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Most desperate thing you've done..

I dug through my trash can because I threw away a decent chunk of sox that was wrapped in a big red wrapper.

Stealing three to four bottles of robogels from duane&reade and having the cashier which i know saw me on cam tell me her daughters going to law school and give me a sly look, not even calling the cops...pretty cool of her I guess

Hurtin for dxm ( couple years ago ) and there was none to be found available right before school so I bought 10 benadryl and tripped shadow demons at school, not fun at all, sad thing is I did this several times

Ditching my GF ( ex now ) to go do blow with some other chicks

Telling my girlfriend I wasn't high when I clearly was ( 600mg of Codeine) talking to her in that fuzzy voice nodding on her shoulder

and last but not least, nodding out on my fathers girlfriends tits, lmao.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
lol I remember once when I was candyflipping, my friend accidentally dropped some MDMA on the floor while filling doses and proceeded to get down on all fours and lick it up like a starving kitty. :D

as for me, I used to walk through blizzards to go pick up DXM from the store, a few miles one way. also, I've resorted to huffing gasoline before (didn't work) because I had nothing else, as well as sprinkling nutmeg on all my food throughout the day. on one occasion, my friend was supposed to save and bring me some opiates and "lost" them, so instead she brought me dog tranquilizers. I gladly ate those... really, in that period of my life, the list goes on and on.

fortunately, pretty much all of my desperate-to-get-high behavior stories are from years ago. :)
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ok ive been thinking .....theres a few like smoking resin/or crumbs found in my pockets or the floorr

but the most desperate thig ive done was when i was withdrawling from oxys ...cause my guy was out of town ........i sat and thout "if i could just get some percocet atleast ...ill feel better" so where do you get perks? ...the hospital so i walked out side called an ambulance told them i fell down some steps coming out of a apartment they came scooped me up...

and i knew that i really had to "nail this" to get what i wanted so i acted like ive never acted
b4 ...i was screeming and talking to my self and cursing as soon as the doc saw my "permormance" he gave me a shot of morphine ....so i kept asking him "how long till this kicks in ?" cause im in to much pain...he said a few min i told him it wasent working!

he came back ten min latter and i asked him again how long till it works but the bag as empty...knowing he was going to say it should ork by now ...so he did then came back with a shot of diludion gave me a shot and then a lil latter nurse came in with 2 ativans

then they took me 4 a mri and i told them it killed me cause i had to lay flat now my pain is worse! they gave me another shot of diludion!.....it was awsome never had it b4 nor did i ever have iv drugs it hit me like a rush of opiate goodness!!

then my mri came back and thy said i have a "bruised spine" lol i was like how m i gonna sleep tonight ?....or work tomarrow?

and gave me 30 perk5mg's and 20 ativans .....my withdrawll went away so i got the job done and i forgot to say......i used fake name and adress so i never got a bill

went home my girl filled my script she came back and i took 3perks and 3ativn and slept till 3:00pm the next day!..hehe couldent belive it worked
ME and my girl at the time were eating out at oregano's pizza. IT's a pretty DAMN expensive place, and i only had like .3 left of weed. For some reason, i took it out and put in on the table (probably to show my gf or something, even though she didnt really smoke)....

Newys, towards the end of the meal i think "fuck, i dont want to pay 40 bukcs for this shit (honestly wasn't that good neways)i would MUCH rather have weed, we're just gonna bail" I let my gf know (she literally was an angel, didn't do drugs or nething, so she's tripping for sure)....and after we ask them to get the check we bail....

After we bail i hit up ALL OF MY DEALERS and NONE OF THEM HAVE WEED...fuck...so i'm like i'll just smoke that dank .3 i have left. I reach in my pocket, and it's NOT THERE.....so i think "fuck i must have left in on the table, we have to go back!!!" We go back and the ENTIRE staff is already waiting out front, and they all say "Thank god we thought u bailed"....and i have to pay them. THe little crumpled up paper with the weed wasn't there......so basically i had to pay them the 40, and didn't get ne weed....
My ex once saw a guy poking around the train lines in the dark, looking for discarded fits to shoot up with :\ He gave him a clean one...

