TDS Megamerged TDS Psychosis Thread vs. it's all going to be alright

First off stop smoking weed. It's going to make the psychosis episodes worse. Find a psychiatrist and get a proper diagnosis. It sounds to me like it was more of a psychotic break that has subsided and is being aggravated by your occasional weed smokery.

I used to be a heavy marijuana smoker (cones), but smoking a cone full of synthetic weed one day triggered drug-induced psychosis that I've been on medication for over 6 months for. I've not done any other drugs with any regularity, and don't plan to in the future.

I'm thinking of tapering off my medication soon, and I have a couple of questions;

If anyone else is in a similar situation,

1. Do you think it would be at all okay for me to smoke weed recreationally after I'm off the medication? I don't want to smoke a lot, but maybe share a joint with friends sometimes? No cones again, and no more synthetic weed.

2. What do you think about smoking a bit WHILE tapering off medication? Has anyone done this?
I would look at what an occasional joint with friends will do for you compared with the real possibility of going through what you are just climbing out of or worse.. so glad you made it back<3

OH.. and my sincerest welcome to BL and the dark side:)

I used to be a heavy marijuana smoker (cones), but smoking a cone full of synthetic weed one day triggered drug-induced psychosis that I've been on medication for over 6 months for. I've not done any other drugs with any regularity, and don't plan to in the future.

I'm thinking of tapering off my medication soon, and I have a couple of questions;

If anyone else is in a similar situation,

1. Do you think it would be at all okay for me to smoke weed recreationally after I'm off the medication? I don't want to smoke a lot, but maybe share a joint with friends sometimes? No cones again, and no more synthetic weed.

2. What do you think about smoking a bit WHILE tapering off medication? Has anyone done this?

Do you plan on smoking the synthetic marijuana?

Either way, tread carefully. In the back of your mind your brain is still going to hold on to the thought of "last time I did this, something bad happened", which may trigger some anxiety in you. Not saying that it will, just saying that it could. Brains are smarter than we sometimes think ;).

So start off slowly if you must smoke and be aware that your brain/body may reject it because of past experiences.

Welcome to bL, and good luck <3
I had a cannabis induced psychosis in 1996.
was hospitalized 3 months.thorazine.heavy duty.
I didnt smoke for almost 10 years but did other things.

now it's all good ,I'm enjoying smoking,but I am older and have learned.
thats the difference.
I accept myself on a deep,fundamental least just for today,you know.
I myself am also working on recovering from MXE psychosis. My parents made the mistake of sending me to the ER where they put me on a 5150 and sent me to a looney bin for a week. I'm dealing with severe PTSD from the mental hospital they sent me to. I'm doing hypnotherapy, which i would highly reccomend to anyone coming out of an experience like this. I try to get out and excersize as much as possible but it's so hard because of the fear i have of going outside. I would love any advice people have that dosn't consist of taking poisinous medication.
I came by this post while researching drug related psychosis which I believe my brother has. I just don't know! He has always been "different" but never delusional. He is a long term ( over 20 years ) crack/cocaine addict as is my oldest brother. About three months ago he quit cold turkey. About a month after, he became extremely depressed which escalated to seeing bugs all over. We called crisis intervention and he talked his way out by saying he was an alcoholic..well, he isn't! Then, thru the course of the week, it progressed to seeing gangs and assassins at the door. He was grabbing knives to defend himself. Well, it was the Fed Ex Driver! Once again called Crisis Intervention. When the cops got there, he accused them of being in on it. He is still in the mental institution on Risperidol, an antipsychotic medication as well as medication for heart issues he didn't even know he had. He is in his 50''s. They say Paranoid Schizophrenia doesn't begin that late which makes me think it happened due to the drugs, even though he had been off them for over a month. Complicating this is my older brothers belief that the drugs can't do that and he just wants to take him home and "see how it goes". Of course he would say that, he is still a cocaine addict! Also, he has had two different doctors and they don't agree with what his problems are. The first doc was the one who did the initial eval when he was brought in. Said he was very sick mentally. Then they moved him to another unit and the new doc could care less! They really aren't doing anything but warehousing him and giving him that medicine, but not even a medicine for depression. He looks horrible. he can't even focus enough to read, etc. He now thinks others in the place are after him but denies it to the doctor who seems to just want to release him. At the last meeting, this A-hole of a doctor didn't even know what medication or doses he was on and doesn't listen when we tell him how depressed and dysfunctional he is. I am so afraid he will hurt the fed ex man or whoever else comes to the door if they release him too soon. Any advise would be appreciated.

