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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread 3.0

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Does anyone know about that thread on this website from around two years ago about reducing tolerance with supplements and ways to increase your Add high?
What am I doing wrong? What time should I take certain stuff, and should it be before or after my Adderall dose?

Yeah dude, look in the advanced pharmacology section.
Dude just got out from his recent bid so I've been rubbing my hands together just anticipating scoring some gear, knowing its top notch. The pigs tested it and that particular gear tested almost 80% purity; so I was extremely happy I scored a bit before he got caught and locked up. It should be the same meth available again. If it's not it will still be of high quality like every time I've scored from him and not with a ridiculous price attached to it.

This weekend I'm free of any obligations so...
Done an iv 10 units of some of the best Crystal in town really sore. Difference between miss and abscess??. Took it in around 4hr ago. In the elbo joint vien middle of the arm whtvr. Maybe paranoid. Hand isn't swelling numbing up my bicep to shoulder. Only ever took my breath my first time shooting. I caughed that first time. And only again this time. Pulse seems fair. Not slow not fast. Really sore don't mean to ramble. I've been hit in the muscle on top of my arm 6inches from the wrist I sling my arm fairly hard and it tingles with pain. Though that knot from 3month ago is gone. Can I do another 10unit if my knot has eased away from my shot 4hr ago? Thanks.
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I tried to understand your post but Im a but fucked up so.... did you actually miss completely? You would know if you did. Dude dont iv in that spot now, I hope you got other spots avail.
back to my old ways of living with meth. I was so excited to get be getting onto the old methylamphetamine for the 1st time after being locked up for 6 months.
Started by just catching up with mate and smashing down 1p in the pipe, Loved the old taste of it but as soon as I had finished I was craving more.... forward 6p over 2 days and I was doing lots of useless activity and only got my real goal of organising my paperwork for pretty much nearly all things that I need organised.
Meet up with mates and straight away I could see how much more this drug has taken from them.. Had good times of course puffing with mates but nothing had changed everyone just puffed but never got much done except fucking the local sluts.
My 4th or 5th day on it I got on other puff smoked 5 over the next 2 days. Had my 1st shot of 2p shared between me and another fella. DIDNT even get any taste in throat and just sat around smoking the other 2p and saving 1 for later, which I didn't end up having until thw nwxt morning having a good 12 hour sleep
DAY 4 Still hadnt got nothing finished, I was trying to organise my meagre belongings I was left with. Should have taken me 3-5 hours if wasn't scattered and instead of grouping items I would do something so unimportant I cant even remember what it was.
On my 5th night I caught up with a really good friend, I think we had maybe 5 or more between 4 of us that night and kept me going just as good or if not better, cause the 1st p was put in my arm, I had abit of a taste for the amount that was there which was the whole half g.
I smoked my 1st bong that evening and did it pazz ne out, I couldn't think of hardly anything to say to this new girl I meet that day who I'm sure wasn't given me clear signs rhat she wanted to go fuck. the FUCKED headspace I was in couldn't connect its dick head and just basic intelligence to do anything with this girl.. The final day was today and I had 1 nice IV hit in morning then smoked maybe 3p to myself then to finish with 1p in the spoon again.. that was about9 hours ago and I'm starting to just feel cruisy ann not hyper stimulated you cant tell the difference of the sounds of the wind and people talking about you.

I wrote this because I think the potency is down to a all time low... and it's that reason that the cutters cook and double dip my brain in extra powered multi channel chemical molecules and cutters with there adrenaline added are fucking our brains.
We need D-Methylamphetamine its a disciplined and tough never to give up releasing there exact molecules to the places that add premo power to your will and true desires
Yes it's great when used for sextual performance at first but long term use reversed it for me
Haven't had ice in a few years - till last night!

Just thought I would log back in to give a HUGEEEEE shout out to DM!!! and at 630am today I've gone on a 7/11 lighter run ohh and thumb blistered

kthxbai 842AM NOW


edit - according to BL it was only like a year ago haha
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haven't had ice in a few years - till last night!

