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Harm Reduction Micron Filtering Mega Thread and FAQ

I get named brand adderal 30xr capsules with the beads, I kno how to crush them and stuff due to injesting in my nose, I have ived heroin blow before and kno the proper steps in prepping that for in injection, I'm 34 been around the block a few times so kno most of my shit, I WOULD HIGHLY APPRECIATE THE HOW TO PREP for THE PROCESS!! It's been day's looking for the method. No luck I'm just abbout to crush up the 30mg xr and cigarette filter it twice. Any help is appreciated

There's a pretty detailed "how to" in the first post of this thread. It's about suboxone but can easily be used for any other pill.
I am getting together supplies for micron filtering. I am getting these supplies for preparing DPT and Ketamine for IM use though I may use them for other things as well. I was wondering if someone could take a look at the supplies I'm getting and let me know if there is anything I'm missing or any other options I should consider.

Scientific Strategies luer lock wheel filters PVDF 25mm diameter 0.2microns.
Hospira Bacteriostatic Sodium Chrolider (saline) --- or should I just get bacteriostatic water instead of saline/sodium chloride?
Hospira sterile empty vials
GPS luer lock Needles 27g x 1 1/4" for IM injections
Pro-Advantage 3ml Luer Lock syringes with needles 25g x 1"
Pro-Advantage 10ml Luer Lock syringes No Needle

Please let me know if I'm forgetting anything or if I should get anything else instead of any of these items. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

Edit: One more question, should I get a larger micron filter even though the things I'm filtering are quite pure already, or will a cotton filtration and then the 0.2micron filter work fine? Also is PVDF an ok material for the filters? I couldn't find much information on if the material makes a difference or not based on what you are filtering.

bacteriostatic water is the way to go for storage.
^Could you clarify? What would I use the disinfectant for? I have alcohol swabs if that is what you mean. And I should get bacteriostatic water instead of the saline?
If you are going to store the vials for longer than 24 hours in a fridge it's a good idea to go with bacteriostatic water. Especially if they are going to be multi-dose (put a clean bandaid on the hole in the rubber).

disinfectant, alcohol swabs are ok , but it's nice to have something like dettol spray for the work surfaces, bleach works fine though
^ Cool, thanks very much for the recommendations, I'll get the water instead of saline and get the disinfectant too. The bandaid tip is useful too. How long should a vial of ketamine or DPT last in a fridge with bacteriostatic water and the band-aid on? Days? Weeks?
I'd say weeks if done the right way

Hospital use multi-vials are discarded max 4 weeks after opening according to google , do keep in mind that the fridges they use are a lot cleaner and there is no food in there.
I don't even IV but, in the event I did, I would want to micron filter. Thing is I don't understand how you can prepare just 1 shot (heroin to be precise) using a micron filter. I had considered shooting and acquired the following supplies(some purchased some from my work where I can get medical supplies): 10 .2 um micron filters, 10 1 cc insulin syringes w 31 g .5" tips(they are not luer locking), a couple 3 cc luer lock syringes w/ needle(21 g, obv useless aside for maybe drawing up solution), a couple 10 cc luer lock syringes w/o needle, a couple 1 cc oral syringes.

Now having this stuff I decided to experiement with how the micron filter works. so I planned to just run plain old water through it and see what happens. I initially took the 1 cc syringe and filled it up all the way. This seems like the simplest and easiest way to use the filter, just load the syringe with all the solution and then attach the filter to the end, push it through into a sterile spoon or whatever's clever, then draw it up in one of the 1 cc insulin syringes.

Thing is I noticed that hardly half the water made it through the syringe. I then read about how it is good to pre-wet the filter, so seeing as I basically just did that, I pushed another 1 cc through it, this time more came out, but still around ,3 cc short of the full 1. At this point I had acquired he 3 and 10 cc syringes, which unlike the 1 cc were luer lock types. The 1 cc fit in snugly, but didn't lock in like the other 2.

At this point I decided to try using the 3 cc syringe. suck up 1 cc of water and then also pull through 2 cc of air. I then locked it on the same micron (since it was already wet I figured) and pushed that through. Out came much closer to the 1 cc I pushed through this time. But still around .1 cc short of the full 1. This seems good and all, but some of the water that came out is bound to be what was already put in there. I have to think that I would be losing a good amount of product if I am just filtering a solution for a shot that is 1 cc or less.

The tutorial is at the beginning is great and all, but if I just want to do 1 shot it seems to leave me with a few questions. Can anyone give me an idea of how they manage to filter just a single shot through a micron?

