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Methylone + ?

No it isn't. MDMA and DXM has been known to be a dangerous combination, and you should take the same precautions with Methylone as you would with MDMA. Not only is it not a good idea, it probably wouldn't be a good trip/roll/whatever. There really isn't a word to describe the Methylone experience because it doesn't "roll." Anyhow, I just couldn't see that being very fun.
must agree. its asking for serotonin syndrome at worst and an uncomfortable expereince at best IMO.
Around 2000 I was unfortunate to aquire a DXM clover while at a party. I was already on some legit doves. I experienced serious side effects. Cramping, twitching, and a general feeling of being posioned were the highlights of the experience. Not fun at all.
Under no circumstances would I subject myself to such a combination. Methylone is, and always has been, best on its own. If you are looking for something to mix with Methylone, try a small (4mg) of 2c-t-21. I've tried it with 2c-i and 2c-e. It really does not mix well with those substances. The experience felt very toxic.

Generally speaking, Methylone and DXM are both terrible mixers. So logic tells us that mixing these two together could be disastrous. Just the thought of that combo make me cringe.
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Ok tanks for the replies.

I haw tried Methylone with 2C-I, 5-meo-DIPT, 4-HO-DIPT, 4-Ace-DIPT, 5-meo-mipt and mipt and have hade no bad experiences.

I’m currently on SNRI medication so I don’t intend to try the DXM yet.

Can you mix DXM with anything?

I have to say that Methylone did give an interesting time eventually but I didn’t found it wary effective on its own.
Methylone and DXM alone would probably be a dangerous combination. Methylone + DXM + an SNRI would probably be extremely dangerous and likely to cause a severe seratonin syndrome.

If you are taking an SNRI then there is a good chance that it will greatly reduce the effects of methylone.

For me DXM combines well with many drugs. I greatly enjoy mixing DXM with other psychedelics especially if I also smoke a lot of weed. Pot + DXM will stop any anxiety I have from psychedelics(or anything else) and the visuals are amazing. Somewhere around 400-550mg seems to be about enough(with pot, DXM alone doesnt seem to do much for anxiety and pot alone makes it worse). Dose low your first time if you try it because for some people DXM causes anxiety, though I find it hard to believe it would if they smoked enough pot and layed down still(the out of body feeling seems to enhance and trigger the anxiolytic affect). GBL/BDO also go well with 2nd plateau doses of DXM, havent tried it with higher doses.

I wouldnt recommend taking DXM with antidepressants it is taking a chance, but I have with celexa, paxil,prozac,remeron, effexor(one at a time of course. Obviously I dont like those antidepressants) and now amitriptyline and never had any problems.
To be honest I'm surprised that Methylone has much effect on you if your taking an SNRI, as ecstasy on has a mild speedy effect on me and I take SSRIs. From what I believe Methylone is even less speedier than MDMA.
I don’t take Metylom now when I’m on SNRI.
That would be like throwing money in the lake. =)

I know SNRI kills the effect of MDMA and similar chemicals so I haven’t used any of them while on SNRI. (Haven’t tried anything while on SNRI for that madder)

But with me switching medications this week I thought I’ll get some info regarding the use of DXM.

But some say that DXM and Mirtazapine isn’t a good idea either so I don’t know if I will try DXM in the near future. But I haven’t considered DXM before and when I got the opportunity to acquire some I couldn’t resist.
Methylone and SSRI's

i am currently taking paxil and know of some of the interactions this and other anti-depressants have with psychedelics and empathogens. before someone tells me i shouldn't use drugs with a mental disorder, i have used many drugs since starting paxil, including shrooms, pot, alchohol, dxm, MDMA, 5-meo-AMT, 5-meo-DIPT, AMT, and 2c-i.

i've noticed SSRI's slightly reduce the effects of psychedelics, make pot a little trippy, and reduce MDMA to nothing more than shitty speed. i would assume it would also block the effects of methylone, but i've been reading how "different yet similar" methylone is to MDMA.

