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Name all the Big Questions

The CS Lewis quote, "What Does It?" basically means "what does it DO?" What he was saying is that by understanding something's function, we can more clearly identify its intent, and therefore, what It Is. He thought that by looking at something this way, it would be easier to reason what something is, without directly asking that question. Its kind of a helping step on the way to understanding, and he has a good point.
1. What is 'God'?
2. What is 'freedom'?
3. What are we?

1. Why is there something rather than nothing?
2. Does free will exist?
3. Is there such thing as absolute truth which lays outside of individual consciousness.
4. What is time?
5. Does a reality exist external to consciousness.
1. Just what is consciousness, anyway?
2. What does it mean for something to exist? (ie. Define "existence")
1. What is the nature of the universe?
2. Are we alone in this universe? (Is there intelligent life on other planets?)
3. Is this universe singular or is there more than one?

4. What is the nature of reality?

5. When will the singularity occur?

6. What is the best society?

7. When will climate change become an unalterable course of our planet?

8. How does one create the perfect grill cheese sandwich?
Why are ppl so gullible?

What is the purpose of life/living?

What is The Way to live-life?

Is eliminating money the solution to the world's problems?

What is the next stage of human evolution?
maybe we could make a meta-list of the biggies and look at who is most preoccupied with which ones and/or make a poll.

I am first and foremost preoccupied with, "What are the fundamental properties of being/the everything in process?" (ie, ontology). Try as I might, I can't stop giving quite a shit about it. :)
maybe we could make a meta-list of the biggies and look at who is most preoccupied with which ones and/or make a poll.

I am first and foremost preoccupied with, "What are the fundamental properties of being/the everything in process?" (ie, ontology). Try as I might, I can't stop giving quite a shit about it. :)

I think that response ties in nicely with your reply in the 'What is the value of philosophy' thread. Try as we might there are elements of philosophy (for me metaphysics, ethics and metaphilosophy) that some of us just can't 'put down', they draw us in because they are the most fundamental questions we can ask. As you said in the other thread we are all philosophers, and because of that I see value and usefulness in maintaining a small cadre of professional philosophers. I think they are about as cost-effective as an academic can be...all they need are books,a room and lots of coffee :)
#1 Best question: What are the big questions?

What is the relationship between language, thought, and the world?
What is the self?
Who/what are you?
What is the universe like, really?
Is there anything more important in life than happiness, and if so, what is it?
Is it ever better never to have come into existence?
How are we to understand the place of consciousness or mind in nature?
What is the relationship between philosophy, education, and personal or cultural identity?
If God is so good, so powerful, and so smart, then why does evil exist?
Are things basically finite or infinite?
In the universe as a whole, is there more pleasure, more pain, or are the two balanced?
What is the value of philosophy?
What is love?
If everything is One - why are there so many damn parts?
What is our relationship to death?
What is the truth within all our delusions and illusions?
Why does mathematics work so darn well and how do we figure it out?
Are there any religions that are more correct or more mistaken than others?
Can democracy really work out? How about capitalism? Socialism?
What is the relation of the individual to the totality?
What is virtue?
What is the good life?
What do we know?
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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Why ask questions?
what if it all means nothing?
what came first the chicken or the egg?
if god is a transendal being who created the universe what about he think of earth and organized religion?
what is reality? and is reality really reality, or is our perception of reality filtered by our own preconceptions of reality?
If god is real is this some sort of sick joke? are we just pawns in this cosmic game of chess?