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Harm Reduction Micron Filtering Mega Thread and FAQ

if you precrush the pills how do you get them in the micron filter? just curious I always wondered about that.

I'm not quite sure I understand.... You can transfer the finest powder you can make by backloading it into your larger-volume Luer Lock then replace the plunger carefully and then draw up CLEAN/STERILE water and shake the syringe so that the drug and water are dissolved as best as possible. Then, using another sterile syringe, push 1mL of CLEAN/STERILE water through the micron filter to moisten / pre saturate the micron filter like you're supposed to do for best results. Then, screw in the moistened micron filter to the Luer Lock Tip containing the mixture of backloaded drug/water solution.

For example, let's say we've got a few bags of heroin in the 10mL Luer Lock and we have already pre-saturated / moistened the micron filter using another sterile syringe to push 0.5-1mL of water through it (to reduce miniscule amounts of active ingredient to become trapped in the filter.

1) With the 10ml Luer Lock, which I backloaded heroin and then drew up the coldest cleanest sterile water I have access to, reattaching the plunger to the 10mL syringe.

2) Shake it vigorously / Agitate it

3) Get the moistened micron filter and attach it to the 10mL Luer Lock syringe tip which should contain about 5mL of solution, note, this leaves more than half of air in the barrel. YOU NEED A FEW mL OF AIR IN THE BARREL TO BE ABLE TO PUSH THE SOLUTION THROUGH THE FILTER ALL THE WAY OR YOU RUN THE RISK OF LOSING TRACE AMOUNTS OF ACTIVE INGREDIENTS.

4) You now have filtered crushed pills using nothing besides the pill itself, clean cold water, a micron filter and a luer lock syringe to go along with it.
I know this is an old thread but I just found myself in a position to reuse a micron. Whenever I was in this position before I would just prep one shot at a time and cotton filter or simply plug (*unfortunately plugging is no longer an option for me) but I read a post on here written by a BL staffer that its better to reuse one than not use one at all. I think this may be because our bodies can fight (to some extent) the bacteria but it will never breakdown the fillers. I was really freaked out but it was either that or go thru withdrawal for 2.5 days.
I placed an order for new filters the week before but I waited too late in the day on a Friday and they weren't shipped till Monday (yikes! )
The filter I had used last was completely faulty and I wound up having to use my last filter to refilter the batch. So I ran out sooner than I expected. It really frightens me to think these filters can be (and quite frequently are) faulty. How do we know there isnt a teeny tiny flaw thats allowing bacteria thru?
I never planned on reusing my filters but found myself keeping some of them anyway. I went thru my stash of used filters and found one I didnt store in a plastic bag. I realized that wouldnt allow it to dry out completely. I examined it closely for any obvious signs of contamination. Sometimes you can see little black spots.
I had no idea how old this one was nor did I have any idea what type of water was filtered thru it. I usually use bs water but in a pinch I have used water straight from my bathroom sink. Either way none of this was good. I really didnt want to reuse a filter. I dont know if the fillers (left behind from a few rounds of cotton filtering) are more dangerous than the risk of a dirty hit.
I did a BS water rinse, wiped the out port with an alcohol pad and went for it. Im really not sure if it was better or not.
I did get a histamine type reaction that I never got b4. I got a hard bump like a mosquito bite and around it got red and itchy. This made me so nervous so I did as few shots as I could. I even tried plugging out of desperation but had absolutely no effect.
It may be helpful to rinse out your filter and do enough air purging to ensure its as dry as possible and store in the fridge just in case you find yourself in a bind. Im not sure I would rinse in alcohol. What about vinegar or hydrogen peroxide?
I read that the combination of the two actually kills more bacteria than bleach. They cannot be combined. One after the other only. I use them to clean counters a.nd such. Anyway...just a thought because they are safe unlike bleach and rubbing alcohol.
Also be wery of faulty filters. I use whatman from gpz and I have had at least 2 out of about 20 I got so far that did not work. Scary.
I have a question about corn starch.

I know it's size ranges from 0.1 - 0.8 microns (roughly, anyway), but what is the cause of this variation? Water temperature, time spent in water or something else? I am currently only using Sterifilt and I know that cannot remove corn starch. However, knowing what causes the size of the particle to vary so much would be of great help in the future.

Another thing bothering me is..how long does it take until buprenorphine has been dissolved in water after mixing the pills into water? I assume it happens almost immediately, as soon as the pills have disintegrated in the water..but I would like to be sure. Using Temgesic, which has a lot more fillers and binders per volume compared to Suboxone/Subutex.
Heating a solution with cornstarch encourages it to become water soluble. This is a very specific reason why you want to just use room temperature/cold water for creating a Suboxone solution.

I wait until the film is dissolved 100% into 30ml and then I micron filter it.
Heating a solution with cornstarch encourages it to become water soluble. This is a very specific reason why you want to just use room temperature/cold water for creating a Suboxone solution.

I wait until the film is dissolved 100% into 30ml and then I micron filter it.

That's good news, thanks.

