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Most Tabs You Have Dropped At Once

CompTA said:
^^^ Thats's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Of course taking more makes your roll better. Don't start spouting that crap about all I need is music and friends. Sure, thats great, but more pills does = a better MDMA experience.

Bullshit! I find E is like alcohol. There is a fine line area where you've taken/drunk just the right amount that you are fucked but able to remember most of it and have a great time and you being so fucked up on the drug you can't do anything.

If I dropped 5 pills in the next 2 hours I'd be so fucked up I wouldn't remember anything. I'd go from thinking "shit, I'm going up!" to waking up on the floor thinking "what happened to those 5 hours?" Sure, at the time they may have been pure bliss but if I can't remember them then they might as well not have happened.

I mixed 3 pills with a load of drink on NYE and don't remember anything. According to my friends I was gurning my nuts off but I don't remember it so it was pointless. LAst time I dropped (3.5 months later) I didn't drink, only dropped 2 to be sensible and had an amazing night. Just danced and danced, perfect IMO. If I'd taken more I'd have sat on the floor thinking "fuckin' hell I can't do anything I'm so wasted!" which isn't "a better experience".

Most I've dropped at once is 1. I've a mate who did 4 on the head. I did 2 within 25 minutes on NYE and come 10pm I was so fucked up I could hardly stand. I coudln't speak properly (all this I know from friends, not my memory). I have a tiny memory of trying to play pool but I was so screwed I coudln't even see the balls properly. Just swayed back and for trying to focus but coudln't.

To a point more is a better high but its shorter and once you do a certain amount you don't remember it so its just stupid doming that much. You put your brain under stress and for no memory of it. From now on I will never drink more than 2 drinks before taking E!
You guys need to kiss my ass. The square comment was a sarcastic remark to you thinking I thought taking 16 pills was cool. I'm not saying it was safe, cool, or anything other than stupid, so calm down, go smoke some grass.
^^^ So what your saying is that because you can't handle your shit, it's stupid to take more pills then say two or three? I could handle three pills with lots of drink and be fine. I have never once not remembered a roll, even when I took seven and a half.
At once:

Pills; 2x 113mg pills (pink startrek from Holland) at once

Mdmapowder; 300mg powder at once, and a total of 600mg within 1hour. <-- that was very bad for my stomach :(
I double dropped once, but they were shit.

It seems odd, but I have taken up to 8 in a night, but never double dropped good pills.

And Im currently 8 months into a break, so I doubt I'll double any time soon.

Also Im sure the time I did 1 1/2 good pills I was more fucked than when I did 3 shit ones.
"Double dropped.


LOL........ Damn straight! :)
Most i've ever taken in one go? 3 followed by another 3 about 2 hours later......
Have triple dropped only 3 times. Come up very hard and very fast (15 minutes!). Very good fun, but surely not good for me! I save it for special occasions.
The rest of the time I double-drop to start off the evening nicely.
Then i'll have a top up at about the 1 hour mark, then crush up the 4th and final at the 2 or 3 hour mark, depending on how I feel. I swear by this dosage and timing. Anymore increases negative effects (teeth grinding especially) effects, though I do find that taking another pill towards the end of the night (about 4 hours after the initial dose) can produce mild hallucinations, especially when combined with a little bit of pot.
I wouldn't do more than 3 in one go though. Couldn't roll any harder!

I reckon that the best number to drop at once is about 3. its a great come up and it lasts a good while. if ya drop more than that at once you'd wanna have a good tolerence


  • demon85.gif
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That person wasn't trying to show off at the start of the thread, look at you all thinking you've got morals..."oh look at me I only do 2 a night" get a life LOOSERS, most I've ever done is 5 and I knew that would be stupid but we all did it together for a laugh at a club, not to be "Cool", such immature viewpoints from so many members of this forum, compared to sum really good forum members, have u people any idea how stupid and childish and downright arogant and selfrighteous you sound? remind me of the kinda bitchy girls who talk shit all the time in school were like, oh your american that explains it :) 8) :| =D
two and a half man................started seeing glasses on everybody and i was fuzzy. Nothing bad since, its no fun being too messed up to enjoy whats going on
Most at once 320mg MDMA and 80mg MDA.

I used to enjoy taking lots at once it might not be the desired effect for everyone but its definitely an interesting experience and I will probably repeat it at some point.

Until the start of this year I never really started on less than 2 but now its 1 most of the time although the quality of pills is to do with this, if a pill is over 100mg of MD** (preferably MDMA with a bit of MDA) then one will probably be enough although with average quality pills around 70mg MDMA then I would take two.
"I reckon that the best number to drop at once is about 3. its a great come up and it lasts a good while"

You are obviously taking crappy beans..You shouldn't need to drop 3 at once, even to get seriously faded..I've taken plenty that would totally knock people on there ass off of taking 2 at once...And it was overkill at that even, they would have been gone off of one..
I had two quite a while ago and it floored me for abut 20 mins... then again I'm not hardcore. =D

ONE!, and always one at a time when i take them with several month break in between. I think next time might possibly be 1+1/2 since last two times I took one I was pretty mild, I have rolled about 8-9 times, and I am a pretty big guy(200+lbs), and have a high tolerance for most drugs. I will see, probably would take one and then half like an hour or two later. Don't think I willl ever take more than two, if I even do that.
One - Once!

I usually go halves. I get what I want most of the time but latley cos I have been doing it fairly often (I am now on a break) I have noticed how you start too "need/want" more. I have done 1 pill once and it was too hectic. Spent most of the time dry wretching so that kinda killed my roll. Apparentley they were strong pills though. :)
I have double dropped once when i was in Brisbane Australia. Me and two friends went to a HUGE, really great club called The Family.. We had bought 10 pills and 6 caps. I double dropped the first two at first, later on i snorted one cap of pure MDMA (tested black in a sec) and swallowed the other... maybee 45 min later i ate my last pill and 2 hours later i got a half freebie :)

I tell u this... I have NEVER been that fucked up in my life as a roller. The best night in my life. Ended up at some guys place smoking weed, watching a filthy porn with BIG buttplugs.. :)

Came home to my girlfriend at noon, had sex and fell asleep!

There u go!
quaded once after a stupid ammount of alcohol, and ended up falling over a tramp whilst dancing to his guitar playing then failing at climbing a christmas tree. Back then my tolerance was very low aswell.
Stupid thing to do.

Havent doubled, trippled for about 6/7months now. After coming up at the start of the night off one, I usually do halfs every hour or so (depending on the pills) to keep me up.

tripple's n quads might get you f*cked but its no way to enjoy a night.