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Need help Subs and H withdrawal


Mar 22, 2018
Ok so i am drew from NY and recently have been snorting her iron for about 4-5 months. So i have been clean and relapses and for two days went through withdrawal and got on subs but it was so bad i had to go back on the H, but it?s been 6 days and i have been doing both so if i stop my H would i still go through withdrawal given i am taking the subs. Someone said i was just wasting my money H (i did it to take away the withdrawal symptoms) and i wound get wd?s Cause of the subs but others say I?m fuckes and I?m curious what will i expected to go through. Any advice helps
If you acquire a few 8mg strips, you can use them to quickly taper off the heroin. The withdrawal from shorter acting opiates like heroin dont last nearly as long, and suboxone is generally considered to induce minimal withdrawal symptoms on its own after only a week of use. You should just use it for the worst 5-7 days of the withdrawal until your able to function again though. Goodluck, I just went through severe WD myself. It can be done!

Also as a side note, taking heroin and suboxone in tandem is a horrible idea. A lot of times you'll waste the H due to overloaded receptors as suboxone binds much better and longer, and you will run the risk of precipitated withdawal kicking in if you do the suboxone while your brain still has heroin attached to it. You definitely want to avoid that.
Thank you for the response but my question is if i am on Suboxone and do herorin for a while and i stop will i go through WD.
I would say that you're likely to experience withdrawal, yes. Using buprenorphine with heroin still in your system is bound to precipitate withdrawal. You could wait two to three days after your last dose of heroin and then start the suboxone again, but you'd be in withdrawal by then anyway.

As the above poster said, using both in tandem is pretty much useless too.

I know that buprenorphine isn't the rush of something like heroin, but it is generally a somewhat sustainable and functional alternative. I don't think you can really use sub one day and heroin the next, it's sort of one or the other.

At least that's my understanding, I don't have too much personal experience with buprenorphine though.
Thank you but the question is i have been on subs for a while and started to use H again but i never stopped taking my subs. Now given i am on my subs and have taken H and now am going to stop the H will i go through withdrawal. I am not doing h and then taking subs i am in subs and have been doing H. So i am not going into precipitated WD. So if i have been taking subs and then binged for a week while on subs am i going through wd
I have been on the same cycle pretty much and yes. The bupe will not hold u as well. U will have to up your sub doses probably for a while until u can get comfortable. I think????? I?m probably not the best one to give advise because I can?t get stable on subs. I know I?m not taking enough mgs but I am scared of the stuff.
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Thanks so no matter what i am going to go through WD... i was hoping that because i was on the subs i was going to skip it because honestly i never even felt anything off the H i was doing it out of habit and being scared of the WD now i am just going to face it and go through what ever comes my way.. god i hate myself
You could probably minimize your discomfort if you just continue your subs but up your dose for a few days at the first signs of withdrawal.? Maybe idk. Crap
I?m right there with u.
I will let you know what happens tomorrow will be day one and I?m a little freaked out but i will let you know what to expect. Even though there are other out there like me i just feel alone in this process and i have told a few people and i did not get the support i thought i would but i got more shit, unless someone has felt what WD is they won?t understand it and how much discomfort it is but one thing is a fact and it?s that i did this and now i have to face it and handle it.
if im not mistaken, your taking subs daily early in the day and doing dope afterwords. if this is the case, then you wont experience WD from heroin, it will be suboxone withdraw which is milder relatively speaking but also lasts much much longer and is overall more difficult for most people. if suboxone is in your system daily then the heroin utake after isnt able to bind and produce any type of effects at the receptors we think is responsible for the euphoric and addictive effects. since the heroin is effectively nullified the tolerance and withdrawal buildup isnt as pronounced. good luck!
I just came off a 11 year opiate habit, having only been clean during rehab and a year and changed in jail. other than that ive been on at least subs for overall 11 years, 5 years on subs at the end. I ran out of sources so i tapered down to a quarter mg a day for 7 days and then stopped. I was sick for 10 days then the next 30 was mostly post acute depression and such. Its now been 90 days and i started feeling normal and appreciating things and gaining motivation for shit just days ago.

I used ketamine for the hard part of the withdraw, but thats all I had. It was the hardest thing ive ever done but I got through it and so can you man...
thanks guys i haven?t started anything and today i did a little when i woke up. I am today not getting any and i hope i don?t get sick. I bought some Incase i got sick and ended up doing it after one day of not doing anything. Well i will keep everyone posted. If all i have to deal with is hot flashes or cold sweats I?ll be ok
You shouldn't get crazy bad wds from stopping heroin but you will if you stop the subs as well. If you didn't feel much off the h, it's because the subs blocked most of it. You may not feel 100% for the next couple of days, but you will not go through a horrible H withdrawl, or at least you shouldn't. I had a relapse a couple weeks back and did the same as you, used subs in the am, h at night and the h actually worked pretty well (probably bc I hadn't used any in weeks and my tolerance was low so even the smallest amount that attached to my receptors did something). I was afraid I would have wds again the next day when I went back on the subs, but I was ok. STOP THE DOPE NOW. It IS possible to become addicted to both subs and h and thats a huge waste of money.
How?s it going drew? I?m pretty much in your exact same situation and wondering how you are holding up.
Hello beenbetter,
It?s been 3days and other then a little stomach butterflies and taking a huge dump (excuse the language) I?m pretty good. Well on the second night i had some sweats but i slept through them only waking up real hot and taking off the blanket and then cooling down but it?s not bad, what i did was up my sub dose for the first two days and then went back today to my usual amount. Yea the subs blocked the H So no WD like i had when i first got off. It?s a scary ride but i have to be strong and feel confident that i made a mistake and now it?s back to trying my hardest to be good. it?s a huge waste of money doing both but i fucked up and was scared to get off the H cause of ththe WD but thanks to you guys i listened and you all were right i did not go through any serious discomfort but to be honest i am a little down on myself but that will go away in time. Thank you all and if anyone has any questions please ask i will try my best to answer
Drew, don't be too hard on yourself, slip ups happen...it's part of recovery. Think about what caused you to slip up and learn from it. Hey man, you starting slipping off the wagon and pulled yourself back on it and that's something to be incredibly proud of, I mean think about how many people did what you did and went the other way. I'm glad you didn't get any serious wd, I didn't think you would.
Thanks ladyhlove i honestly think that bordem plays a big part of me slipping up. It sounds super stupid to say that but it?s like when i have all this free time instead of doing something good i turn to something bad... it?s all about finding things to do in the free time we have that?s positive and again i am so thankful to be able to have a place to talk about this because a lot of people i know don?t understand and if they try to it comes off as super fake. Look i know people who drink everyday and it?s not looked as an issue because it?s acceptable but it?s still not good i know i have issues and i accythat and am trying to make a difference in my life but support is so big it can help you orbif you don?t have any itvwill break you sonwith that saidbthank you all
Drew, my biggest trigger is boredom. When I'm sitting around my house with jack shit to do, that's when I think "Hm, maybe I'll just get a *little* dope". I have the hardest time with it during the weekends (I work a 9-5).
Drew, my biggest trigger is boredom. When I'm sitting around my house with jack shit to do, that's when I think "Hm, maybe I'll just get a *little* dope". I have the hardest time with it during the weekends (I work a 9-5).

My triggers are going to work, traveling, staying home, being with people, being alone, etc ;)