This is such a depressing post and my heart goes out to you. It is depressing because of what passes for "intervention" and "care" in this country is abysmal and often more damaging than healing. A psychiatrist that doesn't even know what he is on????

Maybe you could try intervening with the original doctor? I wish that there was something more positive and hopeful that I could offer. Actually there is but it is advice for you. Get support through a NAMI family-to-family group, al-anon, whatever group you want. I can't tell you how therapeutic it can be to be in a room full of people that are simply struggling with the same things with a loved one. There may still be no answers (there aren't) but it is comforting just to be with a whole group of people that know what you are going through and can help you define your boundaries and limits while maintaining your compassion.

He should definitely not be out if he is a danger to anyone and it sounds like he will be. Does/did he live with you and your other brother?
What happened that requires all this medication? I don't mean to sound mean, but what kind of experience could have happened that now requires you to take all this junk? You don't need medication to get over a bad experience. Going to the hospital was your first, and probably biggest mistake. Now they have you going to therapists, taking all kinds of medication, and they have you convinced alcohol is acceptable drug use but your previous use wasn't? This all sounds a little silly to me.

Again, I don't mean to come off as cold, or rude. I'm just being honest. One bad drug experience, no matter how scary, should result in your current situation. Sounds you like needed a few days of recovery, as oppose to the quick reaction of going to a hospital.

Everyone is different. Psychosis is god awful and sometimes Western medication is the way to go. To each their own.
I'm not sure what your current state is but I hope you are doing better.

These are some things which I found relieving to my symptoms and hope that they can assist you also.

- Doing puzzles.
- Drawing.
- Writing.
- Understanding that I do indeed exist (remembering the Descarte quote "I think therefore I am")
- Meditation.
- Simplifying the concepts of who I am (my gender, the country I reside in, my job, my family, the place of my birth etc.)
- Medication and counseling

I wish you the best of luck.
i smoked cocaine base not crack 100% cocaine every day all day for almost a year with drinking every day and taking DXM twice a week and smoking an ounce to four of weed a day and i really never let up on these things and i also binged on my oxycontin and xanax but that didn't mess me up like all the other shit did i started thinking i NEEDED to kill my family and then me so we could be happy and i was ready to kill anyone and everyone who tried to reason with me so i was placed in some lunni bins when i got out i had been put on and through a bunch of different meds and i was diagnosed schizo/bipolar/panic disorder/chronic insomnia i don't smoke weed anymore or do DXM/drink/or cocaine and i can now think these thoughts and realize that they are just crazy thoughts but the panic disorder has gotten to the point that i can't be sober or i freak the shit out almost all day every day so i used oxycodone alprazolam dextroamphetamine and olanzapine (just to sleep doesn't help the schizo or bipolar) so i wouldn't say i have recovered but i'm in a much more stable mental state these days i just wish that knowing why i'm anxious and confronting it would have made the panic easier to deal with but maybe it did and i just have to stay high to not be in a panic due to messing with my brain chemistry with the drugs i use to get high either way i can't deal with panicking though the time it would take for my brain to start to fix it's self so i choose to do drugs until i die but i definitely would not suggest anyone ever do drugs because it can (not will but with the possibility why chance it) fuck your life up even worse than what government propaganda tells us when we are kids
I need some words of wisdom.
3ish months ago I went on a psychotic break induced by LSD and I haven't felt the same since. I was treated with a heavy duty antipsychotic called invega sustenna. Which is a slow acting risperdal. That took me out of it after being overdosed on it. Then I got put on the antidepressant celexa for anxiety. But I'm coming off the celexa cuz it actually made me anxious......
Where should my mind be after only 3 months from this psychosis? Could the fact that I did a bunch of LSD factor in my emotions? I feel uninterested in everything. Unmotivated. Nothing is funny. Nothing makes me high. I've tried booze and weed since and they don't feel the same as they used to. Just blah. How long till I feel emotions again? Was it the myriad of drugs they used to fight the psychosis that did me this way? Or was it the lSD? Where should someone's mind be? About how long till I feel normal again? What things can I do?
Hi OP I am so sorry to hear about your current condition. I am also fighting anxiety atm, although I was not prescribed any medication. Would CBT be an option you can look into? How about another visit to the doctor to be put on another type of medication? I had been doing acupuncture for the past month and it helped. This may vary from person to person but I can post the thread I created here:

