• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix


I know we all have our opinions and reasons for such but I am one who believes in being very upfront, honest and personal with a therapist. We have to be with someone.
Maybe this shoe doesn't fit every foot but I am comfortable with it... damn sure seems to be helpful. Deceit has always made my days/nights worse than they had to have been.
Hope to see ya around.
You will. Just take as prescribed. Talk with your doctor because anxiety is a side effect of welbutran and prozac. There are other options that may work better
reading that def helps me - i keep thinking ill never be the same.
so thank you for that :)
I still say if you can do it on your own,( you do not seem to have a psychological need for Oxycodone and hate the subs. If you can know you can stay off Oxy's and just keep knocking down the sub levels and be done with it( you hate them) so why bring the drama of the misses and the shrink.
The problem is the the subs are used to take you off; of opiates, but you have stated you are done with them.
Now they are the problem. The only thing that would help are other opiates, but you are trying to get clean. Also there might be some benzos, but you are already dependent on one and withdraw is longer, nastier and potentially deadly( I am fighting opiate and benzo, dependence, and even though Morphine sounds worse than Ativan, the Ativan is a nightmare.)
I would still say if you can do it( get off subs) by yourself there is no need to bring the drama. I do not know anything about your wife, her temperament or how she would take the situation( that is not meant as derogatory at all) some people's reactions are not what you might think. It could be one of compassion or just the opposite or something in-between. I have no idea how your marriage is. What it is like or anything about those things that only a husband and his wife know about each other, their history, their temperaments and all the past that goes into a marriage.
Then there is the shrink, he has you on Klonipin, which brings up a bunch of questions, and he ain't here and wouldn't condescend to answer me anyways.( besides patient doctor privledge) with klonipin if he gave it to you, he sort has you for life.
Now taking the meds to get off a drug not prescribed to you is a whole other mess.
I say as quickly and as quietly ( Tell no one you know and get off safely in a timely manner and look at it, as a lesson learned.)
The fewer people who know, the better. You are not so screwed that you are falling down and hopelessly desperate : ( hopefully good solid advice fron anonymous strangers with knowledge of this topic will be enough) There is nothing good that can come from all the people around you finding out.
1. Is your life in danger? It seems no
2. Are you out of control? It seems no
3. Are you dying because of this? It seems no
4. Can you get out of this with your reputation intact if you are careful and disciplined?
5. Would it be to your benefit for your whole circle of friends and family to find out? I can't see how.
6. Would your wife knowing this be to your benefit now and down the road? Go to any dive bar offfer a few free drinks to anyone who has more than one divorce
7. Do you think this will help your relationship with your shrink? ?????
8. What would happen if you quietly and as discreetly beat this?
9. Would the employees of your business respect you more if they found out?
10. Would you want Mr. T to know about this? Sorry I grew up in the 80's, ok and the 90's.
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I still say if you can do it on your own,( you do not seem to have a psychological need for Oxycodone and hate the subs. If you can know you can stay off Oxy's and just keep knocking down the sub levels and be done with it( you hate them) so why bring the drama of the misses and the shrink.
The problem is the the subs are used to take you off of opiate, but you have stated you are done with them.
Now they are the problem. The only thing that would help are other opiates, but you are trying to get clean. Also there might be some benzos, but you are already dependent on one and withdraw is longer, nastier and potentially deadly( I am fighting opiate and benzo, dependence, and even though Morphine sounds worse than Ativan, the Ativan is a nightmare.)
I would still say if you can do it( get off subs) by yourself there is no need to bring the drama. I do not know anything about your wife, her temperament or how she would take the situation( that is not meant as derogatory at all) some people's reactions are not what you might think. It could be one of compassion or just the opposite or something in-between. I have no idea how your marriage is. What it is like or anything about those things that only a husband and his wife know about each other, their history, their temperaments and all the past that goes into a marriage.
Then there is the shrink, he has you on Klonipin, which brings up a bunch of questions, and he ain't here and wouldn't condescend to answer me anyways.( besides patient doctor privledge) with klonipin if he gave it to you, he sort has you for life.
Now taking the meds to get off a drug not prescribed to you is a whole other mess.
I say as quickly and as quietly ( Tell no one you know and get off safely in a timely manner and look at it, as a lesson learned.)
The fewer people who know, the better. You are not so screwed that you than asking for some : ( hopefully good solid advice fron anonymous strangers with knowledge of this topic will be enough) There is nothing good that can come from all the people around you finding out.
1. Is your life in danger? It seems no
2. Are you out of control? It seems no
3. Are you dying because of this? It seems no
4. Can you get out of this with your reputation intact if you are careful and disciplined?
5. Would it be to your benefit for your whole circle of friends and family to find out?
6. Would your wife knowing this be to your benefit now and down the road?
7. Do you think this will help your relationship with your shrink?
9. Would you want Mr T to know about this?