Basically my question is this, when using a wheel filter to prepare just a single shot should I expect that I am going to lose a good % of the product (like15-20%) in the filter? Can someone give me a tried/true way to make it as economical as possible? I know its you lose something using cottons, seeing as people save them for later, but I wouldn't think it would be more than 10%. Also with microns it seems there is no way of cracking those things open and getting what is lost inside, I tried to crack 1 open and its like an impenetrable safe.

Also when pre-wetting a filter what would be the ideal amount of water to use? Like is it alright to push 3 cc's through prior to filtering your solution? Or will that decrease the effectiveness of the filter. Is there a certain volume of solution that a micron filter is tested for? For instance, after pushing say 20 cc through it does it not guarantee the listed filtration levels?
^ read through the thread. we talk about air purges and pushing through extra water as well.
Ok thanks, I figured its probably covered in there somewhere. Just prob not using the right words in the FSE.
Hi guys and girls :)

I bought these Micron filters for injecting heroin:


Now i have a few questions:
.) It looks like, that the syringe goes into the transparent part, right? Is one supposed to suck or squirt the solution through the filter? Or is the filter symmetric and it doesn't matter?
.) On the package of the filter it says: "Caution: not suitable for use with syringes smaller than 10ml." Why is that?
.) How much cc of water should I use to flush the filter? I don't want to have any of my heroin solution sitting in the filter after filtering ;)
.) Should I use a new filter every time or can i have it laying around for weeks? I don't inject that often.
.) Should i pre-filter with cotton/cigarette filter?

cheers dirkin :)
Forgive me if I'm asking questions that have been answered thousands of times, but I'm in a huge hurry to get off the computer to pick some things up. ;)
Are micron filters ONLY available through the internet? Because not only do I live with my parents, I'll be moving in soon with people who would never fuck with needles or fuck with me if they knew I did again after my parents forced me on rehab and naltrexone. Getting them ordered to me would be a serious hassle, if even possible. And due to being on Vivitrol still after almost 2 years, a monthly 30-day lasting naltrexone shot that Ridgeview put me on, the only opiate I can use is bupe. I mention Ridgeview actually, captain heroin, because I had a close friend in rehab that was a bluelighter who said captain heroin was his screenname and he claimed to be the guy always making megathreads and typing with green text. So, unless he's just another bluffing college kid with too much junkie pride, I know you. Anyways, I'm interested in gaining access to micron filters, all other needed supplies, syringes where you can replace the needle, etc. Basically, a better selection than the insulin syringes at CVS, all I can get. And those fucking suck because they get stuck and I sometimes fall out and half skin-pop as a result just because it takes like 10000000 pounds of pressure to push down. (I've only got like a collective 2 months of IV experience though, it's not something I like as much as other people always seem to. Couldn't forget the obligatory addict rationalization :D)
I live in Georgia so if there are any known places to sell filters in Atlanta or anywhere nearby, please let me know. My apologies if I slipped on any posting rules 8(
I'm in Florida and yeah, I've looked EVERYWHERE for micron filters and unfortunately, internet ordering was the only way I found. If u still want them I'll let u know where I got mine, its a place in south Florida and I was pleased with the quality and price(sorta) but they are worth it man. Makes me regret the thousands of pills worth of binders and fillers I've put in my bloodstream.
I don't even use microns anymore. I since got off bupe.

I wish everyone the best of luck.

I don't know if I will ever need them again - but I still encourage everyone to use them especially for pills.
Couple of questions here about micron filters.
1) Is ordering micron filters, syringes, needles, vials, etc. online regulated or watched by the law or is it just as legal as ordering any usual items? I will order these things if I can be sure that it won't draw any attention to me. If it varies by state, I'm in Georgia.
2) Are there any medical supplier websites that I should avoid, or any that are particularly better to deal with than other sources? I'm thinking this isn't sourcing and that it's an appropriate question to ask, being only for HR purposes.
3) What I will be micron filtering is 3-6 oxycodone IR 30mg pills. I've heard different answers when researching oxycodone's solubility, and I'm skeptical. You can look up solubility, but that's for the substance in pure form, and I don't know if that solubility is affected by all of the other ingredients in a pill. How much water should I use per roxi 30?
4) Is it just fine to put the pills in a syringe with the appropriate amount of water and shake until it's all dissolved, then filter, or should I cotton filter the pills and then micron filter
5) Everything I will be filtering will be used in one night, and if it isn't all used in one night it will be finished within 24 hours. Is it fine to just use sterile Simply Saline like I usually do?
I have IV experience, just not micron filtering experience. I use a spoon, insulin syringe, rolled up moist cotton ball, simply saline, and that's the extent of what I know how to do when it comes to IV use. If anyone could take a moment to enlighten me here, I'd really appreciate the years of my life you're going to stop me from cutting short.