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Methylone + ?

Interesting... I may decide to plug my next gram of methylone. Not all at once of course! But it would last longer that way.

The scattered state of mind was probably mostly due to the methylone comedown. It's not that much fun, but not as bad as some. I find it to be worse than MDMA's comedown while it lasts, but it only lasts a couple of hours and it's gone, whereas MDMA can linger for days.
Try GHB to get rid of most of the nastiness of the methylone comedown. Only risk: like methylone, GHB is a drug that brings out the hedonist in me, and it might make me feel like fiending on all sorts of other assorted goodies from my Pandora's Box instead of enjoying Just Being.
hot diggity dawg, say it with me, parts aint parts, batches differ, pass the timed DMT injection device.

if it only wasnt for the gastric distress M1 produces at higher doses!
fizzacyst said:
Has anyone combined methylone with LSD?

If so, how did that pan out for you? what doses of each?

I might try this either this weekend, or in a month or so.

I tried this once with methylone first (175 mg) followed by one tab of LSD two hours later. The transition was very smooth and there was no real methylone dropoff, rather the lsd comeup kind of kept me in a similar state, intensity wise. Energy was not as high as LSD usually produces, but this wasn't a problem and it was actually pretty nice as it let sleep come easier with all of the other effects still there. The next day had some low energy, but nothing terrible.

Hope this helps,
evlove said:
I tried this once with methylone first (175 mg) followed by one tab of LSD two hours later. The transition was very smooth and there was no real methylone dropoff, rather the lsd comeup kind of kept me in a similar state, intensity wise. Energy was not as high as LSD usually produces, but this wasn't a problem and it was actually pretty nice as it let sleep come easier with all of the other effects still there. The next day had some low energy, but nothing terrible.

Hope this helps,

Did it make you lethargic at all? Were you less likely to get up and do something on this combo compared to LSD alone?

Methylone doesn't make me tired, per se.. buts its sort of a lazy feeling.

I ended up not taking the methylone with the LSD, as I had access to quality MDMA and went for that instead.
Maybe there was a lazy feeling, but enough stimulation to balance it out. I'm sure taking them at the same time might be a little different in this regard. My basic feeling was that the LSD refilled some of the post methylone drain while carrying the relaxed and serene mood into the LSD trip, (i.e. there was less of the anxiety and tension that I usually associate with LSD coming on) and overall it was a fun and memorable experience.
A full dose of M1 combines fantasically with 2C-D when 2C-D is taken first (small dose, less than 10mg) and the M1 a couple of hours later.

A full dose of M1 also combines very well when administered 3-4 hours into a 10mg AMT experience. Adding a small dose of 2C-D to that is also very nice. And adding some LSD to that helps it even further along. All good.

Only combo so far that I have not liked is 2C-C with M1. That was a bi disphoric and tiring.
Nice suggestions. I haven't tried it yet but I've also heard good things about taking methylone and AMT at the same time. The methylone kicks in first obviously and then instead of dropping off entirely it shifts into the AMT, but with some remnants of the methylone euphoria remaining.

I'm going to try that next time I get some methylone. I heard that from someone the other day though.
Ximot said:
Only combo so far that I have not liked is 2C-C with M1. That was a bi disphoric and tiring.

strange, i found that 2c-c at the tail end of m1 took away the crash i usually get from m1 and transitioned nicely into a very mellow 2c-c trip. Quite introspective.

But then again im one of the few who doesnt like 2cb+mdma, so i must be wired differently or something.:\
I've tried combining methylone with BDB in various ways, and it's a weird combo, a bit psychedelic at moments, like MDA. While not unenjoyable overall, the combo produced some rather sketchy moments, and definitely left me worse for wear on the next couple days, much more so than methylone alone. I wouldn't really recommend the combo, and I'm probably done experimenting with BDB - but then again, slightly echoing Delsyd above, I don't care for MDA that much, so maybe some would like methylone + BDB.

Unfortunately for this report's sake, I have not tried BDB by itself to establish a baseline for its effects on me. However, I've tried taking a booster of a small dose (1/2 tablet) of MDA about one hour after taking methylone, and while that was on OK experience it was quite different from the BDB combo.

The drug I've had the best luck combining with methylone was ethylone, or bk-MDEA. A booster of bk-MDEA a few hours after taking methylone produced a very calming effect and a nice synergy - the flavors go well together. I've unfortunately run out and thus cannot continue experimenting with that.
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A small dose of MDPV after the M1 peak seemed to bring it back for another 1.5-2 hrs. There was less of an urge to redose afterwards, although increased residual stimulation made it more difficult to sleep than w/ M1 alone. No crash or hangover was noted.

