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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Mephedrone/75-100 mgs) Riding on top of cloud nine

I'm on .5 g of mephedrone as we speak, and I seriously feel like God. Sadly, I know how bad the comedown feels, but I still got some grams left to play with.
Bahahaha, well I'm an atheist so I'd ignore them just to prove a point. But maybe if you send me your prayers with a little mephedrone we could make something work lol. ;)

Totally not really trying to solicit free meph btw.8o
just wait till your honeymoon is over. i've done tons of the stuff and it does cause heart pains later (and during from excessive heart rate) and wierd side effects like breathlessness and dizziness plus paranoia and insane wank marathons.

overall an addictive but ultimately dangerous drug

i second this. i finished about 3.5 grams in 4-5 days (i honestly dont remember I was so fucked up), and when I woke up after the 4th day, my chest hurt, was switching between pain and numbness, and the pain/numbness would shoot throughout my left arm. i was also extremely short of breathe and fatigued the whole day. looked up the symptoms and the first thing that popped up: heart failure. sweet, im gonna die!

wanna know the kicker? the day i woke up to discover my heart was possibly failing....was my 21st birthday. SWEET DEAL! i spent my entire 21st birthday moping around in a state of pure fatigue, praying to god i didnt have a heart attack and wake up in the hospital with a pacemaker inside of me. fucking scary shit.

i completely stopped all 4mmc usage after that, and havent done it since. not to say i wont do it again sometime in the future, but please dont binge this stuff.

I honestly predict that half of the UK, and 1/7th of the US will drop like flies in 20 years, and because 4mmc will have been illegal so long then, no one will make the correlation.

And we used to think energy drinks were bad for the heart :D


still... the high is fucking amazing. its like a short lasting meth, that has that perfect little hint of enactogenic activity that just makes you fuzzy all over!
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yes the high is gnarly ha ha first time i did it my pupils swelled gave me the high i got from o geeze years ago my 1st time blowin snow i loved it now its not so cool ha ha hurts ur chest i can almost invision driving and heart just stops!
It never close down. Been using for 8 years and you can take 5 grams a day, and you will feel like puking, BUT it is never enough. Why could'nt I just drink.
Related reading

Don't use too much of this stuff, it's probably not terrible in controlled amounts but if you're going to have a problem limiting yourself it's best to stay away. Awful, toxic stuff. This is becoming a HUGE trend, it's scary to think how many people are using it constantly and think it's no worse for them than something like coke or MDMA.
Actually, it is probably no worse than coke... but of course is much cheaper and thus tends to be around in much larger amounts when someone gets it. That's both a serious upside and downside to certain research chemicals, IMO. The same problem exists with MDPV, which is probably much safer than coke, but when you have a couple grams of it equating to several month's (sane) usage, that's a lot, and it's easy to go overboard dosage and time-wise with it. Not the fault of the drug at all, but tends to be associated with the drug anyway.
Yeah same here ! ive been having similar symptoms, panic attacks, heart palps etc and an over all high anxiety, this is a year on from having it ! just hope one day i will return to normal. i had it 6 times last year around 1.2 grams each time which ive since found out was far too much for me, any body else had probs from drone a year later ? any ideas ?
First of all, every thing about Mephedrone is depending on the supplier and the batch. The higher the purity, the better of course. Some of the shit that was out on the market when I first got mephedrone was ridiculously foul. I mean drone that you could smell outside of a house. I'm serious. I know a girl that did some mephedrone and the next day sweat it all mostly out. Well the boots she was wearing that day smelled of mephedrone so bad she finally had to throw them out.
If it isn't pure white and crystal, say yellowish and you can smell it before you open the bag, don't eat it. That is unless you want to feel like dog shit the next day. Don't get powder only crystalized cause it is debatable but imo the powder is likely cut.
No matter the purity this shit is cardiotoxic! Don't fool yourself into thinking your ok if you're railing really pure stuff all day, you're messing with your heart. That's permanent damage your doing with long binges. Everyone's body reactes differently with this stuff it seems. It doesn't take binges or someone taking over a gram in one night to turn your hands and knees blue. I've seen it happen the next day with under 500mgs on a few, and on myself as well.
Mephedrone is also no bueno for people taking SSRI's. Some people on SSRI's succeed in using it but I haven't witnessed too many.If they get lucky, the worst that happens is that the mephedrone doesn't hardley have an effect. I've seen one person try and try to get high on it and finally did. He was a mess for about 4 days, despressed as shit. Meds such as Wellbutrin are proven to lower the seizure threshold. Since mephedrone has the ability to raise both heart rate and blood pressure, mixing the two is not a wise decision.
I read about people taking grams of this and going on binges and IVing it. Look I don't shoot so Idk, but the best way to do mephedrone is in moderation and by bombing it imo. If you rail it, your not getting it's full potential and it's obviously more fiendish that way. Just enjoy the stuff before it gets scheduled and quit doing stupid shit like taking over a grams the first time. Your going to get sick and/or hurt yourself if you don't know what your doing so do plkenty of research and be safe!
i have used drone occasionally, i am fairly young and i would feel the chest pains after a short binge of a couple days. i believe what others are saying about the possible metabolite 4-methylephedrine being a large cause of unwanted effects. but ya i would recommended only having enough around for a small binge of a day or two max (something like 2g) then wait a month, if you really need to have extra fun drugs between binges then try something else that isn't a stimulant. if you can keep your usage down i agree that this probably wont be the death of you, its a really nice drug that imo should not be passed up while its available currently. and if you do decide to use this one keep in mind all the various harm reduction techniques available
Mephedrone is crap - any suggestions for what is not?

