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Most desperate thing you've done..

^ wouldn't they have your friend's license plate on tape though? Did she really want to do it and did she get in trouble?
^ wouldn't they have your friend's license plate on tape though? Did she really want to do it and did she get in trouble?

Actually no they didn't. At the time I'm pretty sure they only had one camera directly above the register. I wore a hoody and they couldn'r ID me from the tape
a few months ago when i was heavy on the smack i almost used
toilet water to prep my shot :/
luckily i had no ascorbic acid (heroin base) on me so i couldnt prep. it at all
and just smoked it.
Digging used Fent. patches outta the trash and buying used ones from peeps, then chewing them to get the most outta them...hell,worked for the moment.

I actualy tapered with no real bad effects by chewing used patches, although they were my own. I used to suck them until I felt no more w/d and then take them out my mouth and made the mistake of storing them in a sealed container. After a while they started to ferment.

I still used then and got threw detox just fine.
I had been smoking rocks al day and wanted more. So...I call and find out where there is an AA meeting, in a hospital. I show up, tell the security officer that I saw some sketchy looking black dudes wandering around the parking lot across the street looking into cars. (I was parked behind the hospital and didnt want the security guard in my way.) when i get to the aa meeting I get the basket passed to me. I start a converstion with the guy next to me and mumble do you have change for a twenty? He says no. So I proceed to place $1 in the basket and leave with $36 in cash for my pockets. I missed the security guard and hit up the dope spot. there they call crack, ready.
^ 8o wow. that is ballsy. I don't know whether to cringe or shake your hand.
I have stolen numerous OCs and a tiny amount of viks, and flexeril from my dad. Id say i probably have stolen probably somewhere from 100-150 OC 20s. And i continue to this day =[ Do i feel terrible about this? of course! If my dad really needed them i would stop snatchin them. But today i found out he has saved up 6 bottles from old scripts. And takes those over his script he has right now, and he chews them up, and drinks them with beer, if thats not abuse i dont know what is!

This will haunt me for the rest of my life, but i know as soon as he catches me, or locks his shit up permanetly, ill have no way to get any more opiates. All you can buy around here is weed, coke and E. Uppers are fucking wack. So thats that. I know its fucked up, but im just in a hard place in my life, it will pass.
I actualy tapered with no real bad effects by chewing used patches, although they were my own. I used to suck them until I felt no more w/d and then take them out my mouth and made the mistake of storing them in a sealed container. After a while they started to ferment.

I still used then and got threw detox just fine.

Yeah, I agree they are a great way to taper through WD's, if u have enough of them, b/c it seems to me the drug has a very short half-life anyway. Even ingesting them probably only gives around 6-12 hrs. of W/D relief anyway. But I will have to agree that trying to preserve them is a waste, just almost kills the potency. The high dissipates fast in the beginning but it is definately worth the buzz if ingested, too.
Yeah, I agree they are a great way to taper through WD's, if u have enough of them, b/c it seems to me the drug has a very short half-life anyway. Even ingesting them probably only gives around 6-12 hrs. of W/D relief anyway. But I will have to agree that trying to preserve them is a waste, just almost kills the potency. The high dissipates fast in the beginning but it is definately worth the buzz if ingested, too.

I always keep the used ones. They actually retain their potency quite well but you need to chew them like bubble gum after they done (after you've finished sticking them to the inside of you're cheek). I dunno if it works with anything besides durogesic clear patches. I got through some bad times by chewing those things. And they pull you out w/d immediately. Like in 30 secs. Maybe my habit isn't that hectic, but that's been my experience.

Swallowing them doesn't work, I tried that already. I didn't have any luck soaking them in Isopropyl alch and rubbing it on my gums but I didn't leave them in for very long. I noticed that the clear layer and the sticky layer started to separate though. Maybe leaving them for 24 hours would give better results?
this aint too bad but i had dropped 2 e's one night and had a long walk back to a friends house. i felt like i neeeeeeded to take one more pill but we had no drinks and i cant swallow without nor can i chew them up. so i sucked some water out of a puddle on the street, slipped the pill in and swallowed.
My cousin puked both his rolls out on the wall of a dirty night club and found them and ate them again. Not that bad... But still!
becoming homeless, solicitation, shooting up with toilet water, theft. anything to get more. whatever a junkie will do when he hits bottom? I'm a male by the way... The toilet water thing freaks me out the most.
Okay, here is the most desperate thing I *couldn't* bring myself to do but thought about it for a while.

I was dope sick, but thought I might be scoring so I didn't want to take a sub. I decided to parachute 60 mg of temazepam by dissolving it in water and drinking. Well, obviously it doesn't actually dissolve so it tastes nasty and I ALMOST threw it up, but swallowed the vomit.

Then a couple minutes later I went out for a cigarette and apparently my stomach was still weak cause I retched all over the place outside.

I went outside like a half hour later for another cig and I looked at where I threw up, and the dead leaves on the ground were COVERED in what looks like the white powder from the pams.

I really thought about licking them clean, but I just couldn't.

I guess that is a good sign that I'm not junkie enough to lick my own vomit off dead foliage.
Okay, here is the most desperate thing I *couldn't* bring myself to do but thought about it for a while.

I was dope sick, but thought I might be scoring so I didn't want to take a sub. I decided to parachute 60 mg of temazepam by dissolving it in water and drinking. Well, obviously it doesn't actually dissolve so it tastes nasty and I ALMOST threw it up, but swallowed the vomit.

Then a couple minutes later I went out for a cigarette and apparently my stomach was still weak cause I retched all over the place outside.

I went outside like a half hour later for another cig and I looked at where I threw up, and the dead leaves on the ground were COVERED in what looks like the white powder from the pams.

I really thought about licking them clean, but I just couldn't.

I guess that is a good sign that I'm not junkie enough to lick my own vomit off dead foliage.

....what if it were heroin?

(I know you wouldn't throw up heroin powder especially if you inject, but for argument's sake)
Uh, probably making Poppy Seed Tea. That was pretty nasty. What's up with people fixing with water from the fucking toilet though? And the guy who used a puddle to wash down his pill? How hard is it to find fucking WATER??
....what if it were heroin?

(I know you wouldn't throw up heroin powder especially if you inject, but for argument's sake)

Well, if I dropped my H on some leaves, I would probably try to salvage it (though I doubt it would be worth it), but there really wouldn't be any situation I can imagine where I would be vomiting up usable heroin...
Licked a saddy bag...

Found a pill on the dance floor and ate it...

Found left over dry leaf weed and smoked it...

Sold my kidney to my dealer for 10 pills as he needed one...

Note: Last one is a lie! lol
I know a kid who toyed jacking a guy for prescription of Oxy with a bbgun he was pretending was real. He shot the window as the dealer drove off and it did nothing. Also knew a girl who would date guys and get them to drive her to get dope and pay for her and while they were going out would steal rigs from them and other random things for no reason.