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[MEGA] Vaporizers Thread

have you ever used the Volcano? I kind of wish I had gotten a Vapor Brothers for a while but at the same time the process is a lot less involved with the Volcano and the bag is much easier to share with a group.

I still have a normal sized bong but the slider got dropped about 4 months ago and the last time I used it was about 4 months and 3 days ago so I was pretty bummed about that, got reimbursed in weed instead of 20 dollars so I just never bothered to get a new one because I just would vape all the time and still had one of those mass produced bubblers too. Kind of miss that immediate bong high though, with vapes the high almost creeps up on you because, at least for me, it takes like 5 minutes before I start to feel stoned.

Yeah I can't really complain about my current smoking apparatuses now that I think about it
Salutations Shimazu,

...ever used the Volcano?

Never have, never will!

...the process is a lot less involved with the Volcano and the bag is much easier to share with a group.

Having owned an HerbalAire i can comment on part of that, the one about involvement and bags... Bags blend the aroma and taste making the whole bag uniform in those respects. That's useful when one wants to acquire memory of new taste perceptions though it obliterates all of the furtive nuances. Yet conveniency has a cost in many ways, the need to reserve some table surface somewhere, for example...


Volcano bags ain't any less clumsy in my opinion.

Kind of miss that immediate bong high...

I'm not sure it's that determining in my user profile, the delay seperating intake from effects, i mean.

Flash vaporization got me curious lately but it's more about aroma/taste than effects and even less delays. There are strains to be sampled, ritual(s), etc. It's a vast universe to explore/discover and time may be infinite but i don't have another 30+ years - and this pipe may have saved me some of the frustration on the long run.

Going from HA to VG served me fine.

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Yet conveniency has a cost in many ways, the need to reserve some table surface somewhere, for example...

ok well when the only downside you can think of involves finding a 1 foot circular space ANYWHERE within 3 feet of an electrical outlet, I think that says it all

as opposed to your borderline meth lab you got going on up there

this is 'Murica

we have nightstands


it is funny the reaction people give to vaporizers, some people thought a small portable vaporizer was a crack pipe
i just bought my first 'real' vaporiser

i got da buddha!

does anyone who's had one for a long time have any protips? aka accessories which make the experience a lot better, what temp to vape at, should i get a glass on glass bong with a perc so i can hook it up with a bong/vape attachment?

Nice choice I've had my Da Buddha for about 2.5 years. It seems that the temp settings vary from vape to vape but I usually start at about 12 o'clock on the dial and finish around 3:00, I stir every couple hits. I'm strictly a bong user so I bought a 12" strait tube that I only use for vaping. With vapor there's really no need for a perk as it's not harsh. I only have experience with 5150 glass but it has the small size downstem which the Da Buddha tubing will fit perfectly inside.

Lastly save your leftovers because you can cook with it or simply mix it with some peanut butter and eat or dump it into some ramen noodles.
Hi again Shimazu,

Bags blend the aroma and taste... ...obliterates all of the furtive nuances. Yet conveniency has a cost in many ways, the need to reserve some table surface somewhere... Volcano bags ain't any less clumsy in my opinion.

...when the only downside you can think of involves finding a 1 foot circular space...

Euh... The ONLY downside? That was one among many but thanks for the funny interlude anyway!

Im not so sure about eating vaporized weed .

I think it has to be only lightly vaped, if not arent you really eating ash/something close to ash

cant be good for you
ok well when the only downside you can think of involves finding a 1 foot circular space ANYWHERE within 3 feet of an electrical outlet, I think that says it all

as opposed to your borderline meth lab you got going on up there

this is 'Murica

we have nightstands


Hilarious. You even put up a pircture of a night stand!

Im not so sure about eating vaporized weed .

I think it has to be only lightly vaped, if not arent you really eating ash/something close to ash

cant be good for you

Not even close to ash. Delicious edibles can be made. The weed had just been cooked for a second already.
Im not so sure about eating vaporized weed .

I think it has to be only lightly vaped, if not arent you really eating ash/something close to ash

cant be good for you

Look on grasscity lots of discussion on eating avb. I vape mine pretty dark and IDK how good it is for you but it does give a strong body high, almost opiate like.
Can someone please help me pick out a Vape for around $100


I would like to buy a portable vape... it needs to be very small, the size of like a pen would be great. Not some big one.

Also does anyone know of any vapes that are branded as E-cigs, but can also be used with bud, hash, or oil? I kinda would like to get an E-cig to use for tobacco, but i'd lie to be able to put in whatever I want on occasion.

I would like to buy a portable vape... it needs to be very small, the size of like a pen would be great. Not some big one.

Also does anyone know of any vapes that are branded as E-cigs, but can also be used with bud, hash, or oil? I kinda would like to get an E-cig to use for tobacco, but i'd lie to be able to put in whatever I want on occasion.

Merged this with the vape megathread.
Has anyone used that hand held vape called the plenty vaporiser? It's made by the same company as the volcano and is around half the price. I'm thinking of getting it soon.
Right now I just have a vapor geine which works good but is a vaporiser pipe so you have to you a lighter.
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i am using Arizer Solo, the best feature has to be it being portable and auto shuts off after 12 minutes. After a few hits of Arizer Solo, i always get high as fuck.
I got one of those ^ But I broke a part of it, so decided to bite the bullet so to speak and buy the(overpriced but very good) Volcano. Although I drew the line at the digital one !

Anyone love vaporizing weed? i still like to smoke a joint once in a while but vaporizing is such a clean and tasty high. less coughing as well, so smooth in my arizer solo.

i was reading a review<*> about vaporizer smell says that it smells like burnt popcorn and smell lingers only 5~10 minutes. which is great for people who want to be discreet and enjoy herb. if you really have smoke, using a bong with coin cover and a sploof. then blow the smoke through sploof to exhaust fan in washroom

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I've been totally safe vaping in places you really shouldn't smoke cause of my buddies portable vape, not a pen one, but a legit portable vape. Not long ago my buddy and I were toking in our good seats at a pro baseball game. Usually we gotta leave, find a spot, then come back. With the new vape though...

You are right about one thing though. The seshing with my buddies is probably the best part of smoking weed, hence why I like joints. Although for many stoners, getting high is the most important part smoking; the faster to get high, the better. Hence peoples love affair with bongs.

This is what my friend has <*>, and for incredibly well reviewed vape its pretty cheap. It's still expensive, like all vapes, but no where near expensive as a volcano or most other dope vapes. Vapes are usually prohibitley expensive
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I love vapes but please let's stick to just referencing them by name, the forum guidelines are clear about not linking to sources advertising any paraphernalia for sale.
Np, just keepin things on the up-n-up.

More on-topic: Vaping is totally boss and I deffo prefer it to smoking, but I've known a lot of people (even one Volcano owner) who just prefer to smoke. That's kind of odd to me, but what can I say, it's just not for everyone.