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Nangs.... the irony of the loop - is it just me?

^^^^ that's why they're called Nangs :) hehehe
All sound goes nangnangnangnangnangnang.
Oh how i love ye nang....
as most others in this thread i am a total nang whore...i love my nangs waaaaaay to much to try and see the bad side of them...i will scramble through an empty box looking for one that has not been cracked :)

but anyway thought i'd share some of my nang stories....random stuff being yelled out by various friends whilst coming back from nangs
"How was your dinner?"
"My boobies are bouncing" *that one was hilarious
"hahahaha bananas"

funny funny times, i get more fucked up by nangs than most people i think, i travel "into" my mind (only way to explain it) and then totally loose all vision / sound (except for nang nang nang) and then whoosh i am suddenly back in reality...most of my friends can actually still hear people talking to them and stuff whereas im totally gone...(in a good way :) )

but one time i had a REALLY bad nang where i was looking at my hand and in my nang it had fallen off and i just had a tsump there, nevertheless, i screamed until i cam back to where i found i still had a hand and felt very silly :)

nangs + k = :)
nangs + acid = :)
nangs + md = =D

i'm such a nang whore....
cancle said:

1. Has anyone else ever got diamond vision, the world crytilised into diamonds?

I had crazy crystal vision on new years and also at times the world seemed to be made of pixelated snowflakes and hexagons (?!?!?!).

went through 180 bulbs that morning.

i have found a best friend for them also. has anyone tried bulbs after taking the "bermuda triangle" pills, also called "tripstacy"... they are small and round like a pill with a small indented triangle in the middle on one side which doesnt touch the edges. they are sweet and taste like vitamin c. we sucked ours until they were gone.

this ended up being the absolute craziest night of our lives. so much comedy. each bulb just fully emphasises the bermuda effects, which seemed to last over 12 hours anyway.

dejavu is an absolute crazy part of the experience and the loop spoken of before... i completely understood what you were saying.

when i would have the hit, all of a sudden it would kick in and i would almost black out and forget what was happening, and each time i would go quiet and was confused until it was wearing off and i'd look down and see the bulberator in my hands and remember what i'd just done, then eventually i'd snap to and say "fuck i'm back now".

i took a triple hit in the rain outside with red glasses on, the next thing i knew i couldnt see anything, i was getting water dripping all over me, and my friends were laughing hysterically and saying "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD"... as my vision came to i could see a fence next to my right eye and a bush next to my left. i was lying on my back.

apparently i ran head first into the fence without putting arms or anything up to stop me, smashed into it and fell between the hedge and the fence. luckilly my head missed the tap (narrowly)

fun times!
^ That's why you shouldn't nang standing up - this time it was funny, next time you could get seriously hurt.

Also, the "tripstasy" (ergh) you're referring to is 2-CB, it's a research chemical. You might like to read up on it here or on Erowid.
[Edit: Availability discussion removed. Please read the Posting Guidelines. BigTrancer]
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The funniest time was my first acid and nang experience and I was looking thru my ART BOOK a expensive book, of over 500 pages of artworks, and when I was helding the N20....




"WHAT the fuck is THAT?"

"oh..... it's only a sheep."
[Edit: Availability discussion removed. BT]

*oops* sorry BT, thought it was ok because they were legal...
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Originally posted by bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I had crazy crystal vision on new years and also at times the world seemed to be made of pixelated snowflakes and hexagons (?!?!?!).

I always get that. Like this hexagon/kaleidoscope shape that slowly get bigger and bigger till I am so close that i can see another starting over again inside the old one. Very fractal / mandelbrot like.

^^^^ that's why they're called Nangs hehehe
All sound goes nangnangnangnangnangnang.

Am i the only person who doesn't hear this?

[Edit: Availability discussion removed... if a person can't find where to buy them by searching thru enough previous nitrous threads, tough luck. BT ;)]
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I first got stuck in the loop when I was a young lad stupidly sniffing petrol. The loop or dejavu repeated less often than a nang loop then sped up.

I got bent, got up and left, realised I left the cap off the jerry can, went back and did it up. Then I got up, left again and realised I'd left the can out. So I turned around and went back again and put it away. The third time I went back for something I realised I was moving in decreasing loops, de ja vu hit me and I was trapped. Then panic hit and the loops got faster till it was like a nang. The constant de ja vu's felt like I could see my fate just before it would happen. I didn't like the feeling of being led by destiny so I tried to escape the loop by doing something I wouldn't do; spin on the spot, jumping and shaking my booty the most stupid way I could think of, which was of course part of my destiny.

