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Music Thread

This ones for the litlehot1. I've never had a better outlook on life or more amazing justifications. I don't know how its all going to shake out but strangely i'm not worried. I never letting you pass by again.


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When my girl in college and I were drunkenly singing along to this song and trinity college's philosophy department's chair snuck up on us, pulled out a flask and started singing along with us, well, we ended up majoring in philosophy (lotta good it's done me...). So many lovely memories in this song, even if you don't like python shit.


Ultimate spinach - sacrifice of the moon
Nice! On an only tangentially related note (re: teachers):

That was suuuch a good show. If only I wasn't so fucked at the time...

And because I'm such a justice-o-phile:

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Bloodhound Gang - The Ballad Of Chasey Lain

THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting a BHG song. Sir, you have impeccable taste in music. I have been trying to introduce my SO to them so I can explain the significance of a WaWa.

zombywoof, would you make me a playlist/list of songs you like/have been listening to recently (okay, to make it easy, give me the last four your listened to you legit love), and I'll do the same. The rules are: either one of us can initiate the exchange; neither is obligated unto any twang.

And I'll begin with just one more to tease you, the forever classic Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss:

I feel like someone needs to post something from Bowie (r.i.p)
Let's Dance (always has been my favorite)<3

Annnd, Cake- Tougher than it is (lovin these lyrics) :)
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Not my favorite eels song, but I feel like eels+wim wenders=win. The following is one of my favorites though :)