Another time my friend had eaten mushrooms but they made him sick and he threw up in the sink. Then he reate all this disgusting, stringy, black vomit because he didn't want to waste anything....so so disgusting.

One time I bought a whole lot of meth but it was hurting my throat really badly when I smoked it. My guy called me to say that it wasn't cooked right and even though I'd hardly be able to breathe after inhaling I kept smoking it...ended up in hospital with chemical burns to my lungs and throat, I've never felt so sick in my life :|
Eating Benzedrex inhalers... for one. And I mean binging on them.

Yeah tearing through shit convinced there were pills somewhere when I ran out of dexedrine and thought I had dropped some somewhere, or when my parents went out of town when I was younger, I'd tweak and tear the house apart for more pills... the only thing I ended up finding (because I had already taken everything of the household by that point) was porn... not too bad since I was on speed anyways... pretty bad though if its your PARENTS, or your DEAD GRANDPAS porn you're jacking off too tweaking balls because you've been up for five days.

Digging through the ashes in the ashtrays for resin... usually ended up just hitting ash.

One time I took a couple hundred mgs of zoloft because I just wanted to take something. I felt sick from doing that.

Lying, decieving, cheating, stealing, using people.

It gets bad. Yeah and I robbed my own H guy of a jab after him and his gf shot up and were all nodded out, I just walked right into their room and grabbed a bunch of capsules.

Stealing OTC drugs.

Plugging morphine... even though its not that desperate... I don't like sticking shit in my ass. I got high as fuck though.

Idk, the list grows. In Jail I almost considered pouching the medicine they were giving me (depakote) in my mouth then bringing it to my cell and snorting it... Glad I didn't go that far.
picked up tiny shards from around the house ..cos i frequently drop a bit on tables etc..anything i could find and put them in the pipe and smoked them...also completely getting every tiny shard out of the baggie
now that is desperation!!!!
carpet scrawling for coke.

scrapping every used bag i had and all my cottons cookin it up for one last shot

tearing apart my entire house for those xannies i thought i 'lost" but in reality i ate.

I havn't done anything too desperate, i've been lucky to where since i started doing drugs, i had a steady supply at anytime i needed.

but i wasn't too crazy, going on all out week long binges, and i don't tweak.
Digging used Fent. patches outta the trash and buying used ones from peeps, then chewing them to get the most outta them...hell,worked for the moment.
I ate the cotton in the Benzedrex inhaler to get high off Prophylhexedrine. Oh god, never again. I burped Lavender for 4 days and the cotton was not kind to my digestive tracts. Also, it has been 8 months and I still can't smell lavender.


ive licked baggies after baggies that once contained ecstasy/MDMA crystals for a high.

when i was younger i would panhandle for some money
i use to tell people all sorts of crazy shit
i use to tell people i was just mugged and beaten up and i just needed bus money to get home.

i actually made some buck off of it but i feel bad looking back

theres been worse but i would rather not share let alone think about it now =/
Alright, when I first got into using drugs, way back in the summer of my eighth grade vacation, I did some pretty desperate things for money. I wouldn't consider them desperate things, but they were definitely creative. I have always been one to enjoy thinking up good "get rich quick" schemes. I'm a self proclaimed master. 8th grade summer vacation was the beginning. I started venturing to the mall. I found myself with a new group of older friends. I was 13-14 hanging out with 18-19 year old guys. I started using pot pretty heavily.

One of the ways I'd get money, was bumming off of friends. I consistently made new friends, with the sole intention of using them for $ in the future. I frequently had my older friends walk around the mall with me, holding onto the back of my shirt collar. I'd beg my new friends for money, pleading "Please! They're going to kill me if I don't get them $180 by the end of the night!"