ordered some on-line through what appears to be a reputable supplier. my 1g bag came by us mailer as plant food not for human consumption. someone at my office opened it by mistake - perhaps they now think i have a green thumb?

anyway, i found this drug to be less rewarding and more heart pounding than Coke and i'm not much impressed with Coke as it is (duration too short, come down sucks). i would say come down from Mephedrone is worse than coke and the high is less euphoric and much more speedy.

who needs this shit when mdma pills are available?

is there something better than mdma pills - perhaps something that does not have the couple days come down from mdma?
ordered some on-line through what appears to be a reputable supplier. my 1g bag came by us mailer as plant food not for human consumption. someone at my office opened it by mistake - perhaps they now think i have a green thumb?

anyway, i found this drug to be less rewarding and more heart pounding than Coke and i'm not much impressed with Coke as it is (duration too short, come down sucks). i would say come down from Mephedrone is worse than coke and the high is less euphoric and much more speedy.

who needs this shit when mdma pills are available?

is there something better than mdma pills - perhaps something that does not have the couple days come down from mdma?

i dont think i know of any drug that is a better alternative to mdma than mephedrone. 5-methyl-mda is suppose to be real good, but im sure the comedown and after effects resemble mdma.
i use mephedrone because its somewhere between coke and mdma, at least for me. its much cheaper and it doesnt seem to make me feel drained at all after a binge which is great. (very little comedown too) ill save my real rolls for the good times. mdma really plays havok on my emotions especially if i binged on it.
3-fmc isn't bad. Feels cleaner. Though short duration, redosing is effective. It's not too morish and not much come down or hangover unless you way over do it. Though the euphoria is stronger and longer with mephedrone, I'd rather have 3-Fluoromethcathinone. 3-FMC doesn't have the harsh side effects like 4 mmc. Haven't found anyone that agrees with me yet though.
. i would say come down from Mephedrone is worse than coke and the high is less euphoric and much more speedy.

Dam either meph must have changed dramitically since it was made illegal here in the uk or it effects people differently! I never found it speedy or had heart palpatations on it and it was euphoric bliss! I find coke offers little euphoria and large amounts of anxiety! But agreed the meph comedown is a bitch, first few sessions you feel there is no comedown then it grabs you without you knowing it!
Dam either meph must have changed dramitically since it was made illegal here in the uk....
I think it's being produced more rapidly. Labs rushing batches causeing impurities and not checking quality. While people that couldn't even qualify to work the drive thru at mcdonalds are sitting up mickey mouse labs to make it.