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Opioids Methadone Mega Thread and FAQ v 2.0

I think if your well enough to write this you'll be ok just dont do it again.the fact that this thread is 23 pages long should tell u not to touch meth unless you really need it.............or you will end up regretting it. Depending on how much u took it should be worn off after about 18-24hrs.......Its not an ideal drug for an opiate naive person (which I assume u are) to experiment with.....best to leave it alone no matter how hot the girl is lol!
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I tried meth for the first time I was very stupid and I was just curious on how long it's going to last I'm 27 I'm very healthy and I smoke weed. I try to only this one time because this girl was amazingly hot lol

What does it have to do with a girl? You did it because she was and she was hot? :\ Not the best reason to start doing a drug that can ruin your life.
What does it have to do with a girl? You did it because she was and she was hot? :\ Not the best reason to start doing a drug that can ruin your life.
Damn right! Read this thread and see the misery meth has caused some people before doing it for what is maybe the stupidest reason I've ever heard!!!
i just got quite a few 5mg methadone pills for free. i've never tried it and i'm curious. what's a reasonable dose and what should i expect? i'm actually coming off heroin recently and am using suboxone. is it similar or better or what? details please...
My dad overdosed 6 months ago while we were doing Methadone together and died. Please, please be careful and considerate when abusing such powerful chemicals.
I wouldnt take the methadone while your on sub, its wont really do much, plus it lasts so long im not sure how it could compete with the subs. Id maybe save them for a rainy day or try and trade them to someone in a program for bars or something. The first time i ever tried methadone i was doing like two or three 80s a day and i took 50mgs of methadone one day when i couldnt get oxy and man i was fuuuucked up. Really wish i had done a dose calc first because i was nodding so hard it was scary. Plus i was on my way back driving from va with a car load of weed. Not smart any of it. But yeah, methadone is really fucking strong.
I wouldnt take the methadone while your on sub, its wont really do much, plus it lasts so long im not sure how it could compete with the subs. Id maybe save them for a rainy day or try and trade them to someone in a program for bars or something. The first time i ever tried methadone i was doing like two or three 80s a day and i took 50mgs of methadone one day when i couldnt get oxy and man i was fuuuucked up. Really wish i had done a dose calc first because i was nodding so hard it was scary. Plus i was on my way back driving from va with a car load of weed. Not smart any of it. But yeah, methadone is really fucking strong.
thanks for the heads up. i was definitely gonna wait till i'm off the suboxone. would you say it feels more like an opiate than suboxone does? so you can actually get the nod from methadone?
^ Actually both methadone and buprenorphine are so different from classic opioids like morphine or heroin that it's hard to say which one more resembles them.

Buprenorphine however in my opinion is capable of producing a nod that is much more like morphine's than methadone can. The right dose and the right tolerance is needed though. After getting down to 1mg of Suboxone and then having ~2 days of morphine, I started very low with Suboxone for a few days and when I took 6mg, it sent me very very deep, it wasn't the same kind of nodding, it's definitely more "lively" than morphine, less deep, but the euphoria is there.

Methadone easily produces nod-like states, it's just a matter of dose, but methadone itself is very dull and its nod is very sedative lacking opioid euphoria. Many people combine it with benzodiazepines to obtain a high resembling heroin more (well, I heard from many people that they also use tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline or doxepin to boost methadone). I once got really deep with this drug unintentionally, I had a choice - to lose 100mg or to drink it right away. I was already on my then daily dose (30mg) and yet I drank most of it (~70-80mg). It took hours before I started getting noddy, drowsy, and amnesic, but when it fully worked, I kept falling asleep and waking up on a chair for a few hours before I sobered enough to lie in bed.

Buprenorphine has its limit also in nods (with "wrong" tolerance taking high doses simply ends with nausea and possibly vomiting, and terrible headache), dying from buprenorphine is definitely nasty. But methadone nod is really vain.
My dad overdosed 6 months ago while we were doing Methadone together and died.

so sorry. that's awful. <3
Please, please be careful and considerate when abusing such powerful chemicals.

methadone was never sedating to me..i found it very stimulating, really.
in fact, when I overdosed on it, I went from being stimulated to
unconscious w/in 2 minutes.
^ Actually both methadone and buprenorphine are so different from classic opioids like morphine or heroin that it's hard to say which one more resembles them.

Buprenorphine however in my opinion is capable of producing a nod that is much more like morphine's than methadone can. The right dose and the right tolerance is needed though. After getting down to 1mg of Suboxone and then having ~2 days of morphine, I started very low with Suboxone for a few days and when I took 6mg, it sent me very very deep, it wasn't the same kind of nodding, it's definitely more "lively" than morphine, less deep, but the euphoria is there.

