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Most Tabs You Have Dropped At Once

i was at a club!

10 no bs i was in a club in ybor. bouncers started callin my name when i was holdin so i hit the bathroom and dropped all i had on me for the night. im no pussy and my avg night is like 10-14 pillz. most eaten in 12-14 hrs (never rolled for mult days) is like 25 with 3 friends that were over 20. too much not needed but if theres anything worth doing its worth doing right.
0,5 g pure MDMA. I was groaning while i was dancing,absolute pleasure, simply EXTSASIS. total per night = 1 g, Its was enough to make me to hallucinate.

It cost me low persistent depression and cognitive reduction.:|
Re: i was at a club!

beamer528i said:
10 no bs i was in a club in ybor. bouncers started callin my name when i was holdin so i hit the bathroom and dropped all i had on me for the night. im no pussy and my avg night is like 10-14 pillz. most eaten in 12-14 hrs (never rolled for mult days) is like 25 with 3 friends that were over 20. too much not needed but if theres anything worth doing its worth doing right.

you might not be a pussy, but your an idiot... 10-14 a night??? you need help or a better connection...
Re: i was at a club!

beamer528i said:
10 no bs i was in a club in ybor. bouncers started callin my name when i was holdin so i hit the bathroom and dropped all i had on me for the night. im no pussy and my avg night is like 10-14 pillz. most eaten in 12-14 hrs (never rolled for mult days) is like 25 with 3 friends that were over 20. too much not needed but if theres anything worth doing its worth doing right.
Either your getting the weakest pills around or your just stupid. If you *need* (and I use the word loosely) to drop 10-14 pills in a night then something if definitely wrong. Oh and if you think it makes you sound tough then think again.
at least 7, no more than 9 green riddlers. Over the space of 4-5 hours I think... maybe less maybe a little more... not really sure... fucked up but really fun night. Visuals and experience was wierd.

When you are in a tub sideways, legs hanging over, clutching the shower rod that fell on top of you as you tore it out, and literally have no knowledge whatsoever except what your eyes are feeding you at that very moment, when you are laying down under a hotel sink convinced you are in the woods your head out a hole in the back of your tent, you have used A HELL OF A LOT of drugs.
4 1/2 blue versaces.. yea i was fucked..%)

Taking more pills than you need to is just stupid. If you can get high off of one, then whats the point in taking more?

If your taking 10 pills a night, you must be getting some pretty whack shit.
Whack shit or have built up an insane tolerance due to overuse.

Either find a better supplier or start thinking about rehab.
took 5 roll royces and 2 hits of acid only took that many because i took 2 and the acid then when i was peaking i thought the other 3 which i was saving were skittles. oops! never kept more pills on me then i planed on taking from then on lol. was intense
Nine.9 At once.


2 at once then 5 right afterwhen I was about to get busted by cops. The 5 were taken about 30 minutes later from the 2. I didnt get busted. Then another 2 when I passed by the cops and nothing happened to me. They were in a secret com[partment in my briefs!

I called some friends who were about to enter another club that was 15 min away. I was hiding in a near by restaurant when I dropped the lasty two. When I got into their car, i started shovering and rollling m,y ass off so damn good it was uncontrollable. I was like a rolling virgin but not. I was holding their headrests from behind jst complaining of how good they were. 5 of the beans were average and the opther 4 were killer rolls. I belive the 5 were caslled unicorns and 2red motorolas and 2 white anchors.:)
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PassMeTheVicks said:
Nine.9 At once.


2 at once then 5 right afterwhen I was about to get busted by cops. The 5 were taken about 30 minutes later from the 2. I didnt get busted. Then 2 when I passed by the cops and nothing happened to me. They were in a secret com[partment in my briefs!

I called some friends who were about to enter another club that was 15 min away. I was hiding in a near by restaurant when I dropped the lasty two. When I got into their car, i started shovering and rollling m,y ass off so damn good it was uncontrollable. I was like a rolling virgin but not. I was holding their headrests from behind jst complaining of how good they were. 5 of the beans were average and the opther 4 were killer rolls. I belive the 5 were caslled unicorns and 2red motorolas and 2 white anchors.:)
It WAS because you wanted to, this whole thing about "having" to eat pills cos you thought you were gonna get caught is a bullshit excuse. If I was carrying 10 pills and thought I was going to get busted, no way would I dump them all at once. Besides, you say you had the first 2 (by choice), then 5 (cos you were worried about getting busted) then ANOTHER 2 when you didn't get busted (by choice again)
Doesn't sound to me like anyone forced you to eat them.

A month or so ago I ATE (chewed) 3 at once b/c I was under the impression that they were weak pills. Not the smartest thing I've ever done but God was it fun, heh. It hit me so hard I thought I was explode from joy. I don't feel like frying my brain too badly so I doubt I'd do it again. But it was fun, heehee. From now on I'll stick to 1-2 at a time. The most I've taken in one 24 hour period is 5.
2 and a half .... just fucked me up heaps harder compared to dumping only one ...
Most in one go-3
Most in one sitting-4

The night i first dropped 3 pills (1 then 1 then 1) i was insanely fucked,seeing big purple blotches everywhere and various patters on peoples faces which distored into other patterns.Had crazy visuals and they were smileys (small,brittle)
Holy shit, the most I've ever done at once is 1. Most I've ever done in a night is 3, and I only did that once.

I usually do 1.5 in a night half pill at a time, but I'm also usually on acid or shrooms so that is good enough to keep me going.
bigmick said:
It WAS because you wanted to, this whole thing about "having" to eat pills cos you thought you were gonna get caught is a bullshit excuse. If I was carrying 10 pills and thought I was going to get busted, no way would I dump them all at once. Besides, you say you had the first 2 (by choice), then 5 (cos you were worried about getting busted) then ANOTHER 2 when you didn't get busted (by choice again)
Doesn't sound to me like anyone forced you to eat them.

Well I had 40 on me. I was gonna flush all of them in a toilet but i said, fuck it and ate as many as I deemed safe. I forgot about another 2 i had in my briefs and while I was waiting at the restaurant I didnt want to risk shit, coz i was paranoid too, I ate them 2.
Very easy to munch and munch shit pills

Most I've done was 7 in a night, which is stupid. The MDMA dosage in them was pretty low though only about 35mg - more speed in 'em than ecstacy - and it was a long night.