NASADD Social v It's HOL's birthday! Any day is better than shitting yourself in jail

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but good for you KC with the 16months, not even weed or like a occasional xanax? how did you do it and what for? like was it by choice or forced by law? let me guess you got preggo and thats why just like lacey? did you use MMT or subs or just cold turkey?

LOL. No, no weed, xanax, alcohol, etc. Nothing. In fact, I had surgery right around my one year to get my gallbladder out, and I didn't even take pain meds for that. Not just because I didn't think I could handle it, but because I didn't really want to start the cravings again cause I was in a good place.

And, no I did NOT get pregnant, thank God. I started drinking really heavily for a relatively short period on top of dope and crack and it did a fucking number on my body that just heroin never seemed to do. I was absolutely miserable and suicidal and so I just gave rehab another go. I'm not sure what exactly changed, but I became willing to do whatever it took because I wanted my life back.

Personally, I went to AA and did all the stuff they suggested (after years of being really anti-12 step and especially anti-AA). I met really great people and I surrounded myself with people who didn't use and I got rid of all the people in my life who did. I stayed away from bluelight for a long time. I stayed away from most of my friends on bluelight for a long time. For me, being on BL, talking to people who are getting high, those are just really bad things if I want to stay sober because I have a huge fear of missing out or not being a part-of. So, I had to make myself a part of something else.

And FYI, I hated being sober the first 6 months, and then it was pretty alright for the next three, then the next three it kinda sucked again, and now, I'm not sure when it changed, but I really like being sober and everything is pretty great. I'm the assistant manager at my job (salary/benefits wooo!), I got a car after 4 YEARS of not having one, my family likes to be around me again, I have great great friends, I have a great great boyfriend, annnnnnd I'm actually happy. Life is good. Never expected it to be. I was pretty sure I'd end up OD or killing myself before I turned 25, but I turned 25 last month and I'm shocked I'm still around but really glad.

Oh, and yeah, I did subs.

tl;dr: I'm in AA, I haven't had any non-doctor prescribed and monitored mood or mind altering chemical in 16 months. I did use suboxone to get off. I got sober, you can do. Huzzah.
^ Congrats. I'm kind of in that in between stage where dope isn't effecting me negatively enough to quit (i'm still able to save money, I don't use too often so getting sick isn't a big issue, I hang out with a decent amount of people that don't do any drugs, I have hobbies that I do, etc) and since nobody other than a few people I cop with/from know that I do dope it's not really an issue in my life.

The biggest problem that I have with my dope use is that I smoke a ton of cigarettes when I'm high, and I hate that I smoke. I should at least give the e-cig a try. The second biggest issue is the potential risk of getting arrested, but I use a middleman half the time to minimize the risk, and when I don't the most I get anyway is 4 bags, so not all that impossible to rid the evidence.

Having said that, I'm stil not where I want to be in terms of my drug use. I did dope today, and before that it was monday or tuesday, and before that was 2-3 days before then. That's about par for the course for me, using 2x a week, and only once if my cash flow is hurting. I would like to get it down to once a week or every 2 weeks with no exceptions, but then I don't want to be thinking about that one day a week that I can get high. I don't know. I'm hoping to do that and then I will figure things out from there.
memphis, i have a boyfriend and this girl ain't no cheater ayte honey boo-boo.

however, i do have a love for you that continues to burn with the fury of a thousand suns.
guise tripman just reminded me about how we had that exodus to CD social for awhile. Remember? and all the stoners stopped being chill because we moved the thread to fast for their deteriorated myelin sheaths.
yeah, brother beta.

i forgot how much like the jews we were. displaced and hate for being awesome.
so no joke though, i just visited the shrine, and wtf is with all these people dying?? can you guys please not do that cause I'll be heartbroken.
I like the holocaust analogy.

I miss the ole days.

Too many of us are gone.
nice to see you around KC

its wierd cuz just within the last few weeks i was thinkin about how you hadnt posted in ages

i just got back from and emergency trip to ohio, my grandma decided to stop doing dialysis and wanted to see everyone before she stopped the treatment, she isnt gonna stop till after the 4th cuz its my cousins b day but once she stops it will only be like 5-40 days for her

trip wasnt great cuz my PO visit is thursday so i skipped the benzos before the flight (i get anxious on planes) and cuz it was such short notice i didnt bother getting a judges permission to leave the state but all went well, its nice not being an addict and being able to drop 640 for 2 plane tickets on a whim,

the family got to meet the fiance

Yea chinky my dallas UAs arent shit n are like shitty home tests and find out immediatly but my denton UAs i dont find out the results till next month and have been told they go to a lab in which case im worried bout trace amounts of benzos, not that i take em often but instead of xanax i got klonopin and yall know bout its crazy long half life, but i only take benzos maybe 2x a month

i had something else to say but i forget what it was

oh i know KC, the reason why i thought about you the oher day was cuz i was at the dallas aquarium and your avatar was there on display and this wierd know it all old lady just rendomly came up to me and was like oh thats a sea salamander i hope you know and i turned to my girl and was like thats bull shit i forget the name but its like mayan or someshit

sure enough i looked it up when i got home and it is like a mayan sounding name, you know with the 'tl' at the end and all but yea its also known as a sea salamander :p

anywyas hope everyone is well

just got done with my 1st day of drug class, teacher is an ex tweaker but talks like he is still tweaking, he kinda knew his shit but kinda didnt.

he said people go crazy from the new potent weed out there and that G13 can go for 5000$ an ounce (yes 5 000 not 500) and that was when i was like what an idoit, and i mean he still knew his stuff but not on that apparently

also he said he was in prison 3 times but then he said how lew sterrit (dallas county) was worse then any of the state pens he had been in and i got housed in lew sterrit and while it was easily the worst jail i had been in i didnt think it could be worse then some prisons but i dunno never been to prison. shit i got to keep my wallet in lew sterrit until i got arraigned and i was able to pop a suboxone strip i had left in my wallet just so i could take the edge off and i had long since stopped the subs i just still had a strip in my wallet
$5000 an ounce?

Thats triple the price of gold...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. HoL
^^ its all good man

and yea i did the math once he said that and turned to the dude next to me and was like thats over 178$ a gram what a tool
You too HoL.

I need to pop my head in here more often, It's good to see all these usernames in one place :).

Kinda obligated to hang out in BDD and OD... I'll make sure to pop in here more often though.
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