Methadone easily produces nod-like states, it's just a matter of dose, but methadone itself is very dull and its nod is very sedative lacking opioid euphoria. Many people combine it with benzodiazepines to obtain a high resembling heroin more (well, I heard from many people that they also use tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline or doxepin to boost methadone). I once got really deep with this drug unintentionally, I had a choice - to lose 100mg or to drink it right away. I was already on my then daily dose (30mg) and yet I drank most of it (~70-80mg). It took hours before I started getting noddy, drowsy, and amnesic, but when it fully worked, I kept falling asleep and waking up on a chair for a few hours before I sobered enough to lie in bed.

Buprenorphine has its limit also in nods (with "wrong" tolerance taking high doses simply ends with nausea and possibly vomiting, and terrible headache), dying from buprenorphine is definitely nasty. But methadone nod is really vain.
i've never gotten a nod from bupe and i've taken quite a few strips and pills. i've never taken higher than a 2mg dose though, so that may be the reason. this is my first time getting my hands on methadone though and i wanna see what it's about whether it's good or bad. i have eight 5mg pills. what do you think would be a good starter dose. also, is it easy to function on methadone. i like to go to work on suboxone because it seems to give me a lot of energy and i never get "fucked up" off of it. normally, i would just pop the damn thing but since i'm on bupe right now i would rather wait. i'm not really taking it for maintenance purposes since my last heroin dose was 6 days ago and i'm well past the major withdrawal stages.

That is absolutely false. Methadone has been used for the of treatment of opioid-dependency for more than thirty-five years and millions of patients. The effects of methadone on the health of those persons has probably been studied more thoroughly than for any other medication in all of medicine. Dr. Mary Jeanne Kreek, MD, , one of the best known and leading researchers in the field of methadone maintenance has summed up the findings:

"The most important medical consequence of ongoing methadone treatment, infact, is the marked improvement in general health and nutritional status observed in patients as compared with the status at time of admission to treatment. Most medical complications observed in methadone maintenance patients are either related to ongoing preexisting chronic disease, especially chronic liver disease, the onset of which occurred prior to entry into methadone treatment,or to coexisting new diseases or illnesses or to ongoing polydrug or alcohol use.

In short, people actually grow healthier in methadone maintenance treatment. Just how healthy depends on their condition before treatment and how they take care of themselves during treatment. Persons with certain medical conditions may feel body or bone aches and pains. Sometimes this is due to just getting older. However, such afflictions often go unnoticed during a stressful life of opioid addiction.

Once the person starts generally feeling better in recovery, those aches and pains may be more noticeable, but they are not due to methadone. Many drug-dependent persons neglect dental care before, and even after, entering addiction treatment. Any damage to their teeth has nothing to do with methadone and can be corrected with proper dental treatment.

I sat down with the clinic director and doctor at my clinic who has been dispensing and studying the shit since it was introduced. The fucking guy is ancient. I was shown papers, graphs, studies, abstract, the whole nine yards.

I stand by my position.

I have been on Methadone for almost 5 years now. 100mg every day dosed once in the morning. I eat a very healthy diet, take supplements, multivitamins, exercise daily, and don't use any other drugs aside from the occasional benzo when a rare panic attack occurs.
Ive been on every opiate there is for over 17 years for a chronic joint condition including over 10 years on methadone at various high doseages (180mg at present). IMO there is no better painkiller although opinions vary on this. Everything the above poster says is correct but generally there is an incredible amount of disinformation around regarding methadone, probably more so than any other opiate.
Ive been on every opiate there is for over 17 years for a chronic joint condition including over 10 years on methadone at various high doseages (180mg at present). IMO there is no better painkiller although opinions vary on this. Everything the above poster says is correct but generally there is an incredible amount of disinformation around regarding methadone, probably more so than any other opiate.

Hey, haven't checked here since a while, I'm now down to 44mg since I last posted around here, and then will be at 41 in 2 weeks and so on until i'm at 35....I had planned to switch to suboxone but I was at a way too high dosage which scared the fuck out of me, the doctor which was the kind of girl I would have hung out with in college I saw that morning when I was supposed to be kept inpatient for a day or two really tried to minimize the dangers of precipitated wd's from going on methadone to suboxone and when I told her the doctor whom I had planned the switch with (I rarely ever see the same doc at my monthly meetings, which something is cool, sometimes not) was warning me of how difficult it could be since I was still at 47.

Right now I have problems only taking 44 and take a little more from my takehomes and endure a day without methadone most weeks to see how I would fare during the day or 2 i'd be kept and watched withdrawing in their face.

