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mmmm cheese....how good is cheese (The Australian Cheese Appreciation Thread!)

How good is nickthecheese! ;)

And Moe, I ate 2/3 of the crackers, then I ran out of cheese. That's ok though as I still have peccorino, parmesan, mozzarella, tasty cheddar and some funky sheeps cheese in the fridge.
White castello with peppercorns and the mersey valley crumbly cheese are the best....mmm cheese :)
I love cheese, especially swiss and those really tasty chedders. One thing I can not handle though is that mouldy cheese....yuk!
spot the difference:



cheese is the best!

I love
*Fruit Cheese
*Cracker Barrel Vintage
*Wauchope Vintage
*Red Cow

ohhh.... so very very wanting cheese now!
Well, i think it's time for me to go eat some of that 1L tub of Yarra Valley Dairy Persian Fetta. If i don't, my brother will finish it all off, despite the clear "DO NOT TOUCH" labelling.

Up until a few months ago, the only reason i knew there were different kinds of cheeses was because of Wallace & Gromit. Then i started working at the Dairy, and now i'm overwhelmed in variety.

How i wish for those simple old times, when all cheese was cheese!
I would just like to share my incredible cheese sandwich lunch with everyone. it was purely amazing. the best cheese sandwich to ever walk the earth.
i shall share the recipe so that you can all experience thte miracle for yourself

well i took 4 pieces of bread (i had 2 sandwiches)

we will call the pieces of bread b1, b2, b3 and b4

on b1 and b2 i sprinkled a generous amount of grated mozzarella

then sliced up a tomato and place 5 slices of tomato on top of the cheese on b1 and b2

then spinkled further mozzarella cheese on top of tomato and placed b3 on top of sandwich starting with b1 and b4 on top sandwich starting with b2

i then put the sandwiches into the Breville Cafe Style Sandwich Press and toasted them til all the cheesy goodness melted and ahh umm yum brilliant.

Possibly the cheesiest sandwich ever. Was that much cheese in it that it dripped out all over the plate when i ate it.

A foolish friend suggested I add some herbs such as oregano or basil to the sandwich which was a rediculous suggestion since I clearly stated I was making a cheese and tomato sandwich and not a gourmet cheese and tomato sandwich.

Beech out
^^if it ain't broken, why fix it???? ;);) :):)

I too have been dabbling in the art of extra cheesy jaffles. Double kraft single and tomato is a classic combo.

happy times :)
I have much love for the tomato and cheese combo, but don't you find the tomato gets insanely HOT?

Oh well, perhaps a burnt tounge is pennance for the cheesy delectability of the experience as a whole :D

ps. beech.. I wouldn't bother with the herbs either myself, but a bit of cracked pepper and sprinkle of salt is outrageously good.
^^ yes occasionally I wait until post toasting to add in tomato, because a burnt tongue is infuriating at best!!!

Salt and pepper is definitely a goer! But beech is cholesterol conscious remember ;) so maybe he should just have pepper :p

SLM is on the money yet againg!!!! :)
haha as a pe and health guru coronary heart disease is one of my arch nemisises and we all know that salt and butter are tools of the evil CHD. Fight the evil people, do not succumb to the dark side and give into the inherrently evil salt and butter. Be content with the wholesome, simplistic, angelic, clean goodness of a cheese and tomato toastie. Please people think of your heart and arteries.

Also dabble with different forms of cheese in your toastie. Grated mozzeralla results in the gooiest cheesiest sandwich and usually light cheese slices result in the worst melted cheese result. For me being concious of health etc I opt for a grated light cheese, it generally melts well and is good for the waistline.

Stay tunned for the next episode of "Cheese Tips By Beech".

I'm pretty confident that with the right backing I could bump Jeff Janz, Gabriel Gatte and any other would be chef off TV and replace them with a cooking show dedicated to cheese based recipies. Could be called "Beech's Cheesy Kitchen" or "Cheesy Beechy's Cheesetastic World of Cheesealicious Cheese Recipies".
Anyone interested in backing the program? I'm willing to open auditions for a cohost/offsider but they will need to demonstrate a sound knowledge of cheese and an equally deep love of cheese.

Beech out
can i be the girl that hands you the utensils????? :):):)

for some unknown reason....i have no idea how....i have EXCEPTIONALLY low cholesterol....this makes me happy and also encourages me to be quite liberal with ye olde salt!

Butter less so, it's kinda gross....the outside of toasties is one of the only times i use it, oh and toast with vegemite.

Today I bought three types of cheese from the shops. Parmesan, for caesar salads, basil and garlic flavoured cream cheese, and kraft singles!!!!

It made me VERY happy! :)

And I thought of this thread while I bought them ;) haha.
Sorry Mezza P you can't be the utensil girl on the show as your views on salt and butter are not acceptable. Primarily the show is based around cheese but it is also going to have a healthy slant to it. So if you promote the virtues of salt and butter i'm afraid your not suitable, thankyou for application.
I also intend on opening up a chain of cheese based cafes.

Cheese will one day rule the world.

Beech out

*stamps feet

*hates beech

:( :( :(

not really :)

well a little.


i like cheese.

*runs off to eat cheese to comfort herself after horrible rejection

and NEVER call me mezza!!!!!!! :X :X :X
Sorry Mez (is that any better?) ok ok Madam Poppins. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or make you feel bad but I just simply can't condone your behaviour. Not only do you taint the heavenly taste of cheese with salt and other condaments but you are on the side of evil with your penchant for salt and butter.
For shame (but dont feel bad since most of society seems to reside with you in the evil realm of salt, butter, cholesterol and coronary heart disease.

Beech out
oh, i hate you guysfor making me thibk about cheese. Now I really want some, i would kill for some camembert right now.

I am a cheese fiend, and have been all my life. It started with the very orange scottish cheddar i ate when i was little, and has progressed as I've gotten older. I can fing ways to add it to anything. I use cream cheese instead of butter where i can, and since i dont eat any tomato products, i use it in sauces etc. Mmm alfredo. Also try stuffing a chicken breast with camembert or brie and baking or griling it, or mixing a little cheese sauce through some cous cous. Or just eat delicious cheese by itself......mmm.
I love eating shredded mozzarella out of the bag... stuff putting it on toast or pizza.

I like camembert and brie, but i don't eat it anymore cos the last time i ate those i puked it up. And it don't taste good the second time around :(