A few years later acid and bulbs brought back the loop with awesome vengence. After an intense battle with my mind I found that remaining absolutely still ends the de ja vu feeling because the defragmented moments all merge back into one. What I see about to happen is the same as what is happening. I get stuck in a loop if I have too much of almost anything now but staying still realigns my perception of time for most of them.

One time I was talking to a westie mate at a party after drinking too much too quick. When it hit me I just closed my eyes mid convo and shut down. He was calling out to me but I wasn't there.

I believe free will is an illusion to us because we cannot see our fate. I still believe God gave us free will and we use it to make our choices but whatever we decide to do we were always going to do because our decisions come from who we are. You cant escape who you are, you have to discover it.
ebay - your final paragraph is an interesting one but I don't want to go off topic; there are probably a number of other topics on determinism which we could discuss this in (try a search maybe?)

Can I also just point out as a follow up to the availability posts that were deleted that CO2 "bulbs" are sometimes also available for sale - please don't inhale these! CO2 is meant to be exhaled, not inhaled :)
Yep. the CO2 bulbs are usually Green, where nitrous are silver...from my experiances any.
BE CAREFUL if you've never bought/seen packagin before!
I didn't mean to get off the topic it's just that I figured out my free will/fate theory to escape the loop. It's a kind of summary of the loop, like catching a glimps of the future then being doomed to live it out over and over. Or being trapped one moment behind the present, the harder you try to catch up the faster it loops away.
Yeah, you DONT want the soda bulbs. They contain carbon dioxide.
Make sure they are the 'creme' bulbs.

Also, i didn't think i wrote anything against the guidelines. I specifically said "Dont PM me for details". :\
Anyway, back on topic...
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I have a new theory. Someone recently pointed out to me that there are stores of DMT in your brain that are designed to be release when you die. This got me thinking that maybe part of the brain is set aside for death, or decommisioning if you like. This part of the brain lies dormant your entire life, but when it's time to die it kicks into action.
Then I was thinking when we nang we become disconnected from the reality. As a friend of mine puts it we no longer become a person but a collection of thoughts. This is always how I imagined death. You wouldn't be afraid of death because you no longer have a body that is dieing.
Then I got thinking maybe when we have nangs we are prematurely accessing this death part of our brain. When we have the nang the rest of our brain shuts down and then death cycle kicks in.

Hmm, but this was a little bit too much to handle for my friend so I stopped thinking about it.
I'm with ya!.... I usualy get the same loop exit every time... Involving a JoBadadooo sound followed by a HA HA HA then a Boooooiiiiinnnngggggg and a WEEEEEE... repeat about 3 times and i'm out!.. depending on how power nanged you were...

Had an epiphany last nang session about memory... and how we are only living thru a large memory bank rather than living the now... and what we havn't done yet is just pre-programed responses to certain situations... Like you can predict my reactions based on previous experiances... So this brings about the entire idea about fate... As its already been lived and written, you just havn't lived the memory yet :) Yes well... this was a wild nang session :)

I was going into some major deep thought about life, memories, people and reality aswell :) Came to the conclusion thats everything i just thought up was bs... Reality is what you experiance when NOT on drugs... and drugs/nangs for this matter just distort and fark up your perseption of reality.. So in a nut shell, all those nights of coming up with waky idea's about why i'm here and what is reality anyway? well... they were kinda silly =P and i should come to accept that reality is just how i feel now.. when not on drugs.. comedowns dont exist, they are just a state of mind.. and we all like to get a little bent outa mental shape every now n then :)


wow... that was a wild nang =P
For some reason i never get sent straight to nitrous land. when i nang. Ive had 3 chargers at once and didnt get sent that high. Meh.
My funniest nang experience was 3 weekends ago, with some of the south-east queensland Bluelighters.

We had been to a rave and were in a hotel room at about 6am in the morning, one person was feeding me bulbs whilst I was laying on a bed... the line between what was really happening and what was imagined was incredibly blurry.... then all of a sudden, everything went black, I couldn't see a thing.... but I could hear, very clearly, the entire Bluelight gang singing "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day..." over and over and over again.

Imagine my amusement when I came to, accused them of singing it, only to be met with puzzled facial expressions along with confused denial of any monty-python related singing.

I still giggle when I think about it, I can hear their voices as clear as a bell ;)
Being bent doesn't mean we will always come up with BS theories. At the least we may realise there is more to reality than we first thought. Sometimes I think up BS when I am straight and don't realise it till I cross reference it with my bent brain. Many of the great philosophers, inventors and artist throughout history made their great leaps and bounds through the use of drugs. Who knows, the forbidden fruit that gave knowledge to Adam and Eve could have been a magic mushroom?