The thing is I want to switch absolutely because out of nowhere, methadone has started to give me a lot of side effects that it didn't at first...which is a first when you consider medication taken long term for me...always thought it was other people than me...well not this time. I gained 70lbs in the 9 months i've been on methadone, but not at first, I gained 40 in march and 30 from april to now...and blood tests ordered by my GP didn't show fun things : massive drop in testosterone, I will be taken care of by a "men's health specialist" on the 13th...he has the same last name as me so things should go well with him, I am told I'll be given a shot then scripted a gel to put on my back everyday after showering until it gets to an acceptable level....I hadn't noticed anything that could tell me I lacked testosterone...well, not sexually for sure, but the rest yes, thats why i went to my GP and asked for what I rarely do : yearly blood tests, I even checked more boxes than my doc had checked and I'm glad I did now...partially.

Because the doc who said ok, we'll postpone your switch to suboxone for a month (I'll be switched at 41 or 38mgs, not sure, we'll see how a shot of testosterone will help me, I have it real fucking low guys, 0,66 when I should be at a 0,4 nanogram per L I think, well I know the number I should be at is 4.) but this chick very casually, like I said, this methadone/suboxone doc could have been a friend of mine easily in college which is kinda weird, that dude you gotta have those cortisol levels done something about, i'm at 105 which means it is a bit low, she said it isn't dramatic but that it is also a side effect of any full mu opiate agnonist taken long term (possible side effect). Methadone just seems nastier and give more of them side effects easily. Anybody ever had problems with their adrenal glands from methadone here ?

What can be done about it ? Can the doctor who will do something about my testosterone do something about this too ? All I know is that it explains a lot, yes, I do not ruin myself financially anymore and the social part is better too since I stopped shooting up dilaudids. But I gained all that weight and it fucked 2 very important hormones in my body which cause me to be tired and be unable to do anything about that excess weight except eating less fat, which is not too difficult considering I live with my mom who's an authentic chef. I can't wait to see that guy, I'm seeing him as an emergency too or I would have had to wait till october...my GP had to speak with him on the phone. I'm also bothered that the pain is now back that I got below 47mg a day, which is the reason I got into opiates in the first place, and I don't hold much hope about bupe being good for pain, i'm aware of temgesic and Butrans patches but they are most likely not for people with a massive opiate history like me. I know this is a complicated and long post but if any of you have something to say about any part of my problems with methadone and what it did to me in those 9 months or about the imminent (for my health's sake) switch to suboxone, I'll take it...
im trying to get off of subs, and was thinking of doing a 21 day methadone detox to do so... been on subs for 6 months now
im trying to get off of subs, and was thinking of doing a 21 day methadone detox to do so... been on subs for 6 months now

Why would you use methadone to get off subs? Subs to get off methadone yes, but not the opposite. It's much easier to detox from bupe than methadone. Just taper down gradually on the bupe. Trust me, you'll regret switching to methadone.
Why would you use methadone to get off subs? Subs to get off methadone yes, but not the opposite. It's much easier to detox from bupe than methadone. Just taper down gradually on the bupe. Trust me, you'll regret switching to methadone.

Yeah I don't recommend this, shun methadone if already on bupe, I'm making the switch soon because of the really bad side effects it has given me long term, just read my post. Most of my pants and jeans are suddenly unwearable, I was having an alright time with the treatment, it would even get me high a little when i took hydroxyzine and a low dose of valium with it, but fuck this shit, I'm willing to switch to subutex as soon as possible, it does't fuck with testosterone, doesn't cause water retention (which is a big reason I gained that much weight from it) and doesn't fuck with cortisol levels either, which methadone can lower enough to be dangerous, it lowered mine after 9 months of treatment to subclinical adrenal dysfunction....so i'm quickly lowering my dose, am at 44mg now, 41mg in 2 weeks, etc. until I get to 35mg, then the next day I'll have a half dose and do the switch inpatient, because Ihave a feeling it'll be really difficult, already now i'm getting some generic oxycontins at times (which i just chew and eat, which I have always done, fell to the needle because of dat hydromorphone rush) on rough days. It's ok with me, 80-120mg of eaten oxycodone is still weaker than my 44mg daily dose of meth...shows how fucking strong the thing is, only problem is that at that dosage now it is very much gone (feeling wise). So I'm treating myself like they do in more enlightened countries, using regular opiates/opioids in between methadone and suboxone, if i could buy enough oxycodone i'd just dose with it and ignore the methadone, the faster that shit is out of my body the happier i'll be.