i know you mean well so no of course i dont take it as derogatory whatsoever. as i mentioned, i appreciate the time you and others take to advise me since i really dont have much experience with these substances. as far as the wife - if she found out - or if i told her. she would def give me some shit but she wouldnt do anything drastic like leave me. its more of me being the head of the family and doing something she would consider irresponsible, and she would be 100% in the right to feel that way. who knows? she might make me go to a clinic. our relationship is good - we have young kids also. so i really rather just keep it between myself and whoever i disclose to. i have a close friend whjo wenbt thru this and anpther friend whos on subs for life. i disclosed to them for advice since they went thru it - only worse as far as their dosa and time of usage.
yea, im probably making it sound worse than it is. thats part of my PTSD coming out.
i can do it - i have gone thru worse. dealt with death and divorce in the past.
dieting and training for a bbing show is hard - but its not painful. the pain indured is enjoyable. most of the questions are pretty much "no". def dont want non close friends to know. shrink? now after you and others advising - i decided just to do it myself.
only time i would now consider using opiates is if i had to for pain - or to use them to come off subs - if iknew it would be a success, and i dont - so i will pron not go thru that route.
i reallly have no choice but to stay on my clonipin. i accpeted that im on that for life. im not concerned with it at all. other docs have told me they have patients on them for 40 years. my dad is 92 and still takes his valium also due to PTSD from Korean war.
benzos just dont bother me - since they just make me feel normal. but i truly wish you the best as you ween off. i mean that with great sincerity.
Even though I am in the middle of a hugh battle I turned to God and beat my alcoholism and am fighting multiple addictions and personal tragedy and thanks to the lord I am happy amidst great long term adversity. I don't try to preach, because first of all I am not a 12 stepper ( no offense to those who are) and second most people don't believe and I am not going to waste their time or mine
I am not going to waste their time or mine
Is it a waste? Is anything?
Sure we drop good and bad seed along the way but IME nothing is for nothing.
I get where yer coming from cause it can be quite frustrating to chat with richards. Let em talk til they run out of words then they may see their own misguided way. Idk.
Most people don't believe
I think most would like believe but so far everything they put their faith in turns on them.
Don't throw in the towel, yet.
Shit you got decades to go plenty of time to decide what and where to plant. ;)
Best wishes and toodles,
I would say you are wise to limit who you tell personal stuff that is well, let's just call it "things of a sensitive personal nature", there are meds that can help, but being on two benzos, at the same time and being a body builder could be a problem. Would taking a little extra of your klonipin help the withdrawals? Another point, it is best if you have kids that they don't know, so they can't use it against you 'let's face it they will be teenagers someday' and you don't need that thrown in your face. People around you who may have similar issues can be hypocrites and hold stuff like that against you. Reaching out anonymously is brave and smart. I hope and pray you can get off the subs quickly and with as little discomfort as possible.
im only on one benzo which is clonipin daily - taken usually 2mg a day even though im prescribed 4mg daily, but regrdless, i have been reading the different threads on this site all night to find similar situations. fascinating how many that are eerily similar to mine - i am finding many people who came off opiates onto subs - just to go back to subs and taper down with those as its a shorter half life and easier as they had no success coming off subs. getting on subs to get off opiates just to get back on opiates and ween down???!!! crazy. but if it works then i would consider it
now it has me thinking, is this a route to explore? the more i read the more confused i get to some degree
If he's a decent psychiatrist he won't discard you over this. It's also generally best to be honest to medical professionals if you want help from them, because how are you supposed to provide the proper help to your patient if you're not in possession of all the facts.

