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Mar 18, 2010
How do you deal with men? As a woman. I mean really.

I've always loved men and adored the opposite sex. I had a good father who I adored, all his friends loved me and used to call me a star, so in the beginning I completely trusted men. I had no suspicion there might be anything wrong with them (like my mother and other women sometimes implied).

There are so many men I love, if there's just something nice about them. I want to be around them and just get close to them, etc. So there's no shortage of men I love, that's not an issue.

Anyway, over time I've inevitably learned it's not that easy. You can't just smile at and get friendly with any guy you feel like as you don't know what he's like, and it could be really bad. Even though I'm a good judge of character this is not always something obvious. Someone can mistreat you, abuse you, and even rape you (and, gangrapes, wtf?). I feel sad there are so many evil men like that.

So I'm feeling really guarded now and I don't like it. I'd like to be able to be free to interact with anyone I like safely. But sadly the world doesn't allow for that. How do other females do it? Do you take chances like going home with a guy you've just met or do you stick to guys in your circle of friends or check him out first?

I know this is a luck/coincidence issue, too, and it might not be something on my plate I need to be worried about, I got lucky with my dad, after all.

It still puts some fear into me, though, but is there even any solution to this?
Just about all my experiences with men have been good ones. I tend to have quite a good 'crap antennae' so I can usually trust my gut instinct when a tosspot comes my way. However, I grew up with almost all male friends and have always been seen as 'one of the lads'. Incidentally, I am a bisexual woman and have been in relationships with both sexes throughout my life and I can say without a shadow of doubt that men are easier (for me) to be with long-term than women.

When choosing a male partner I tend to stick with my social circle - that is not to imply that I have sex with my male friends - but it is usually easier to meet decent guys if they are a friend of a friend than it is hedging your bets on a complete stranger. My last long-term relationship lasted over 8 years and that was with a guy I already knew before we became a couple.
I haven't really had any bad ones, either. I just have fear. And fear of the fear.
Women are just the same but without the potential dominant physicality aspect. At least with guys usually what you see is what you get.. a douche usually looks like a douche, a creeper usually looks like a creeper.. men aren't fantastic at hiding themselves (except maybe emotionally). Women on the other hand.. wow. I was quite shocked to realize just how manipulative they can be behind the scenes. Plastic smiles with a dagger behind the back.

As a guy how do I deal with women? The same I deal with all people. With a large amount of cynicism and barriers up.
Men have a way of enjoying using women though. While (they know) women are usually looking for romance. This has been a problem since the dawn of time.
Blegh, men. Am lately finding them far more complicated than they claim to be.

So I'm feeling really guarded now and I don't like it. I'd like to be able to be free to interact with anyone I like safely. But sadly the world doesn't allow for that. How do other females do it? Do you take chances like going home with a guy you've just met or do you stick to guys in your circle of friends or check him out first?
I'm interested in the responses to this - as I live in a fairly big city I'm generally pretty cautious when being chatted up by guys I don't know. Tis probably sensible but I can't help feel I'm missing out on things because of it. :\
I think you sometimes miss out.

When I was visiting my sister in Brighton I was walking through the high street alone on a Saturday night, and it was full of gangs of guys whistling and stuff (English guys are aggressive like that).

So I just ignored them. But then I walked past one of the most gorgeous guys I've ever seen standing in front of a minibank, and he turned around and said "Hello darling" and tried to reach out to me, but I just said nothing and walked on.

Even though I REALLY liked him on instinct and would have liked to spend some time with him. But I can't might as well get picked up by some stranger by a minibank. Though I suppose when people are drinking and partying that kind of thing happens all the time.

The thing is I had no idea what he was like or had in mind (most likely a great womaniser looking for some "fun") so I had to give it a miss.
Ninae, you seem pretty freakin' awesome! I would just embrace your awesomeness :D
Wow. You're a rare breed, aren't you?

But, yea, I can't forget about that guy even though I only laid eyes on him for less than a minute, as I found him so attractive. Doubt he remembers me. I was probably just the only one left on that street he hadn't swept over yet.

When I get time I will tell you about my uncle, who knew nothing about Pick-Up, but was the type that women would come to and swarm around (the ones who had the nerve). That was his life - women, women, women, all over the place. Have a few men like that in my family so my standards are pretty high.
How do you deal with men? As a woman. I mean really.

I've always loved men and adored the opposite sex. I had a good father who I adored, all his friends loved me and used to call me a star, so in the beginning I completely trusted men. I had no suspicion there might be anything wrong with them (like my mother and other women sometimes implied).

There are so many men I love, if there's just something nice about them. I want to be around them and just get close to them, etc. So there's no shortage of men I love, that's not an issue.

Anyway, over time I've inevitably learned it's not that easy. You can't just smile at and get friendly with any guy you feel like as you don't know what he's like, and it could be really bad. Even though I'm a good judge of character this is not always something obvious. Someone can mistreat you, abuse you, and even rape you (and, gangrapes, wtf?). I feel sad there are so many evil men like that.

