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methadone, buprenorphine and other opioid pharmacotherapies

Lucky for me a lot of pharmacies change over pharmacists frequently but I still hate having to lie to get what I need so I can carry on my day but this is my choice so can't really complain. There are still many places I haven't been able to reach due to not being able to drive but I've started to work out bus routes. I've also noticed male pharmacists are way nicer than the female ones lol, many don't even take my details down.
That's odd that they prescribe codeine there for maintenance. Anyway, you can still manage to get codeine frequently if you're near a lot of shops. I used to be near a lot and you just have to organise a plan in which you cycle through nearby pharmacies.

Haven't heard of codeine but certainly DHC in slow release has been used in both nz and europe for maintenance
Guys I'm on methadone, 10ml / 50MG. Served to me undiluted.

I haven't used in ages, but in this case I actually spat yesterdays dose out and have it here... I'm thinking of taking it after I get my 50mg today. Is double dosing going to get me anywhere ?

My self control with methadone is good, I mean, I have a sheet of endone here and I'm fairly sure even the whole sheet (what's that, 50mg oxy) wouldn't do shit to me...
I guess you could do it, but I'd be concerned about bacterial build up. You spat it out, after all.
I'm not looking at whacking it. I've heard stories of people spitting out a dose and whacking it afterwards, YUCK.
Hrm, just swapped from the public program back to private. I'm now on the brown syrup instead of Biodone Forte. This stuff tastes so much better, the aftertaste is bareable!

EDIT: Oh, and I did it... 10ml of brown methadone, just now followed by yesterday's 10ml of biodone forte.

EDIT: +1 hour on, Feeling good. Warmth up my arm, slight itch... So far it feels like a good codeine dose. Ahhh, I've missed this!
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Hrm, just swapped from the public program back to private. I'm now on the brown syrup instead of Biodone Forte. This stuff tastes so much better, the aftertaste is bareable!

EDIT: Oh, and I did it... 10ml of brown methadone, just now followed by yesterday's 10ml of biodone forte.

EDIT: +1 hour on, Feeling good. Warmth up my arm, slight itch... So far it feels like a good codeine dose. Ahhh, I've missed this!

Gud, gud.
Double dose does nothing for me. I need a lot more to feel methadone at all, and even then it's not "good". It's just not sick, with a tiny bit of good. Not even good. Just, mildly pleasant.
I'm just happy not having crazy cravings and/or wd's.

I have a sheet of endone here and no desire to touch it, knowing it will do nothing for me. I'm happy on my methadone. (Plus since I can't hit the side of a barn door with a syringe... at least with my veins being underground naturally) I don't have a needle fixation.

Methadone is great for me at this point of time in my life, where I do not want to fully abstain (because frankly I know I mentally can't manage it), and it's good because It's legal and puts me in control of my use of opioids, and saves me a hell of a lot of money.

Fuck, I remember doing up to 1.5 grams of CWE'd codeine, with 600-800mg (3 200ml rikodeine bottles) of DHC, and a morphine poppy seed wash on top..... Those were grim days.

It's good to know I can still feel something like I did when on the morph/codeine/dhc, If I can do this once a month with my takeaways I'll be happy and in control.
It's good to know I can still feel something like I did when on the morph/codeine/dhc, If I can do this once a month with my takeaways I'll be happy and in control.

Have you been on methadone long? Doesn't sound like it because I haven't heard of anyone getting much positive after doubling up their dose. Don't know anyone on methadone who still gets something out of it apart from not being sick (it's great to have something reliable though, lets some people get their lives back on track)

Just don't be surprised if the nice feeling goes away :(
Yeah those effects from double dosing will soon wear off, quicker the longer youe been on the program. Itvwont take your body long to amdjust.

Then you may find yourself wanting to uo yoyr dose so youre able to continue the roytine. It can be a slippery ride as so many others find out tge gsrd way.

Justvreally warch your intakee and dont let itvstartvto over ride yourvreal desire of maintaining everything, most importantly yoyr lifes priorities :)
I've been on it for a few months now. 4 mth or so.

Stepped up from 20mg to now 60mg. (over 4 months)

Was stable at 50mg daily but now I'm craving opiates I've decided to up the dose.

I have 60mg spat out into a drink container that i drew up with a syringe (to store it) that measures over 25ml unwatered wtf, should be 22mg, i thought the drink container was empty, maybe the rest is the drink lol).

Tomorrow I get a takeaway so perhaps I may triple dose and see how that goes.
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So I went and got my takeaway today for tomorrow.... Drank the stuff he gave me and got home, my methadone bottle was undiluted (I LOVE THIS CHEMIST).