Just thought i would log back in to give a hugeeeee shout out to dm!!! And at 630am today i've gone on a 7/11 lighter run ohh and thumb blistered

kthxbai 842am now


4 bics
2 crickets


1.00 coffee

New record for MM - 52 HOURS and just read 20 pages of thread which was fun


I also get the most scat / anxiousness from ice then anything else - even if it has good 'ebay reviews' from 200 users.. especially without benzos but everyone knows that... still waiting what to do what to do so just been posting
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Bentobox, I see your a fairly new member welcome too bluemate! Good too see same new faces posting in AusDD. Sorry about CCH. Hopefully his posts dont put you off hanging around. I straight up, and I suspect most, believe its a troller/BSer but unfortanty the mods are unable too do anything untill any guidelines are broken. Imo some of his posts have definantly been right on the line. But glad to see somebody new its daily quiet these days. If any posts piss you off or you feel have broken guidelines just report via the report button or PM drug_mentor or spacejunk, or sixbuckets I believe. They are all sweet as and easy too to talk too if you have any issues.


Good lord I know I'm a bit late in replying to this but I haven't been on BL since my last post.

Thanks for the welcome - even though you've welcomed me previously and we've spoken a little on this thread & via email before ;)

His posts certainly don't effect me in that sort of way and I completely understand that nothing can be done until rules/guidelines are broken. However it's not as if I was offended or overly angry about what he posted - I understand people like that exist & usually shrug bullshit off and carry on with my day, but I can't stand when people glorify this lifestyle and think it makes them cool. It's a pet hate of mine :p

In anycase thanks for the advice/help. I've noticed most people on here are genuine so rather not let the minority ruin my opinion on BL :)
I started at 14 using meth occasionaly few xs a year until I was mid 20s when it moved to a daily habit hobbling my relationships accountability ext. After rehab at 15 the drug I went for was meth . Made me feel sober xs 100, crazy in control feeling. I liked it so much it spooked me out enough to keep it at bay for months at a time.
Hello everyone I am not sure if anyone can help me with some info about the use of MDMA while being medicated with seroquel.

A while back I have been misdiagnosed with BP1 and started taking seroquel and over the course of 6 months I have gone upto 700mg of seroquel after finding out that I was wrongfully diganosed I saw another doctor who helped me get off seroquel. During taking seroquel I took MDMA at a concert with some friends. I was wondering if that is going to cause permanent damage to the brain or not? Also I smoked weed during that period and took cocaine as well.

I've experienced a lot in the past period of my life and just wanted some info on my question.
So, 3rd week in and not a cloud in the sky... pippy longstockings aint around, and i feel so... fresh. But manic. Also, no cones after 10 yrs of near daily smoking and all that muck is coming up every morning. It actually feels satisfying huckin this shit up after it sitting there for probly that duration.

I have kept ridiculously fit considering, being a gym junkie, playing high level footy/volleyball/cricket ect. while i was young, but i was kidding myself. im a go getter. I have impeccable genes that ive been abusing like a arrogant prick. Some of the stuff today actually tasted like bad fish coming up, disgustingly enough. Its bad being a social chameleon and being able to effortlessly blend in as joe citizen.

A bad flu is making the rounds, and i hadnt been sick properly in maybe 2 years. A horrendous fever is the only thing that really makes me slow down, at least in the short term. A blessing in disguise.

The cycle has been broken! midweek get on(.5g), blend in at work, rest during the weekend, do it all again. Over and over and over like a merry go round. I think it sucks i can go to work on this stuff, still anxious and cooked, but my psyche understands this and knows at worst, you just look a little tired. Ive worked it out now, the worst is comin in thinkin everyone knooooowwwsss!!!!! lol, fuk no they dont. Im alredy manic as fuck when im normal lol if anything im less manic. all personal mind games.

I just love that sweet, sweet sensation, that relief of blowing a streaming, mountainous, unburnt cloud of content. Me, but better, in the best mode i can be in. Plus, im usually buggered physically from the neck down from all the repetitions, the heartache, my heart and soul left in the gym, at work, wherever. YAY im fresh again. Now i can sit, but not feel like a bag of cement.

Well ive done it, cravings come and go, but i think there is an underlying mania inside me that this stuff feels like a medicinal helping hand in a sense. Oh well, im feeling like a bag of cement now, so off to sleep. I broke the cycle.
you sound like sleep-prave MASSIVE GOING ON. I will forever try and live the dream. I rekon mst important is keeping a good sleep/awake ratio going. Are there even any worth pressed pills outhere with MDMA in 150mg contents gooing around melboune
Hello everyone I am not sure if anyone can help me with some info about the use of MDMA while being medicated with seroquel.

A while back I have been misdiagnosed with BP1 and started taking seroquel and over the course of 6 months I have gone upto 700mg of seroquel after finding out that I was wrongfully diganosed I saw another doctor who helped me get off seroquel. During taking seroquel I took MDMA at a concert with some friends. I was wondering if that is going to cause permanent damage to the brain or not? Also I smoked weed during that period and took cocaine as well.