has anyone actually tried methylone while on an SSRI, and what were its effects?
I'll just say, yeah, that makes sense. SSRIs should block methylone.
not exactly related but from what i've read the "unproven" serotonin toxicity from MDxx compounds goes approx. like this: MDA>MDMA>MDE>MBDB

the biggest correlation seems to be the ratio of serotonin to dopamine release, MDA being the highest. any information or guesses on where methylone might fall?

edit: found nothing here, one abstract on medline talked about 3 times less serotonin uptake inhibiton compared to MDMA, but equal dopamine uptake inhibition. this would seem to place it somewhere between MDA and MDMA as far as toxicity, but i really don't know. the abstact is confusing and there are some contradictions.
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MAOI + Mescaline + Methylone = ?

Heya folks,

So, if one were looking to kick off their summer with a big, psychedelic bang... This combination announced itself to my overstudied mind, and I've got a few questions of my fellow enthusiasts to see how feasible it would be.

Here's the tentative plan:

First, ingest 3 - 4 g. Syrian Rue
Next, 30 - 40 g. San P. boiled down into soul-scarringly bad snot tea
Allow events to unfold for several hours

After the peak, say, 5 - 6 hours after SP ingestion, take 100 - 150 mgs. Methylone, and see what happens.

Now, a few questions about this:

One, I would imagine that Methylone and an MAOI would not mix well, although I'm not sure about this. Yea/nay?

Two, would 5 - 6 hours be enough time to render the MAOI properties of the Rue inert? I seem to remember that harmine/harmaline don't have too long a course of action - 3/4 hours or so. So, even if there are some contraindications between Methylone and an MAOI, would the time elapsed be enough to solve those issues? If not, could this be compensated for by just taking a smaller Methylone dose?

Three, does anyone have any experience with/opinions on the results of mixing Methylone with mescaline? I've read at least one or two reports of MDMA and mescaline, and it seemed to be a perfectly enjoyable combo. I've never combined Methylone with anything, and know that is has something of a reputation as a poor mixer, but I've also heard that it goes rather well with substances such as mushrooms and LSD. Any reasons why it wouldn't also do so here? I'm more interested in this part of the combo than I am the MAOI, but would like the potentiation of the mescaline that the Rue would provide.

Anyway, please advise. Thanks a bunch.
Everything I've read makes this sound like a very bad combo. I know that Mescaline is sometimes used with an MAOI, but I've also read that it's not a good idea. Why do you want to do this combo anyways?
Well, that's the thing - I've read a few unsourced comments as well as to how mescaline and an MAOI is somehow harmful, but I have yet to really hear any solid reasoning as to why this would be so, and from the reports i've read it doesn't seem at all to be a problem. But the MAOI is not essential, I'm just trying to see if there's any specific reason it'd be a bad idea.

I'm much more interested in the Methylone combo - I rather enjoy it on its own, and mescaline's the world's best psychedelic as far as I'm concerned, so I was just looking to see if anyone knew if these were great tastes that tasted great together. I definately know MGS has said that Methylone went great at the end of an acid trip he'd taken - I don't see why that wouldn't be the case with mescaline too. I don't see why it necessarily would, either, but in the absence of info to the contrary I'm curious.

I'm not married to this idea, it's just something I'm considering.
Sounds like it's worth a shot, although I personally would leave out the MAOI if you're going to be using methylone. Post a report when you're done. I too really enjoy methylone, and I was originally planning on combining it with a phenethylamine, but all reports of this combo makes it sound horrendous. And with the exorbitant rate that methylone is sold at, I would rather not waste a dose.
I personally would not mix an MAOI with a PEA. Especially with methylone.
If you must try an MAOI with mescaline, then at least use B. Caapi instead of Rue.

On the EXTREMELY rare occasion that I would use an MAOI to potentiate a substance, it would only be a triptamine such as DMT or psilocybin.