So I'm feeling really guarded now and I don't like it. I'd like to be able to be free to interact with anyone I like safely. But sadly the world doesn't allow for that. How do other females do it? Do you take chances like going home with a guy you've just met or do you stick to guys in your circle of friends or check him out first?

I know this is a luck/coincidence issue, too, and it might not be something on my plate I need to be worried about, I got lucky with my dad, after all.

It still puts some fear into me, though, but is there even any solution to this?

You find a moral, ethical man who you really really dig. You're going to come across men who only want sex, and some of these men will be so talented and charming that you will not realize all they want from you is sex and gratification. These men are dangerous. You will fall to some of them inevitably. It's going to take wisdom and good karma (if you are a beautiful woman, too bad this world is so focused on appearances) to find a worthy man.

Best of luck girlfriend. PM for the deep deep knowledge ;)
Where did your thread go? I just wrote up a reply to it. No place to write about my uncle now. Never mind, I can put it in my own thread, it's still about men.

To give you a bit more, the singer in this video has a very special personality. He has a lot of heart and an interesting combination of dignity and humility and there's a feeling of something precious and noble about him. I think he's one of those exceptions who doesn't fit in with this system that easily.

I can also see he's a medium beta. A bit of a pussy, but not too bad, like me. Yea, we're on the same level. I can also tell the keyboardist is the more dominant. I can see it in his eyes in and in the way he barely moves. Strong men tend not to move much in face or body. They're very chilled out because they feel so safe. They have confidence in their own strength, and don't feel threatened by the world, so they're not on the alert all the time. So he's more sexually attractive or I'd rather have him in my corner.

Speaking of sexually attractive, I posted a video a while ago of someone I called "More man than I've ever seen", meaning hyper-masculine and a typical Alpha. You know the kind who have to fight the girls off and can take his pick or have unlimited opportunities. I'll show you, even if you don't understand the language, as it's a good view.

Fuck, he was sexy. Awesome physique and body language. And a complete natural too.

He's putting on an act for the show, though. You can see he makes artificial "speed eyes" (they move up and down). And he's very sane, decent, and normal in real life (there's no end to all the disappointments in this world) and is known for his dislike of drugs. I think some men are so high on testosterone drugs don't make them feel any better.

Who of them would the ladies prefer, though? Imagine having one for sex and one for romance. Not that I'd do that in actual practice. That's not my usual approach (stake straight through the heart).
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Aside from personality, nature/nurture (especially some sexes that grew up emotionally deprived abused, or basically with horrible role models for parental units, or just receiving 'love'), men and women are wired differently, most definitely. Thank God for the frontal cortex but still … it's not always used properly,based on conditioning, faulty programming lol. for executive functioning in relationships…. as well as simple hard wired human instincts.

The instinctual drive can take over and some will always take advantage if the opportunity arrives, women too. Animals are wired to reproduce… Survival/reproduction…. and humans. Fortunately, humans can think first vs animals, on most occasions but sometimes basic character exhibits otherwise :)
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Earth girls are easy. Notice something about their new hair, open a door for them or simply stop and look at diamond rings while gently holding their hand and panties will drop.

Nothing you can do about it, it's science.
Hey Ninae! I had to delete my "Pick-Up Artist" thread because too many people were getting offended by it.

Thanks for posting your knowledgeable outlook on what defines male attractiveness in your eyes! You have an outstanding way of breaking it down to a science. You're one of the type of females I could sit down with in a whole night drinking beer & discussing many interesting topics :)

That's why I advocated you embracing your awesomeness :D
I didn't realise. I've hardened my heart to that kind of thing now and think we were getting some good points across. But no one wants to face up to reality.

Anyway, God has created so many wonderful people and I'm in love with so many. I'm obsessed with men. :)

I really need to tell you about my uncle, though, but that's a long story. It should be made into a movie.

By the way, Morten Harket studied theology just to get out of military service, the pussy. At least my dad served as a Corporal. My uncle was too fucking crazy to even be considered.

There might be some kind of link there, we've always gotten along.
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Hey Ninae, I'm sorry if I deleted anything you replied to on my post :\

Anyway, you can further reiterate on this thread or make a whole new one :)

& What celebrity does your Uncle's personality compare to? I'm sure he's 100% charisma :D
He looked a lot like Elvis. But larger, and a more powerful, primitive type. Sparkling with charisma, yes.
Okay, I'll try to describe my uncle for you now, it's a long story so it's only for the specially interested, at least it's not boring. He was as interesting as any rock star, almost like a celebrity in my town, or someone everyone knew about and talked about. There's just so much to fit in, but I'll try my best to sum it up.

To begin with, he was a kind of freak of nature. None of my grandparents were that exceptional but they both had their qualities. And he inherited the best from both of them, or won the genetic lottery, as it goes. You can be given too much though. And sometimes with people like that even that's not enough and they just want more and more.

