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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Movie News: The Riddler to be the villain in next Batman movie.

But yeah, I guess you are Professor of Comics or something, cause you know everything about Batman and Catwoman. Congratulations.


heh, you seem to bring out my vigilance, I guess I was in a super comic book-defensive mood

I enjoy conversating/debating with you, that's for sure
I'll suck your dick for a dollar.

Not your friend.

He has to pay three dollars.

But you, one dollar.

Sucky sucky.

i'll suck your dick for directions to crenshaw.
the best BJs are given from those haggard, long-time prostitutes that have lost their two front teeth throughout their worn years
Lukewarm on this; while the Riddler is at least understandable (ironic, that), Catwoman has never particularly interested me in either the comics or onscreen. As for Bane, is he really well-known for anything other than crippling Batman?
What about the fucking penguin?!?!

Still...at least it isn't Mister Freeze or whatever - I actually never saw that one.

Twoface and the Riddler - hell yeah. Christian Bale against EDDIE MURPHY?!?! LOL - Johnny Depp FTW.
Anne Hathaway as Catwoman just sounds like a bad idea to me.

Maybe. But a lot of us were a bit iffy about Heath as the Joker. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement.

So now I can't help but be very curious to see how she pulls this off.
<<Aside from the classics like The Joker and whatnot, the villains in Batman are kind of retarded.>>

I dunno...I've always thought The Ventriloquist has big-screen possibilities, especially in Nolan's hands.
Yeah, but Nolan could probably pull a decent super villain out of his ass on a bad day. He doesn't really have to have anything to work with. Having said that, although The Ventriloquist is admittedly more interesting then most of the Batman villains, I really can't see even Nolan pulling off a 1950s style gangster avatar named Scarface in a modern day Batman flick.

Although, as someone already said, when I heard Ledger was being cast as the Joker I too thought it was a mistake and clearly I underestimated the man. So, who knows?
Nolan has specifically mentioned having complete creative control over this, his last Batman film. although the title is bland, i still eagerly anticipate this film.