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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Mephedrone/75-100 mgs) Riding on top of cloud nine


Sep 18, 2009
Mephedrone. This word takes the meaning of a rediculously sensational, euphoric drug that not many people (at least in NC) know about. Every person I've shared this with has said: 1 that they fucking love me and 2 this is THE best drug ever and 3 I wanna go fuck! haha I'm not even kiding when I say that this shit is one of the best drugs of our time.

I was first introduced to this about a month ago and the first time I did it I thought it was methadone which is a completely different drug used in heroine clinics. This understanding may or may not have given me a placebo effect of pure fucking amazing! Once I figured out it wasn't that at all I fell in love. When we do mephedrone we insufflate it to get the more intense vibe. Let me warn you, it will BURN and feel like somebody just railed you in the nose... but once the pain goes away you will feel AMAZING. Your visuals have an insane amount of prescence, your body feels weightless, ciggarettes taste like sugar and when rocking out to music, you get so lost it's undescribable...

These are the peak effects, which kick in about 5-10 minutes after ingestion and last for another good 15-20 minutes... but then the effects quickly ware off and you start the quick comedown which eventually brings you to the "refueling" stage where you deffinitely will want more. I wouldn't say meph is addicting as much as fiendy, because after not being on it for a good 48 hours you don't think about it as much. But when you can get it for NO PRICE DISCUSSION, shits kinda hard to not touch... I'd say I have developed a problem that I going to have to fix which is what leads me to say: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK, I'd love to see you enjoy this but at the same time would hate to see you go down with it :/
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huh, never heard of meph before.

is it really worth the short run-time of only 15-20 minutes?
Meph is the don, 1 hour at max, but re dosing works so all is good, about the short effects.
Related reading

Don't use too much of this stuff, it's probably not terrible in controlled amounts but if you're going to have a problem limiting yourself it's best to stay away. Awful, toxic stuff. This is becoming a HUGE trend, it's scary to think how many people are using it constantly and think it's no worse for them than something like coke or MDMA.

As for 4-mmc. I believe its cardiotoxic so not safe to take at high levels. There have been deaths from it.

be safe folks<3
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just wait till your honeymoon is over. i've done tons of the stuff and it does cause heart pains later (and during from excessive heart rate) and wierd side effects like breathlessness and dizziness plus paranoia and insane wank marathons.

overall an addictive but ultimately dangerous drug
when we dose 75-100mgs is a straight amount... normaly I'll start with a long rail and then it gets shorter and shorter... and yes this drug is horrible for you... and yes it is worth the rush BUT you have to know when to stop and drop it, i.e. MIND OVER MATTER
oh yea, it gives you the weirdest shits ever too! ha but yeah deffinitely use it with caution and don't go on a powder diet with it either...
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my local head shop has cloud 9 bath salt ? is that this im confused or whats that. theres no drugs in my area so i went to get a relaxion brownie lol from head shop(im on sub maintence so i really cant do shit) benzos is all i like no coke is near here i moved here from cali and its friday i did a lil cloud 9( and its strong! whats in thius and proper dosage they also sold me kratom 30x pills?
combo to increase the mephedrone

Ive been doing some (research with mephedrone) since I found some pre ban shards. I found that shooting it last just as long and uses half the dose. Ive found my best combo, (DON'T GO DO THIS NEWBS) is IV 75mg and then once the head buzz starts to fade I used a rag with vicks vapor rub on it and hold it under my nose and place a cold rag around the back of my next and take 2 to 4 10mg valiums and for about 3 hours I'm in heaven with no come down what so ever. Better than molly in my eyes now that If found what works for me.

Great write up by the way, I wish there were more meph stories out there like this one. Its an amazing chem when used safely.=D
Nice report. I'm a frequent user of the 'drone as well, and have found it to be a fun addition to my drug arsenal when used responsibly. I buy in gram amounts, which last anywhere from 3 to 5 days on average. I take some by mouth but mostly snort. Side effects I've noticed so far have been:

*Nasal dryness/bleeding
*Severe dry eyes
*Diarrhea on the comeup
*Depression and severe fatigue for 2-5 days after stopping
*Slight breathlessness when exercising, though this relents after a couple weeks off the mmc.

I say enjoy it now before it becomes Schedule I. Just stay away from the gas station bath salts that don't list the ingredients. Those aren't always mephedrone and are involved in more of the crazy adverse effect cases than pure, labeled meph.
. . . and wierd side effects like . . . insane wank marathons.

overall an addictive but ultimately dangerous drug

Whew! For a minute there, I thought I was the only one who had the wank-a-thon side effect. It's a good thing that it's so short acting, cos I don't know if I could even handle more than an hour or so of furious, meph-fueled masturbation.
Me and my friends used this stuff we called it drone tho. It deffinately makes you want to fuck and the comedown sucks ass. Its pretty bad for you, it can be ordered online as plant fertalizer. Just the sound of snorting plant fertalizer doesnt sound like the best idea.
My girlfriend one morning woke up with a massive headache and a bloody nose after doing mephadrone all night and that got her to quit.
I on the other hand was forced by her to quit. She thought i had a problem and i didnt. Looking back on it tho I think I really did have a problem with the drug.

Also the middleman i bought it from said never to take over half a gram, but ive seen it done.
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Whew! For a minute there, I thought I was the only one who had the wank-a-thon side effect. It's a good thing that it's so short acting, cos I don't know if I could even handle more than an hour or so of furious, meph-fueled masturbation.

listen to this then-

i used to redose nasally for days at a time, and would wank all night, not cum (which was frustrating), go into work come home, do more meph then wank all night again not cumming then go to work. 50hr binges whilst working were brutal:\

i've had five- ten gram binges that were sick as shit even tho in the end the high just got worse. takes ages for an addiction that severe to get a hold. plus i was taking tramadol every day in the morning which helped deal with the comedown
Okay, despite the warnings, I still want to give this a go someday.

I have some faith that my feet and hands won't suddenly go gangrenous fall off during the experience.
Okay, despite the warnings, I still want to give this a go someday.

I have some faith that my feet and hands won't suddenly go gangrenous fall off during the experience.

it just leaves as much regret as a speed binge but also leaves you lacking in something else that takes a while to come back.

its more the brutal comdown and sinus issues that should make you wary, plus its way more addictive than speed