Anyway, to describe it further, my grandfather was small, fat, and bald, but had beautiful blue eyes and was quite pretty (looked like James Dean when he was young). And he was a real topdog or alpha male if there ever was one. If there was any trouble he only needed to give someone a glance and maybe a quick comment, and that was it.

He was extremely dominant. Even me or his grandchildren he didn't cut any slack. I sometimes felt scared looking into his eyes, even when he looked at me who he loved, because they were so powerful and there was such a threat there. He was also very intelligent, especially socially intelligent, but more in an instinctual than a bookish way. But he was very charismatic, and could be very charming, entertaining, humorous, etc. when he was in the mood for it. So he inherited all of that.

My grandmother was quite average looking, but not bad looking, and the combined features he inherited made him very handsome. My grandmother also had a full head of thick, black hair, which he still has. She also has a big heart and a real kindness and love of people, which he also inherited. He didn't turn out to be as cold and brutal as my grandfather could be, so people were also attracted to his warmth. My grandmother was always overweight, but had a strong sceletal and muscular built underneath, with very good shapes and proportions (thanks for that), and he inherited that from her. Only with a bucketfull of testosterone, so he was much larger.

My dad is large and strong but my uncle is seriously huge. He was so strong no one could ever beat him. A real fighter. And 100% masculine, no estrogen there. Me, my dad, and grandmother are more alike in temper, or more moderately aggressive, I once pointed out to my grandmother. But when my uncle or grandfather gets angry..."Then there's lightening" she finished the sentence for me. So he had a great capacity for anger if something ticked him off, but I didn't see much of that side of him.

At school he was like a gang-leader, or the type that controls the school yard. He got up to all kinds of trouble and was considered too volatile for the military. Most of all he was a leader of other men but this also attracts women.

Just getting to that part now. Funnily enough, when I was in rehab last summer one of the nurses had been in the same class as him at school. And she spent like 3 hours talking about him. For real, seemed like she still had a crush on him. She said he had the most beautiful eyes, and he was soooo kind, as long as he was sober. But he was so monstrously strong no one could ever touch him.

So here comes along the first pregnancy. The girl was 15 and he was 18 I think. He stuck it out for about 3 years until he moved on to another he had another boy with. She also had 4 children. I once asked my grandmother if any of them had the same father but she said she didn't think there was much chance of that. So I guess they clicked quite well.

Then when I was getting a bit older, or around 6-7, he moved out to a house in the country side, I think to get some peace for all the crazy stuff they were getting upto. I used to go there and visit with my father in the daytime at weekends, and it was so wild, I loved it. Lots of cool guys running around in their underwear giving me attention and entertaining them. We were all running wild apart from my dad.

He had a lot of his mates living with him and was like the centre of a circle of guys. But he was very generous, he put them up for free. Then there was great partying going on at nights, etc. I might as well have been hanging out with The Rolling Stones though I wasn't there to see all that, my dad sheltered me very well.

Then some poor woman would always be living there, because he liked having a woman around to care for him, not that I think he was faithful (or they were faithful). And they had to put up with all of that crazyness, they did because they couldn't resist him, but could only endure for a few years.

He had a really nice woman I viewed as my aunt he had a baby with living there for 3 years until she'd had enough. Then he moved another one in (he always had another one lined up) and I remember I got really pissed because I loved her and my cousin, and I just hung up the phone when he called me to introduce me to his new woman. I was small but I remember I was really angry with him then.

There were also some prison stints, I think mostly for stealing, and it started going downhill for him at the end. He became a full-time alcoholic and brewed his own booze illegally (the stench in that bathroom) and at the end the way he lived was really sad. In a small house with some crazy guys, drinking all day long, and some woman living there who wasn't quite right (what kind of woman would live like that) and probably was just there to make herself sexually available and do the housework.

The funny thing is my grandparents were ultra-conservative and highly moral and deeply ashamed of having a son who turned out like that, as they certainly hadn't raised him to be like that, but they did their best to be there for him and his children and their mothers. My dad was their pride and joy as the older, more sensible brother, and a good worker and family man.

Then at last comes the really sad part. When he was 29 he was beat up by 5 guys after he had drunk himself unconscious at a party. Because no one could beat him when he was sober. Talk about cowardice. He got very brain damaged and ended up half paralysed and in a wheelchair with speech problems so it was very hard for people to understand him.

So that was a very dramatic switch of lifestyle. He has been quite lonely since then, he who used to be so swarmed around. But he is very strong. He trained every day for 10 years because he thought he might be able to walk again. Then had to resign himself to that it would never happen.

But he's not sitting around being depressed feeling sorry for himself or anything. I remarked to my grandmother once, how he was able to keep his mood up so well, and she said, yes, he is very strong, and he is. He still makes people laugh all the time and is happier than most.

So that was the story of my uncle. Don't really think he deserved all that. There are many who live wildly throughout their 20's but most don't end up like that. But he was so wild, I don't think it would have turned out well anyway.

The main thing is he's very loveable and I'll love him always. I remember his girlfriend I saw as my aunt once said "You really love your uncle, don't you?".