I've experienced a lot in the past period of my life and just wanted some info on my question.

Hey Rh_85 sorry i didn't read your post sooner as i have been taking seroquel since 2008 and anti-psychotic medication in general since 2002 to treat a schizo-affective disorder. IMO you have nothing to worry about using MDMA while being on Seroqual. I have been a regular but not hard core daily user of pills which i imagine would have sometimes contained MDMA as well as using stims like speed and meth over the past 15 years and the main thing i notice about taking seroqeul and using MDMA is that the medication slightly null's and lowers the affect of MDMA not so MDMA does nothing it's just you need to take more compared to someone who is not on seroquel. The main drug combination to be avoided is taking MDMA when on anti-depressants, that's a big no no that can cause brain damage as your brain will go into over drive trying to control the level of serotonin production not to mention the MDMA will simply not work while on anti-depressants.

I feel for you being misdiagnosed as bipolar as when i was first admitted to my local acute mental health ward the doctors were unsure if i was a schizo or bipolar so i was prescribed the anti-psychotic olanzanepine to treat the schizo symptoms and Lithium to act as a mood stabiliser. looking back to those 7 years on Lithium it really was not necessary as it just gave me the side affect of shaking or slight tremor when i was trying to sit still. IMO using drugs like MDMA and Meth while needing to take medication like Seroquel is possible and as long as you are aware of your limits and acting in a responsible manner as far as not using too hard core.

The thing that puzzles me about your post RH_85 is that you say you have prescribed 700mg of seroquel??? That's a huge dose to take daily. Did you expiernce a manic episode or psychosis prior to be given that dose of seroquel?? I'm on 200mg nightly and i always said 200mg is enough of a dose to sedate an elephant. I know a lot of people online and in real life like to hate on seroquel on account of the weight gain side affect and the drowsiness it cause when you first start taking it but for an highly strung schizo like myself it is a life saver that allows me to function somewhat normally and for the most part live a reasonable productive emotionally stable life.

I don't think seroquel would cause permanent brain damage. Why would it? I've been prescribed it since 2008 and brain damage is the least of my worries.
you sound like sleep-prave MASSIVE GOING ON. I will forever try and live the dream. I rekon mst important is keeping a good sleep/awake ratio going. Are there even any worth pressed pills outhere with MDMA in 150mg contents gooing around melboune
Hey Rh_85 sorry i didn't read your post sooner as i have been taking seroquel since 2008 and anti-psychotic medication in general since 2002 to treat a schizo-affective disorder. IMO you have nothing to worry about using MDMA while being on Seroqual. I have been a regular but not hard core daily user of pills which i imagine would have sometimes contained MDMA as well as using stims like speed and meth over the past 15 years and the main thing i notice about taking seroqeul and using MDMA is that the medication slightly null's and lowers the affect of MDMA not so MDMA does nothing it's just you need to take more compared to someone who is not on seroquel. The main drug combination to be avoided is taking MDMA when on anti-depressants, that's a big no no that can cause brain damage as your brain will go into over drive trying to control the level of serotonin production not to mention the MDMA will simply not work while on anti-depressants.

I feel for you being misdiagnosed as bipolar as when i was first admitted to my local acute mental health ward the doctors were unsure if i was a schizo or bipolar so i was prescribed the anti-psychotic olanzanepine to treat the schizo symptoms and Lithium to act as a mood stabiliser. looking back to those 7 years on Lithium it really was not necessary as it just gave me the side affect of shaking or slight tremor when i was trying to sit still. IMO using drugs like MDMA and Meth while needing to take medication like Seroquel is possible and as long as you are aware of your limits and acting in a responsible manner as far as not using too hard core.

The thing that puzzles me about your post RH_85 is that you say you have prescribed 700mg of seroquel??? That's a huge dose to take daily. Did you expiernce a manic episode or psychosis prior to be given that dose of seroquel?? I'm on 200mg nightly and i always said 200mg is enough of a dose to sedate an elephant. I know a lot of people online and in real life like to hate on seroquel on account of the weight gain side affect and the drowsiness it cause when you first start taking it but for an highly strung schizo like myself it is a life saver that allows me to function somewhat normally and for the most part live a reasonable productive emotionally stable life.

I don't think seroquel would cause permanent brain damage. Why would it? I've been prescribed it since 2008 and brain damage is the least of my worries.
Well said. SSRi's+MDMA is the nono as u said
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