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Mu(x)kE V's Piglet

U are too weak and feeble to reply monkey... u haven't got any grunt like us pigs. so go and sulk behind a banana and let us pigs go on ruling the universe!
...Haven't u guys seen/read Animal Farm?
hehehe...GO TEAM PIGLET!!!!!
shit I'm gone for a awhile and that damn pig has started breeding - who left the gate open this time!!
Uh Oh look what I've done.
We now have a butcher goddamnit. Aaargh the nerve of you all.
Actually I don't even know why I'm worried. My dog could eat you all alive
. Trust me on that one.
---wHoops...sorry hastey..looks like i left the darned gate open again..oh geeze ma!
heyuk..*look at dem dere little piggyuns...all stanky like..*
ahhhh dammit E*van - you always gotta keep that gate closed - thems pigs are not to be trusted
dear little miss pigface, If you were more than a little greenlighter piglet you would know that the book animal farm has already been discussed in this thread.
Young child go and learn the history of this great battle before attmepting to join in. Untill such time your comments shall go unnoticed.
Kindest regards - GOD (aka MunkE)
"its ok to be jealous, not everyone can be me"
God.............. are you kidding me
LMAO that's the funniest thing I've heard all day. How could a MunkE be a God. They have the intelligence of a toaster. All they know how to do is be cheeky and swing on trees.
At least they're good at it though. I'll give you that much
I agree with u pekkie, munke a god...HA u make me laugh real hard u hairy little beast

But this doesn't mean i like u pekkie- even thoug i dont know u
u might be nice enough, but being a duck, u gotta be pretty dam dumb, ah well why do i even bother, pigs are just 2 good!
"Pigs r too sexy for this world, too sexy for this world.. La La LA!!"
Pigs sexy...............
You have got to be kidding right???????????
I have nothing more to say except that I think my respect levels for any animal on this thread is dropping rapidly
From a super abnormally intelligent duck.
you guys are all fucked in the head
mere animals.. thats all you are.
all of you - in the same category.
realise that there is no supremacy here.
the party started almost 5 months ago.
Mikey Sammy I fully understand what you're saying, but you must realise that humans are just as dumb as animals. They may have more money prestiege and power than us animals ever will, but they do the most fucked up things, like destroying our animal habitat.
That's all I have to say for now.
From the duck with an IQ of 300
Just call me a smartass duck
. Actually don't.
I have been liberated into the light
What happened to the smelly flower Flora - ahhh that duck is back - woooooooohoooooo duck season is open again!!!!
Bourbon Adventures #003 - the duck will be roasted!!!!!
hastey..what night is BA#3 going to be on????
need to know
"hell..if its gonna that kinda party, im gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes
All you animals (regardless of speculative levels of intelligence) have nothing on Tarsan, King of the Jungle, and with the help of my curly tailed friend Hamlet, none of you have any chance of gaining supremacy (no MikeySammy, big words don't make you seem any more important). Bourbon or no Bourbon, you will all submit to your rulers!
And to show how much of a generous ruler I can be, I'll let Mr. and Mrs. Piggy rule you animals, and I'll take care of any intruding humans...
Thank you, please come again!
I'll get my 9 dogs onto you all.
This battle exists only is this world, the world of this thread.
Who started and therefore rules this thread? Yes lowly animals and even lower human scum, tis I GOD (aka MunkE)
With the click of a (few) buttons I could destroy this world and all of you in it, so behave and respect your god, for i created the world and I can take it away
"its ok to be jealous, not everyone can be me"
Destroy it for all I care.
All good and bad things for that matter must come to an end. This thread is one of them.
Do try and keep it open for a bit longer. It seems to be the only thread on here where you can say whatever the hell you want and get away with it
Although you are my enemy I must say good work MunkE.
From Pekkie and her vicious 9 dobermans
MunkE: Destroy this thread and you admit your defeat! Destroy and you say to everyone that you have no power, no control, you are nothing!
Destroy it and I'll still be able to read it anyway