With psychiatric care in particular it's essential that the doctor - patient relationship is built on trust, and that trust needs to be mutual. Do you have any idea if he's one of the ones who are prejudiced against drug users and will look down on you? In which case probably best not disclose, or change to a different doc. (That said, drug-dependent patients can really give you compassion fatigue if you deal with them a lot, the often prevalent prejudice isn't all due to just docs being 'superior'.)

If you think you're good with this guy in that respect though, I'd tell him and explain exactly my reasons for not telling before. Anyone should understand concerns about being treated worse etc. It'd probably be a good idea to simply have him read this post on here since you've articulated everything perfectly well in it. Again, if he's a proper processional with ethical standards, he will want to HELP you.
If he's a decent psychiatrist he won't discard you over this. It's also generally best to be honest to medical professionals if you want help from them, because how are you supposed to provide the proper help to your patient if you're not in possession of all the facts.

With psychiatric care in particular it's essential that the doctor - patient relationship is built on trust, and that trust needs to be mutual. Do you have any idea if he's one of the ones who are prejudiced against drug users and will look down on you? In which case probably best not disclose, or change to a different doc. (That said, drug-dependent patients can really give you compassion fatigue if you deal with them a lot, the often prevalent prejudice isn't all due to just docs being 'superior'.)

If you think you're good with this guy in that respect though, I'd tell him and explain exactly my reasons for not telling before. Anyone should understand concerns about being treated worse etc. It'd probably be a good idea to simply have him read this post on here since you've articulated everything perfectly well in it. Again, if he's a proper processional with ethical standards, he will want to HELP you.
thats the thing. i wasnt honest with him. i didnt tell him i was tsaking any of thisd - mostly because i didnt know it would spiral. if i do tell him, what do i say? i do know he wouldnt take someone who had a histroy of abuse, i recommended them to him and they were honest with him and h denied them. thats the main reason im afraid to tell him.
Did he put you on klonipin?
no, i was put on Klonipin in 2009 from my doctor i had in fla. when i moved to my current state - i had to find another doc. My doc in fla only had me on 3mg clonipin a day. i see him once every 4 weeks - i have insurance so i dont pay out of pocket - but i know his fees without insurance are 80.00 a visit.
i have a GP, and hes great. i will prob tell him. as far as muscle relaxer i do have Flexeril on hand. i suppose i can use that as well? if i need?
as far as piss test im not quite sure what youre referring to. BBing contests do not require urine tests if thats what youre asking and if they do, they would only be checking for PEDS if it was a steroid free / or natural contest which i dont compete in anyway.
Does he have no issues giving you klonipin all these years + other meds
the other meds were given out over time. he didnt put me on prozac until last year. i wanted to try it as a buddy of mine said it helped him tremendosuly. it killed my sex drive, and i didnt feel the effects of any relevance so i dont take them - so he added welbutrin which he said will counter those sides.
i havent been taking my prozac. but i have been taking my welbutrin 150mg a day.
If you enough extra klonipin and muscle relaxers, tapering oxycodone or subs might not be to hard if your tolerance is not real high. How much flexiril do you have and how much extra klonipin?
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If you enough extra klonipin and muscle relaxers, tapering oxygen or subs might not be to hard if your tolerance is not real high. How much flexiril do you have and how much extra klonipin?
well klon i will alwasy have since its a script. ill never run out.
flexeril i have plenty.
maybe 50

are they any good? i took it once for a issue i had with my muscles of the jaw and all i remember is feeling groggy the next day. cant tell you if they helped
If you enough extra klonipin and muscle relaxers, tapering oxygen or subs might not be to hard if your tolerance is not real high. How much flexiril do you have and how much extra klonipin?
i picked up some kratom just in case - getting a lot of people telling me it helps tremendously with the withdrawals. smoke shop around the corner has it so i bought a bottle.
theyre 600mg ea
You can ease withdrwals with klonipin and probably the flexiril, Prozac takes a while(weeks to work and suicide: is a side effect for some, side effect try tragedic consequence)
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