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Methylone + ?

with mdma I get an afterglow , with methylone if I don't binge drink and smoke weed all night long I get a really harsh comedown (like fuck this party , I go home lost my pot , so I felt so bad the only solution was sleep while the rest of my friends kept on partying , similar stuff happened the last time I took it too so that's why I'm done with it , maybe in an interesting combination that's why I'm in this thread :)
I believe someone here mentioned that the solvent in Explosion was readily evaportated to leave a powder/residue?
Yes, that was me. As you said, the residue was more than just methylone (it still reeked and tasted of vanilla). If I get this product again, drying it out and weighing it is exactly what I'll do. I have no idea how long this will take - I only evaporated about .5ml, which dried overnight.
any news on methylone combos anyone?

am really keen to startcombining with other favourites.

onyl combos so far have been alcohol, ghb, and weed. only downside... LOTS of alcohol is needed to make the dysphoria of the immediate comedown of methylone in a party settinggo away, and the more alcohol I use, the less fun it is teh next day and afterwards (kinda obvious that one..). I actualyl have afeeling that a combination with a lot fo alcohol isn0t that safe (cardiotoxic?, cf. cocaine).

Other combo I have tried is a mild +2 2C-C trip followed by 100mg methylone an hour later, and that was truly a crap experience. It left me and my tripping companion in a state of bewilderment, confusion and kind of feeling just a bit down. Totally odd and unlike either 2C-C or methylone on their own.

Got this urge to combine it with 4-Aco-Mipt...
Hmmm... well, I've tried a gram of methylone (in various dosages), so my experience is limited. The only combination I've tried is with kratom. I took a 200mg dose of methylone, and of course experienced distinct euphoria very quickly, though it felt a bit "desperate" in a way. Then, as per usual, I abruptly dropped off at about 1.5 to 2 hours in and my euphoria gave way to dysphoria and a feeling of wanting more. I drank a regular dose of kratom, and the dysphoria lessened immensely, being replaced by the kratom euphoria. The rest of the evening was spent in an odd synergy between the two which was quite pleasant and took away the fiending feeling I had been experiencing.

Consider, though, that I was not impressed with methylone at all. The euphoria was rather similar to MDMA but lasted a shockingly short amount of time, and then started to come down, which felt worse than most comedowns from euphoric substances I've ever experienced. Also, the headspace while I was fully on it was too frantic and energetic for me to conceive of getting anything useful done. Overall, I found it to be a pretty mediocre material at best. So take my opnions with a grain of salt if you are one who loves it.
What kind of setting(s) did you use methylone in? I have found with methylone, moreso than any other psychedelic, that setting is SO important to what is experienced.

Consider my first few tries with methylone…first time was at a “rave” and second time was alone in my study. Both experiences left me feeling that methylone was nothing more than a drug that feels like MDMA, but without any of the psychedelic and entactogenic effects of that substance.

We (my girlfriend and I) took it again (her first, my third) with this in mind, just wanting a pleasant buzz to have sex on…but were blessed with an experience every bit as wonderful and special as any from MDMA….


Following that experience, I have tried methylone another three times and was always rewarded with a magical, blessed experience. It is amazing how different an experience can be in the right setting.
Each time my setting was in my apartment with my girlfriend. Though she hasn't gotten to the point of taking anything but cannabis and kratom, and alcohol. But her mind is being pried open, oh so slowly... it's to the point where she doesn't disagree with it and is comfortable talking about the possibility of doing it, but hasn't worked up the courage.

But in any case, each time I felt too frenzied in my head for any real conversation. perhaps it's just me, because some others also find methylone to be kind of sinister in a way, which I would agree with at this point. But then, you and I seem to have pretty similar reactions and preferences in psychedelics from what I've read of your experiences, so maybe I haven't found the proper situation yet in which to maximize its effects.
Xorkoth said:
I took a 200mg dose of methylone


Also, the headspace while I was fully on it was too frantic and energetic

I would also feel too energetic after taking 200 mg methylone. About 120 mg + a little booster later on is just good for me.
Has anyone combined methylone with LSD?

If so, how did that pan out for you? what doses of each?

I might try this either this weekend, or in a month or so.
i never combined the two but i think methylone is too short lasting to combine with lsd.
Ideally you would want the two to peak together, but in order to that you would have to take the methylone at ~t+2-4 hours. The result would be you crashing while you are still tripping, which would not feel good.
In my opnion the comedown from methylone is even worse than the one from MDMA. So basically im not so sure about this combo.

if you try it out report back and let us know how it went.
I was planning on taking it towards the end of the LSD trip. I don't like coming off that kind of stuff during a trip. It kind of puts a damper on the experience.
I think you would definitely want to wait until the very end stages. Methylone comes down hard, and really, really fast. At least for me.

Has anyone tried combining piracetam with methylone? In my experience and the experience of several report authors on Erowid, taking piracetam before MDMA results in a longer, smoother experience, with a very gradual and gentle comedown. I wonder if the same would be true for methylone?

If no one has tried this, I may sometime soon, as I've been offered methylone at a price I can't seem to refuse, even though I don't really like it.
^piracetam has been combined with everything. its primary purpose is not to potentiate drugs. does little to decrease M1 comedown effects or scatteredness.
Alright, good to know. After combining piracetam with 2C-E, I haven't done so again with psychedelics nor will I, but I do find it to be very useful for lightening the load, so to speak, on strong stimulants including MDMA.
Thanks for the tips/opinions.

I think I'll take along 150mg, and if it feel right as the LSD is wearing down I'll go for it, if no, oh well. I may end up going with DOC instead of LSD anyway, and I have no interest in MD-anything with DOC.
Probably wise, there. Also, DOC is great, but I have to admit the first few trips I had with it seemed pretty shallow, but still enjoyable. And then it got deep, and remains so.
Has anyone tried other forms of ingestion for methylone? Specifically, plugging? I was reading an old report in the TR forum and someone mentioned it but gave no details. I mean, I would imagine it would reduce the high's length even more, which would be undesirable at best, but you never know. I ask because I'm being practically given a gram of methylone and I wonder if there's a way that I might enjoy it more. Obviously, I'm going to have to use it, since it'll be sitting around.
Xorkoth, I saw somewhere recently that F&B said 125 mg plugged was equivalent to 175 mg oral. He said any more would "make your head swim." I think the comeup might be uncomfortable at higher doses.

I tried Methylone for the first time with my girlfriend last weekend and had a wonderful 3 hours. Then I found out what people described as the scattered and state of mind, which didn't seem too useful. Maybe it was because when I started to feel the good feeling fade, I got verrry high. ;)
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