Goodluck OP I hope you find the solution for you. Let us know any results and report back to us.
right after i was taken away from the drugs that made me psychotic i almost instantly started improving but after a couple months i started having some pretty bad mental health issues which took me a long time to do the therapy needed to start to feel better and even longer to find the right meds to help keep me on an even keel
Hello, I had an psychosis because of abusing marihuana and mdma. I used to smoke since I am 16 till 25, when my psychosis came out. I heard voices, I had delusions, and I was feeling that everyone is looking at me. Now I am ok, and taking meds (perazin and fluanxol).

I want to ask:

1. if others had too similar expiernces ?
2. did u try to smoke again ?
I've had a psychosis induced by both cannabis and amphetamines. I had a 6 month stay at the psychiatry, which was a hell. They put me on all sorts of medications, all relatively high dosed. I got out of clinic, and then the real struggle came, picking up your life.

I started smoking cannabis again, but i can't say it helped me. I've just recently quit weed and it's only now that I understand that all the time I smoked, I just wasn't myself. Even on the meds. I should note too that smoking on your meds can be dangerous and have permanent effects on your brain.

Don't be like me and pick up on your addiction, just as before your psychotic breakdown. Try to find joy in different things! I mean, there's more to life than just being stoned all the time.
For people who have a certain sensitivity to cannabis (making them psychotic) it is out of the question to smoke it. Unless you want to spend your life going in and out of psychosis and hospitals. You should also know that the more psychosis you experience, the easier you'll get it in the future. (This is not entirely proven though, but there are studies that suggest this)
weed in and of itself doesn't cause psychosis all it does is in some people bring out underling psychosis that may have never became a problem if you'd never smoked pot
^ while this is true I am still a proponent of knowing family history in regards to mental health, and for getting an assessment when a teenager.

You really need to work further with your doctor on this issue because it could have been just an episode of psychosis, or it could be underlying mental health issues like schizophrenia, etc. I am not saying this to scare, but to help you get the best care you can.
Hello, I had an psychosis because of abusing marihuana and mdma. I used to smoke since I am 16 till 25, when my psychosis came out. I heard voices, I had delusions, and I was feeling that everyone is looking at me. Now I am ok, and taking meds (perazin and fluanxol).

I want to ask:

1. if others had too similar expiernces ?
2. did u try to smoke again ?

Get off the psych meds... like what?

Really? Any competent Dr. Should know it requires 6 months to a year of not abusing drugs to be able to diagnose and medicate someones mental illness.
There's a very good chance that cutting out the weed is all it took to stop the symptoms...

I'm not a Dr, and I can't diagnose you, but I have read enough to know that nobody can diagnose you if you're experience symptoms due to the abuse of substances. why would you medicate the side effects of a drug with a another drug, instead of just stopping the drug causing the symptoms?

Also, yes, I can relate. I smoked pot every waking minute for 2 years when I was in my late teens. I ended up with a bunch of psychosis like symptoms towards the end of the chronic two year binge, I was hallucinating, hearing voices when trying to sleep, extreme depersonalization/derealization, etc. Stopped smoking weed for a while, and the symptoms went away. no psych meds.
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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for taking your time to read my thread.

I am looking for support and information regarding psychosis, specifically drug psychosis. There seems to be very little info on the web which I was surprised about.

Last year I had two relapses, with my first major incident taking place in 2011 - I was in total denial for at least a year that this first episode was completely psychotic but there's no denying that it was the first and in a way, most significant. In fact I've been in such denial that even now, I was only going to write that I had experienced two episodes.