Can't wait till the 13th...I can't wait to get back all my energy and liveliness that methadone stole from me ( I sleep 10 hours at night, which is fine with me) but then I nap about half of the afternoon and nap from 8 to midnight, stay up 4-5 hours and go sleep those 10 hours. Probably a big reason why I got so fat....what confuses me is that I gained all that weight in 2 months, before that the methadone didn't fuck with my weight..probably caused by the huge loss of testosterone...at this point I don't care anymore other than I want off the methadone as quick as possible. Too bad I showed up at my scheduled appointment last monday to stay a day or 2 inpatient to switch to bupe...I just couldn't, even if the doc, who was my age and so casual with me it's the kind of girl I can speak with a bunch and she even had a bunch of tatoos one arm, we discussed punk and hardcore punk music for a while and thats probably why she said ok, i understand you dropping half your dose of 47mg yesterday wasn't enough for you to switch, (I took 23,5mg the day before, but I don't think the doc I had discussed the switch with was aware that only a dose that low one day before switching wasn't enough, and that one didn't think I would fall into complete precipitated withdrawal when they would give me the subs, even if I had been sick when they gave it to me...I talked about how I read a lot about it, didn't mention this site, I know a lot of people recommended me to switch when i was at 25 to 35mg since a while, not since only a day to switch, I would have had way too much methadone in my blood then, right?
Well, I don't know why exactly i'm posting in this thread......other than the need to tell SOMEONE about my experience with methadone.

I'm a 27 year old male, who has been addicted to opiates (H and oxy) since I was 20. I got on methadone about 2 years ago, when I was 25.

At first, methadone was a godsend. I made the choice to go on, because I didn't want to live the lifestyle of an illegal addict/supplier anymore, with a 1 year old child. Opiates made it VERY difficult for me to manage finances, manage relationships, friendships, and a even a life. Besides all that, I was in LOVE (and still am) with opiates. Partly because of my social anxiety, and other health issues that opiates alleviated.

Anyway, at first, methadone was a godsend, as I said. The first 6 months was the honeymoon phase. I would dose, come home, play video games for a while, and generally feel awesome for most of the day. Rinse and repeat.

After 6 months, I no longer felt my methadone. It DID stop withdrawals for MOST of the day, but I have a very fast metabolism I guess. It actually took 9 months for my clinic to get me to 100mg, because I was using other drugs to compensate for the WD I would feel (and my clinic knew this, it was a double edged sword.....I couldnt go up unless I pissed clean, and I couldn't deal with the WD of the lower doses of done).

Anyway, 100mg was never enough to fully hold me, and it still isn't. I get withdrawals every night around the same time, until I take my next dose in the morning. I've just learned to deal with this....and I stopped used any other chemicals over a year ago (I've been completely clean, minus the done, for a year).

I have gained 50 lbs since being on methadone (something I heard happened to lots of people, but I NEVER, EVER thought I'd gain weight. Ive always been underweight my entire life. The first 20 lbs made me actually look alive, the extra 30 lbs I do NOT like).

My creativity and mindset have most certainly deteriorated. My social anxiety is just as bad, if not worse than ever before.

I am finally going to start tapering in a few weeks, THANK GOD.....but even then, it will take me about 8 months to get off done because I'm going to taper very slowly.

Anyway, I have no agenda for writing this reply. I am not condoning nor praising methadone. It simply is what it is. Like everything, it has its pros and cons, which I think any individual should carefully weigh before deciding to start the program.

Good luck guys.
^ Methadone did the same exact thing to me, minus the weight gain. I was on MMT for a good year and felt withdrawals every night/morning until I dosed.

I suggest tapering down to 30mg of methadone and switching to Suboxone. It actually held me much better at 2mg then methadone did.
^ Methadone did the same exact thing to me, minus the weight gain. I was on MMT for a good year and felt withdrawals every night/morning until I dosed.

I suggest tapering down to 30mg of methadone and switching to Suboxone. It actually held me much better at 2mg then methadone did.

I can't wait to be able to say this, in a week and a few days I'll be at 41 then 38, then 35, all in 2 week increments, I take some oral Kadians 100mg augmented with tagamet to help the bad days, honestly it isn't so horrible for me, I went down by 3mg once to 57 then 55, 53,51, 49,47 etc. only at 47 did I start drinking a bit of my takehomes (maybe 1/5 of the bottle, I hear our method of delivery is old school and not used in the US anymore in canada, it comes in the same brown bottles one would get hydrocodone, codeine, hydromorphone etc. syrup for really bad cough for bronchitis/pneumonia and when I go get my dose and 5 takehomes (still got a stupid day on saturdays where I gotta go take it at the pharmacy and come back empty handed) mixed with orange juice.

And sometimes I just don't take my takehomes and take those 100mg Kadians with Tagamet or eat a couple generic Oxycodone CR's 40mg to get me used faster to not being so 'doned. I need to switch to subs for my own health and quick.