• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

My detox from heroin begins now

Yeah. It is like bupe. If you take it with opiates still in your system, it will knock them off your receptors, and you will be in horrible withdrawals. With bupe though you can use your DOC and go out of withdrawal. With vivitrol, you are lost my friend.

Why not take these thirty days as a boon to your recovery. Do you have insurance? If you do, go see your doctor, tell them what you are going through and ask for a small dose of either diazepam, or clonazepam. Those are very long acting and will help keep you calm and comfortable longer than lorazepam, or alprazolam.

One thing that needs to be said though is you need to make the choice to be on vivtrol yourself. It is like sending someone to jail. Noone wants to be there but are forced. Most people that are put in jail for drugs end up using after being let out. The vivtrol is no different. You have to want it...not just need it.

Good luck.
Well its been 4 days on vivitrol and the nights still suck. I must admid i dont miss running around looking to score my next hit. But damn i miss that high....i did read that after vivitrol your receptors are like new so if i was to use again i need to be super carefull......is it posible to chip here n there.........
Nope, I mean you can do whatever you want, it would just be a real bad idea. If your craving are really that bad on Naltrexone get in Suboxone or methadone as soon as the Vivitrol wears off. Chipping now would require such a high dose that the risk of OD would be just huge, like it would be like inviting a visit to the ER at best, and death at worst. . . Stay safe. Maybe get yourself some kratom in the mean time, if you do not already have some. You can use that to help mitigate your cravings while also taking the Vivitrol shot. Say safe.
Hi Dre, sounds like you're having a rough time of it .. I hope you enjoy the forced sobriety thing with the Vivitrol:) Seriously, I'm not making fun being sober can be awesome. Are you into music? What happened to me is opiods totally shut down my testosterone, didn't even feel like a man anymore. With your size H habit the same will have happened, guaranteed. So no body building, no great sex (can't come), music sounds flat etc etc etc. The poids make you a push-over. It's a good reason for staying clean after the shot wears off imo ..
Much love to you Dre.
I remember detoxing off heroin for the 9999999th time.
IT sucks I know, trust me.
It GETS BETTER though, I promise you!

Just get some rest, take hot showers, watch netflix.
Gabapentin and a benzo helps SO MUCH, IME.

If you need any advice or support feel free to message me!
I have a lot of insight I can provide you.

Much love my friend!
So true, my libido is definitely coming back with a vengence. It is kinda sad, as this is really the first time I am experiencing it as an adult, because I had used for so long I never got the chance to experience it until now. Crazy! I love it though, it is so nice, so difference, makes me feel like a man, makes me feel alive!
I was wondering if you could give me more info on the loperamide. I want to start it for my H habit but I'd love to hear from you what doses worked etc. do you feel like it helped verses CT?
Loperamide will help alleviate the acute withdrawal much like methadone (it is sometimes refered to as "OTC methadone" for that very reason) at higher doses, but there will be significant side effects. I do not suggest you go that route unless you are desperate for help, in which case I would say go right ahead.

80-120mg will pretty much totally alleviate the symptoms of acute withdrawal for even some of the more hard core junkies.

That said, it will seriously dehydrate you, and it can impact your heart in really dangerous ways if you have a heart condition (you may not know about it until you have a heart attack, which is why I say do not go the lope route unless you are rather desperate).

If you have access to it, a methadone or buprenorphine detox is infinitely safer.
Well it would be a really fast short taper, like 5 days max! I do have subs, but two reasons I don't want to use them because
1) I wasn't able to taper last time and ended up getting stuck on them
2) that 24 hour induction time is HELL for me, I have four kids I am dealing with most of the time alone, no family in this state and no support, so it's impossible for me to lay in bed and feel like death for 24 hours with four kids begging for food and drinks and attention.
So I figured if the lope even took away 60% to where o could walk around and at least get the kids stuff and t felt more like a terrible fly then death it would be best.
Again I know the risks of the lope so it would be a fast taper, just get thru that three days when the heroin kick is the worst!
Thanks so much for your help. So you think for a .5 gram a day H habit that 80-100 every 24 hours is sufficient? And what about is it every 12 or 24?
Loperamide will help alleviate the acute withdrawal much like methadone (it is sometimes refered to as "OTC methadone" for that very reason) at higher doses, but there will be significant side effects.

I seriously do not suggest you go that route unless you are desperate for help, in which case I would say go right ahead. 80-120mg will pretty much totally alleviate the symptoms of acute withdrawal for even some of the more hard core junkies. That said, it will seriously dehydrate you, and it can impact your heart in really dangerous ways if you have a heart condition (you may not know about it until you have a heart attack, which is why I say do not go the lope route unless you are rather desperate).

Be very careful of combining loperamide with other drugs as there can be nasty complications.
Well I can't cold turkey and I am desperate. Obviously I will use the minimal amount possible and who knows if it will even help at all (I'm mentally prepared for no results) BUT if it does I'll be thrilled. I'm thinking I'll start at 50 mg and go from there.....
I have a friend who gets vivitrol shot and uses. She does NOT use a ton, and she says she can still feel it, not as much as without the shot, but she does get some enjoyment from it. And then she just jumps back on not using for months again. I'm pretty jealous actually. How many days were you clean before you got the shot? My doctor is pushing for the shot. Congrats on being clean tho! So bad ass!
I was clean off H for 5 days but i was using codeine daily for withdrawal symptoms. Please before you take the shot make sure you have no opiates in your body because it will be the worst ever..withdrawal x10 ......my damn Dr gave me the shot knowing everything i was taking and within 15 minutes it began with goose bumps...throwing up and anxiety......Please be super clean before you take shot. I wouldnt wish that on anyone
Yes it helped big time! No stomach cramps or going to restroom every 15 mns. I started at 20mg and every 30 mns i would up my dose by 6mg. Each pill is 2mg.....but i also used vicodin with it. Not alot but enough to fool myself from getting panic attacks.
@MsJuice: Changing the addictive behaviors is key. Your friend that is on vivtrol and still does opiates is flirting with disaster. I don't want to pull a Ms. Cleo on it, but my prediction is once the shot wears off, or she decides to stop getting them, she may go back to using.

@Dre: Precipitated withdrawal was the worst feeling for me. It is like all of the worst symptoms all at once. Usually with a regular detox my withdrawals come in waves and I don't experience all the symptoms at once. It is just crazy that your doctor would put you through that, especially considering with vivitrol, once you have the shot there is no going back.
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Hi Ms. Juice! I am also using like to help me get thru the first few days of withdrawals. So far it has worked for me. What I did was watch this video on YouTube. This guy named Aaron Cohen tells you how to use the like along with robitussin and an acid reducer. He suggests Tagamet but I couldn't find any so I just got a generic acid reducer. I'm 2 days in and so far so good. I also sent you a friend request. Maybe we can keep in touch and let each other know how things are going. Good luck!
Good luck! For me, my last dose was Tuesday , so it's day 2 . Though I am on suboxone, I feel like I'm in this position every 6 months but I am determined to make this my last time. Hardest part for me is already over!