I was diagnosed with drug induced psychosis with bi-polar symptoms. I was hallucinating during the episodes. I have seen through some research that people with bi-polar can hallucinate but I am wondering now if I had more schizophrenic symptoms? Anyway, does it matter? It was the scariest period of my life, so isolating and frightening. I almost lost what remains of my family.

So here I am, over a year from my last episode... I have dabbled a little since this final episode. Some coke, mdma and most foolishly, ketamine.

Ket was what seriously got me into trouble with my last episode. I kept experiencing what I felt was near death, passing over to the spirit world and being greeted and welcomed. In fact, I was desperate to die. I was joyous, really hoping that the finality of it would come with the doses as they got higher and higher. Yet, somehow, I kept wanting to come back. I felt like I was walking a fine line, choosing whether I was to die that day or not. I always chose life... But my breathing would slow to an almost complete stop and although conscious, I wanted to cross over. I wanted the hallucinations to be true - I kept feeling like I was being prepared to be reunited with my parents (I lost of both them in recent years - a huge factor contributing to my mental instabilities). Turned out all of this was madness, me slowly progressing back into another psychotic episode.

I do believe in the "spirit world", at least some belief that keeps me sane, keeps me going. It offers something to look forward to. Believing I will be reunited with my parents, in the light; is what keeps me sane.

So it might be clear to you already that I suffer from depression. It's not a woe is me depression, my parents death's have taught me to have perspective and appreciation for life. I don't wonder "why me", "life is so cruel" or "if only it was me". I've been through that, the guilt; the raging guilt. I felt guilt that I survived, that I could do very little to help alleviate their suffering and that, in some way, my selfishness possibly contributed to their stress and consequent illnesses. So I've been through those thought patterns and have hopefully moved away from them. However now the sadness is a an almost constant, underlying, dull pull. Sometimes so quiet and persistent that I don't even realise that it has a hold on me before I find myself, again, where I am today.

Considering drug use...

I always used drugs as escapism, my mum was ill for many years and I utilised drugs to alter my mindset, obvs! It worked great on a Saturday, shit on a Wednesday! Anyway, I have been researching and it is clear that by having repeated psychotic episodes, that I am opening up myself to the possibility of having another one (or worse) if I do continue with drug use.

You'd think I'd learn but by God, is my brain one persistent bastard! "A little won't hurt", etc. Such bullshit ideas! I am, literally crazy for even thinking I can get away from it. So yes, I am a drug addict. I am now accepting that.... Shit!!!! Gutted!!!!

Well drugs aren't that great, are they? Of course, depends which side of the coin you're looking at but for me, believe me, I have seen the shitty side. I'm on Abilify now (anti-psychotic). It sucks, I sleep loads, freak out if I miss it - psychosomatic, and can't wait to get off them, whilst conversely being absolutely shit scared of how I might relapse. Have I broken my brain completely?! Arghhh.

Hmmm, why I am writing this again? I guess I have very little opportunity to vent anything about my predicament and I saw The Dark Side and thought it was amazing.

Sorry, I am being utterly selfish here. Sorry guys. Please forgive me, I'm not normally this bad but this is a rare platform for me so I am milking it!

So yes, I'm a drug addict, with psychotic tendencies when drugs are thrown in the mix and yet, I am still doing drugs and considering taking more. Fool, fool, fool. I know I shouldn't but I guess this is the addict paradigm! I guess N.A might be the way forward but isn't that based around religion or am I getting my facts wrong?

I did have an early intervention team that was fairly helpful, I have been on the waiting list for psychotherapy since Feb 2012 and here you find me, almost two years later. Clearly too many of us in need for the system to handle. Also, I recently moved to a new borough and the local team literally wouldn't take me on. Yep, great... So that's how I found my way to Bluelight.

So, I guess I haven't really asked any questions and I suppose I haven't really got that many but if there's anyone out there with stories or advice they'd like to share, then I'd love to talk. Honestly, I'm not normally this selfish. Think I needed a good rant and thanks for reading if you've got this far.

I hate the thought of other people suffering like I did so I hope I can also help in some way, as well as get some support myself.


Ferbals x