Yesterday i had my dose at 10pm tonight (friday's dose) .... via, well : (rectally, (I brought it home spitting it out)

Drank the stuff he gave me (today -saturday dose) and got home, my methadone bottle I was given (sunday dose) was undiluted (I LOVE THIS CHEMIST).
I've had a look at my bottle labeled 70mg (14ml) weekend dose and it's actually 20ml of liquid (100mg) at least according to the syringe

I IV'D THEsyrup (yeah yeah, I know it's bad) and i'm on the nod massively, warm itches... It's like when I used to abuse codeine except i could never get a nod at all.
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Drank the stuff he gave me and got home, my methadone bottle was undiluted (I LOVE THIS CHEMIST).
I've had a look at my 70mg (14ml) weekend dose and it's actually 20ml (100mg) at least according to the syringe

..sounds like it was diluted with 6mL bro, if there was supposed to be 14mL but there was actually 20mL?

A. <3
Yeah it was supposed to be 14ml (70mg) methadone, they never dilute when I have it in store, I just get handed 2 cups, 1 with water 1 with the syrup.

The bottle i picked up I sucked out 20ml of liquid (100mg) and it didn't look very dilute. When I smashed it it did rock me pretty hard. (I had 1 dose of assumed 65mg oral) and then about 40mins later I IV'd the 20ml of liquid in the bottle. So 165mg I assumed all up.

I think the chemist just buggered up. We'll see again when I get a takeaway the weekend coming.
OK if anyone is around at this unGodly hour of just after midnight central time I need HELP!

I dropped & spilled (seriously, honestly, really, I promise) for the first time EVER (well, in 8 months of methadoning at my clinic) my days dose of methadone. So I got on my hands & knees almost instantly & sucked as much off my bathroom floor (can yew say "eeeewwwww?!") as I could which wasn't much. I thought "well, I've heard this stuff lasts 24 hours & heard of people skipping a day's dose w/out issue so I'll just be cool & wait till 5 am Monday when the clinic opens & I'll fight my way to the front of the incredible line!

Well, I must have a really high metabolism b/c I've been in withdrawals for half the day, surprisingly strong too!

So, I've a box of loperamide & just took 6 tabs, 12mg.

Is it possible that loperamide could put me in precipitated w/d since there's surely methadone still hangin on to my mu receptors?

How much loperamide is SAFE and not DANGEROUS? I've heard you can take handfuls without worry, you'll just be stopped up unless you do some laxative of some sort.

So, if anyone can answer within the hour that would be SO cool! Thank you very much!

I have been drinking whisky which definately helps but only an hour or two at most. BUT I'm out of hard liquor but did buy 2 bottles of wine for emergency use only since I hate wine. Actually I hate liquor period but this is a special need today.

BTW it was early this Sunday AM (6-16) that I took, I mean spilled, my itty bitty bottle of 50mg methadone, the last of my weekly 6 take-homes I get because they trust me implicitly. Clinic opens in less than 5 hours but I AM SUFFERING! Loperamide questions above, thanks!
As a friend of a suboxone-certified doctor, I have heard him say this..."I suggest suboxone, or, in rare cases the local methadone clinic, because I cannot LEGALLY prescribe any other opiate/opioid for maintenance or withdrawal." In fact, he can't prescribe methadone for anything but severe/intense pain. We need to remember that whatever our opinion of drs and/or the medical field may be, they worked damn hard for their doctorates and why should they risk losing their license, career, income, all the learning in school, to prescribe something that is not indicated/approved for maintenance or withdrawal? It would surely be foolish for any Dr who truly respects his practise to do so.

Oh, damn! I forgot who I was replying to & didn't do a quote of who I was replying to, but I'm new and in withdrawal so fu*k it. Just trying to do something besides kill myself waiting for the done clinic to open in....ONLY 4 HOURS!!! Actually 4 hours 10 minutes, but SCREW the 10 minutes!

HEY! Maybe I'll show up at 3:30 a.m. and usurp this one dude who ALWAYS, every day from what I hear, (I've NEVER been to the clinic before 10 a.m.) is the first one in the door. He literally gets there at 4 a.m. each day and will throw a hissy FIT if anyone tries to be first in line before him. He's supposed to be the "official" line-starter! I'm gonna overthrow this guy today! I'm in withdrawal & he's probably not, so I'm gonna go with my boxing gloves on unless I happen to fall asleep under the bottle of wine I just chugged (which would be GREAT!) The very cool lady at the counter only cares about whos face is at the window at 5 a.m.
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Really? I can go 2-3 days without any issue. Re the loperamide i've had 50+mg no problems.

Try taking some benzos for comfort if you are w/ding.