Just to be clear, if I mix a Temgesic pill with room temperature sterile water and filter it with Sterifilt, the solution is free of corn starch? I believe Sterifilt has a pore size of somewhere around 5-10µm. Relative to the size of the pill, there is very little buprenorphine in a Temgesic, mostly just binders and fillers..and what I have read about Sterifilt is that it should get rid of most of the inactive ingredients present in any buprenorphine pill.

I have wanted to do OP's method of micron filtering weeks worth of shots at once, but I have run into a few problems. Benzyl alcohol is not available in any pharmacy here (or so they claim), neither is bacteriostatic water (they don't even know what I am asking for). Also, micron filters here are only available to members of research groups and so forth, the only way for a private citizen to order them is in bulk from abroad, or from the U.S. with postage fees running in the hundreds of euros.

I won't ask for sources here since it's against the spirit of BL, but if any European could point me in the right direction for finding these supplies via PM, I would be eternally grateful.

I don't like IV'ing Temgesic when there is the Suboxone/Subutex option. Does anyone have any speculation to offer as to what unwanted stuff could be left in the solution I described above?

Edit: The drug scene in Scandinavia is very different to most other countries because pills (bupe, methylphenidate, benzos) have replaced 'real' drugs as the most common things to inject. Buprenorphine here is more common than Heroin. For this reason, I think the needle exchanges and harm reduction programs should be made aware that a different approach might be needed for the reasons that have been covered in this thread and others. In other words, we might need micron filters to ensure the health of IDUs.
^ corn starch particles can be pretty small, I don't know if a 5 to 10 micron filter would remove it all. Even if you don't get rid of all of it, a 5 to 10 micron filter should still help quite considerably.

Does anyone have any speculation to offer as to what unwanted stuff could be left in the solution I described above?

I wish I could speculate, just to give you some idea. I don't though, sorry.

Maybe someone real educated like sekio can come by and give you a better idea.
I can not find these leur lock needle tips like you show on the first page anywhere. I have searched all over. All I can find are the ones that they call blunt tip and I assume that this will not work with the sealed vials as they will be punctured. I just spent $150 ordering the filters and leur lock syringes and I have a couple bottles of bacteriostatic water, I just need to know where to get the right needle tips. Can someone please help me with this.

The ones shown on the tutorial do not look like blunt tip. I do not know what to do.

2) Luer Lock Needle Tip
(Any gauge will do, pictured below are 18G needle tips)
@ mofitn357 what do you mean you searched everywhere?

a simple google search will hand you multiple sources.

Luer Lock are the most common type (also called LL)

try gpz
I have a question about corn starch.

I know it's size ranges from 0.1 - 0.8 microns (roughly, anyway), but what is the cause of this variation? Water temperature, time spent in water or something else? I am currently only using Sterifilt and I know that cannot remove corn starch. However, knowing what causes the size of the particle to vary so much would be of great help in the future.

Another thing bothering me is..how long does it take until buprenorphine has been dissolved in water after mixing the pills into water? I assume it happens almost immediately, as soon as the pills have disintegrated in the water..but I would like to be sure. Using Temgesic, which has a lot more fillers and binders per volume compared to Suboxone/Subutex.

Wiki each ingred. That will tell you the size. I wouldnt use anything above a .45, then follow with a .2 micron.
That is the only way. Even a cotton ball is = to 5 microns
So I just followed these instructions pretty much to a T with an 8 mg strip of suboxone. all went well until i added 9 units of benzyl alcohol (the solution was about 9-10 ml in total). these weird 'globules' of stuff started forming in the solution and have settled at the bottom into a semi-viscous goop. not sure what to make of it....
So I just followed these instructions pretty much to a T with an 8 mg strip of suboxone. all went well until i added 9 units of benzyl alcohol (the solution was about 9-10 ml in total). these weird 'globules' of stuff started forming in the solution and have settled at the bottom into a semi-viscous goop. not sure what to make of it....

You're literally seeing the benzyl alcohol mix into the water. That's normal. It trips me out every time I see it too.

The benzyl alcohol "globules" as you put (great word choice lol) are going to appear shiny.
yes they should evenly spread and disappear though not form a single layer on the bottom
what type of micron filters should i get?

i normally just use cig filters but after reading this I'm gonna try it!
I was searching the web for information concerning your thread. I want to thank you for what you have shared. I have never injected anything before and due to tolerance to my pain meds, it is the next step for me, but I was scared to death because I have no knowledge at all. Thanks so much!!!!! I now know exactly what to do, and how to do it to remain healthy!!!!
I would really appreciate someone telling me where I can acquire the micron filters! I recently became aware of how unsafe injecting pills is (especially Ritalin) and I want to get some for my friend to reduce his risk. I'm in Florida, but any place that sells them would be fine (prefer u.s. if possible) thanks. One <3
I would really appreciate someone telling me where I can acquire the micron filters! I recently became aware of how unsafe injecting pills is (especially Ritalin) and I want to get some for my friend to reduce his risk. I'm in Florida, but any place that sells them would be fine (prefer u.s. if possible) thanks. One <3

If you do a simple google search you should be able to find some medical websites that are based in the US and will ship to you. I think I bought mine from Amazon so they're really not too difficult to find. As for an actual physical store that sells them, I have no idea.