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Multiple Orgasm Survey

Do you ever have multiple orgasms?

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Judging by the poll results I don't think most of the males understood the question and are considering "more than once in a night" to count. ;)
I can't imagine what it must be like to not be able to orgasm constantly from start to finish of the session... and then know I could still keep going after the guys finished.

Still, it's pretty rare that I get complete satisfaction out of cumming. The times that I orgasm so hard that I get full satisfaction means I probably can't again for about 5-10 minutes - which is pretty unusual for me.... sometimes I orgasm over and over again within seconds of each other....

I've had some guys who get lazy from it though coz they know its easy to produce results.... which is such a turn off. So I'll still cum, but it wouldnt ever be as good in that situation
i'm a guy, and i have done it by accident in the past, but recently i have gotten better at it. the one time that i can say i did it on purpose, i shot a load in my gf's snatch and then kept going, and shot another one 10 minutes later. it was hot.

i say any guy can do it with practice, it's just a matter of learning how to hold back at the right point... i dunno
synthetic sunrise said:
the one time that i can say i did it on purpose, i shot a load in my gf's snatch and then kept going, and shot another one 10 minutes later. it was hot.

umm... i don't think that is classed as a multiple orgasm... :p
Ummm... I was thinking of more like "more than one a minute" guys, otherwise it'd be too easy. Sat night was 3x 2x 1x 1x for me, no reccord but still fun. :)
I thought i did a few times but when i think about it later i'm not sure so i don't think i have cos otherwise i would know and wouldn't be questioning it right?
doofqueen said:
I thought i did a few times but when i think about it later i'm not sure so i don't think i have cos otherwise i would know and wouldn't be questioning it right?

I wasn't sure for a while, but then I finally did for real and now I pretty much know what I'm looking for. If you do, you'll know. :)

It all started today when I noticed I was incredibly pissed off at the world; whether it be because I was having a methamphetamine phantom high, or because I had come down from taking ecstasy, or because my boyfriend was ignoring me (yea that's right, again!), I was just PISSED. I was talking to John Pabon (the love of my life) online when I noticed how goddamn horny I was. Then I came to the realization that I hadn't masturbated in TWO WHOLE FUCKING DAYS since I did that ecstasy. AND I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT!

So I signed off, went to my bedroom, and prepared myself for some good action. Little did I know that today would be the night I beat the bedroom record of former champion 適rystalK・(now known as KandyK). My first four orgasms came within a minute, which isn't unusual for me (hey, girls are allowed to be premies okay), but something was unusual. Even after my orgasms were finished, my vagina continued to spasm as if it were still in ecstasy. I texted John Pabon to tell him of my problem with the nether regions (you see why I love this kid?!?!?!) and he proclaimed that perhaps it was because my vagina was not used to being neglected for an entire grueling 48 hours. So I went for a fifth one, and surprisingly I just touched myself, and it came in less than 3 seconds. Realizing my luck, I figured that as long as my orgasms were coming so unbelievably quickly, I would try to beat my record.

At around the 8th orgasm an aura of euphoria filled my senses, and I was no longer angry at the world. Sometimes, I just need to get laid. In this case, I really really needed to. When I reached 30 orgasms, I began giggling and bursted out in laughter because I couldn't fucking believe how many I was getting. Then I peaked and reached orgasm again mid-laughter (-_-).

I'm thinking that the ecstasy I took on Tuesday had a little bit of speed in it, which triggered some of the meth chemicals in my memory cells to be depleted back into my body. This is the reason that even when I reached 40 orgasms I still had incredible energy, and each orgasm took no more than a minute. This is also the reason I beat my record in half the time I originally did it in (2 hours). Normally when I reach double digits I generally let my box take a ten minute cigarette break, but my energy had not withered one bit. The best part is that this entire time me and Pabon were texting each other back and forth on the phone, yet this was not an inhibitor (again, what a great guy!).

I went halfway to 100 and thought that maybe I should go for the gold, reach triple digits. Then I reached 55 and got bored so I called it quits. But still. I REACHED FIFTY FUCKING FIVE! BOW TO ME, FOR I AM THE MOTHAFUCKIN' BIG BANG!

I swear, they should have masturbation triathalons. I would get a bunch of companies sponsoring me, asking me to sport their logo. I would give completely new meaning to the slogans "Nike: Just do it" and "Gatorade: Is it in you?" And of course I'd give a handicap to the other competitors because I am just that damn good.

Now I'm actually hungry (I didn't eat for the past 3 days, fucking phantom high is lasting forever!) and sleepy. I ate some pizza, but I can't sleep till my bed dries. Man, what a way to start the new year right. Crystal meth and orgasms for everyone!

An old blog entry of mine concerning multiple orgasms.
I have always had multiple orgasms, I think it has a lot to do with starting to masturbate at a very young age. I became familiar with my body and what turns me on. The only 2 times I can think of that I haven't had at least *2* orgasms were both one night stands with drunken soft dicks.;)
I have found that quite a few girls can have more than one orgasm if they are given enough time.
I haven't had any more than just the one 'splooge' at a time but I did get my ex off about 5 times one after the other. She was EXTREMELY tight so vaginal sex with her was incredibly stimulating for both of us.
I've had multiples before (Usually within a 5-10 minutes period) with my max being 4, at which point it felt like if i did it one more time my dick may have fallen off. The most pleasureable was when this broad was going down on me and I came, but she just kept going and going for another 2 minutes, came again right then and there. Jeez I felt like I ran a marathon. Yay for orgasms.
Only a very few times, during a single ejaculation, i've had up to four or five distinct *bangs*.



As for repeats, 10-15 minutes later, they're pretty common. 50/50 i can go again or i'm fucked for the rest of the night.
I had a multiple orgasm wet dream the other night, and then about 1-2 hours later, I had ANOTHER wet dream! It was the luckiest night ever! :D
Dirty dreams piss me off. They can never get me right there, and i usually find myself chasing the dream dragon, which is bloody futile!
Multiple orgasms, as in one right after the other. I think that would hurt, I usually come so damn hard my prostate stays contracted and my dick engorged for longer than I would like. I think two or three of those in a row might make my dick explode hahah.
Damn Blers got some dope females cuz 35% of the males have multiple orgasms like me!! you dont even know!! wow! i am impressed!!! Every bluelighter should do his woman right by me tonight!