I'd be careful w/ this combo though as I imagine it could be pretty hard on the body.
yeah, methylone combines amazingly wit its cousins (bk-mdea aka ethylone and also with butylone).

To what extent 2C-c /m1 combo was unsuccessful due to set/setting I am unable to say. But the 2C-C was ingested, and during the unexpectedly steep come-up M1 was ingested in order to make things more fun, and it all became a bit chaotic but okay... but when the M1 wore off, the 2C.-C trip had turned into a general dull, overtired, disphoric feeling). Well unusual, that was. Maybe something to do with the timing.
Xorkoth said:
I think you would definitely want to wait until the very end stages. Methylone comes down hard, and really, really fast. At least for me.

Has anyone tried combining piracetam with methylone? In my experience and the experience of several report authors on Erowid, taking piracetam before MDMA results in a longer, smoother experience, with a very gradual and gentle comedown. I wonder if the same would be true for methylone?

If no one has tried this, I may sometime soon, as I've been offered methylone at a price I can't seem to refuse, even though I don't really like it.

nanobrain said:
^piracetam has been combined with everything. its primary purpose is not to potentiate drugs. does little to decrease M1 comedown effects or scatteredness.

Digging up an old post of mine...

I'm a bit confused by your response, nanobrain. Also, I'm curious, do you find it worthwhile to combine methylone with MDMA?

I'm aware that combining methylone with psychedelics results in unpredictable and generally undesirable effects. However, in a few cases, namely MDMA and amphetamines, I find that piracetam beforehand makes the experience subjectively stronger, and seems to ameliorate some of the comedown symptoms later on.

So I'm asking anyone who has tried combining piracetam with methylone: is there any reason to combine the two, and are there any reasons not to?
Xorkoth said:
Digging up an old post of mine...

I'm a bit confused by your response, nanobrain. Also, I'm curious, do you find it worthwhile to combine methylone with MDMA?

I am not nanobrain and nowhere near as cryptic in my responses but I'd like to say that I have found the M1/MDMA combo to be far from excellent.

My experience when they're ingested simultaneously or when MDMA is ingested first: profuse sweating, extreme euphoria leading to feelings of weirdness and finally a major crash... . I have used M1 first though as well, with MDMA added when the M1 plateau becomes a bit flat... now that was quite a bit better but the post-M1 fiendiness remained throughout the MDMA experience and if I had been left to my own devices that night, I may have done a number of unwise things due to compulsive hedonism.
Eh, I actually mean to ask about methylone and piracetam. 8o

But good to know about the MDMA combo as well.
I read a mention in ADD of methylone + 4-fluoroamphetamine. Does anyone have any experience with this combo, particularly with taking the 4-FA after the methylone's worn off some? Sometimes after methylone one would love to have the lift it would take to go out and do something. I wonder though if this might be venturing into the "too much stimulants" zone?
^^yes to both, apologies for prior obfuscation / obtusity.
piracetam / other racetam derivs disinhibit the threshold of activation of cross-CC comms, same goes for the VC neurons, i believe.

as such, the utility of potentiation crosses quickly over to neural overload when coadministered with potent psychoactives known to activate major neuronal cascades. result - can be not what you expected.

ergo, stick to postloading w/racetams, unless like me, you prefer the 2 teaspoons of that piezoluminescent pow-pow in your daily coffee instead of sucrose.

the 4FA blew the M1 out of the water, but the duration was unwarranted, as was the aftermath, both on its own and when combined with M1.

the M1, otoh, has effects - non primary - lasting well into the 48h territiry - gastric issues the morning after, anyone?

the combination is for only stim-tolerant and familiar / skilled with psycho / somatic signs and whatever countermeasures, should they be needed.

the effect of 4FA after M1 may leave one in a state we used to colloquially term 'cocktease' - the 4FA empathogenic tilt is skewed towards the soft, and will not enable one's rat to attain / maintain the oh so closely glimpsed M1 euphor. plateau.
I took 50mg 4FA first and then added 2x 100mg Methylone at the T+3 and the T+5 point. The vague glow of the 4FA remained and the notorious M1 crash was far less pronounced.
So I'm asking anyone who has tried combining piracetam with methylone: is there any reason to combine the two, and are there any reasons not to?

I'm planning on trying this tonight and since this question still hasn't been answered, I'll report back with my findings.

I've already taken 2.7g and am going to take another 2.5-3g half an hour before 130mg of methylone.

I had a strong 2C-B trip last night so that might skew results.