg available and 3. The 40ish hour duration of effects, with an often 12 hour period of borderline delirium. It might be worth trying once, some of the experience is pleasant, but approach it with the serious caution it deserves; dont just eat a shitload on a whim, pre-planning is prerequisite with nutmeg...

Edit: start here:
Please bear in mind that shoving your face into a bottle of shit is not a good look...

I think it's supposed to be like nitrous. You're supposed to inhale it from a balloon.

You know, if it weren't a load of crap, no pun intended. ;)
How the fuck do you shit in a balloon? :ROFLMAO:

How can you be an internet drug mod and be so uneducated in the ways of internet drugs? :D


Now you understand the secrets of butthash!
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