Back then, I was making anywhere from $150-$200 a Friday night. No joke. My pay only increased with age, as I met more and more new friends. I knew just what to say, to certain types of kids. To the kids younger than I, I was intimidating. To the nerdy crowd, I was friendly, I offered my friendship. To the cute rich girls, I flirted, kissed, whored myself out basically. To the popular crowd, I changed my personality to fit what they'd find "cool" To kids I knew I'd never see again "I'll pay you back" was my choice. Manipulation was my profession, and I excelled in doing it.

I often schemed up complex plans. Planting a glob of yogurt and foodcoloring on the mall wall, having one of my friends shout "Hes going to eat the slug for $50!" I was often asked to steal things from stores, and I was paid $1-$2 less than what the store charged. I often diluted drugs, and pushed them to kids just getting into the scene.

Ways I never needed money for anything but drugs:

I became a kleptomaniac. I began coming to the mall, filling my pockets. I learned I could tuck my pants into my shoes and fill my legs. I then started bringing backpacks. I learned tricks, like grabbing a magazine from a display, bringing it to the CD shop where it would beep. I'd show it to them, they'd be ok with it. Id go into the store, pack as many CDs into it as possible, and walk out. The magazine would beep, I'd hold it up, and they'd wave me goodbye.

I would take receipts on tables in the food court, go to the resturaunt it came from, and complain that I didn't get my... whatever side order it was. I would order free water from Macdonald's, dump it out, and pass it to a friend to get a free refill of the soda of our choice. I made friends with many of the managers and workers at each fast food chain. To this day, whenever I take my rounds they all wave me over and update me on their lives. (I really do like some of those guys/gals, actually)

Sometimes we'd bring an acustic guitar, sit outside a lesser known entrance, and sing punk songs for change. We often charged $3-$4 more for a pack of cigarettes, or some alcohol from the bar.
I even had people paying me to go to parties that my older friends would hold in the woods across the street from the mall every Fri/Sat night.

I had it made. This continued till around Sophomore year, when I started using heroin and pain medication. I lost so many friends, so fast. Got kicked out of school, got banned from the mall, arrested and thrown in jail. Hard times.
It is interesting that you taught yourself how to be a social engineer. Read about Kevin Mitnik if you want to learn from the best.
Snorting crumbs from behind my ookcase where i crush my pills. Eating an oxy with a handfull of snow inside my car outside the doctors after getting a script the other week.
ive also crushed up cutter to smoke because i was desperate just to smoke something outa the pipe and possibly get a high...my lungs are now burnt out from the cutter shit haha.
ive crawled in between my carpet to get shards..
a bag i had spilt a bit in once i was searching for the tiniest bit and scraped it outa the bag
absolutely burning the pipe into oblivion trying to get the 'last bit'
tryna smoke the stem wen i know i wud never get a good puff out of it
stole some cash from my mum :( she never found out
begged on my hands n knees for my mate 2 get me some as my current dealer didnt hav any..absolutely almost crying..i paid $500 for a gram i was that desperate
This is not the worst but it is the latest. I dropped an oxy down the sink drain, ran to get a wrench, couldn't find one, ran back to the sink, unscrewed the drain pipe with my hands, couldn't get the back part off, ran to get a hammer, banged the thing off the wall, poured the sludge on the bathroom floor and got my oxy. I don't what I'm going to tell my landord.
With three police cars at the gas station right across the street, I waited until there were no cars in the McDonalds drive thru lane then had my friends girlfriend pull up to the window. I jumped out, opened the drive thru window and grabbed the cash drawer. They're only connected to the touch screen by a cat-5 cable. As I was getting out of the window an employee walked by me on his way to the sink area and saw me. He threw a stack of greasy pans at me. I hopped in the car and took off. Would you believe that the guy had the sense to run past the phone abd out the front, across the street to the cops? If he had called 911 I probably would've got away. I was arrested by a ton of cops with their guns drawn.

I'm currently in my last of five years on felony probation.

When I was sentenced I had to pay restitution for the damage to the cash register. $675!!!!!