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[MEGA]Uncontrollable Shaking/Twitching/Muscle Spasms on Weed

You oughta get all that shit checked-out by a doctor because that doesn't sound like a weed side-effect to me. *You could be epileptic...be having seizures...have a brain tumor...have cerebral-palsy...have a parasite eating your brain [I have 1...named it 'Percy the Parasite'].
But all those symptoms you mention can't all be thru weed usage, as weed is a cure-all.

*= [complete sarcastic bullshit.]

It sounds like you got canabis psychosis witch can be helped but i would not smoke the good stuff again if you can help it or atleast cut down
When we (my friends and me) were all new to weed we used to hang out in some kind of barn where it got really cold in the winters. we were all shaking like crazy when we had to much but we all felt that it felt kinda amazing. like "yea i could stop this but it feels fucking amazing" similar to grinding teeth when on E, you could stop but somehow it satisfies you :D
greets Xayo
continuous spasms/ twitching

this has been happening to me for proly the past month, constantly, never weakening. is it possible to perma-trip from MJ? i just cant believe that after 5 or 6 years ive been gettin high, this has never happened to me. never had a bad trip from it, but i just dont understand why this shaking wont just go away! and its not just like a leg twitch or an eye lid, its my whole upper body. usually when i pick up on MJ, its chronic. can anyone relate to this issue and maybe solve my problem??
thanx, JJ
if i get stoned enough i get random small twitches, just like my leg will twitch once real quick randomly and that happens to various muscles the whole time im high.
I've blacked out and shaker so hardcore it was like a siezure scary :/

It seems like when I smoke a lot of high grade weed and then stop after like 45 mins ill get almost these convulsive shake like feelings. Its like tourettes. Whats up with that?
I've never heard of this type of thing happening before. Does it only happen you smoke weed or is it only when you smoke high grade weed?
high grade sativas. Indicas its ok. It happens like every 15-20 mins and its a short like uncontrolable burst of shivers and then it goes away. Regular commercial weed doesnt do it.
That's still really strange, either you're smoking really really good weed (tongue in cheek) or you may have a medical condition...
high grade sativas. Indicas its ok. It happens like every 15-20 mins and its a short like uncontrolable burst of shivers and then it goes away. Regular commercial weed doesnt do it.

Yea i get that too. I think it's anxiety-related but not sure. Indicas and most hybrids are good, but sativa-dominants give me the shakes
Ok I was just making sure because it kind of doesnt really bother me I was just making sure. It is like anxiety related I bet but I have learned to supress it so it doesnt really show outworldy and the circle doesnt look at me like WTF.
i dont get the shakes but i do become just slightly uncoodinated when i smoke alot. i kinda like it - i know i'm super high when it happens.
Sega420 is absolutely right, that thread has several years worth of replies, and has been recently posted in, so I'm going to merge this thread with it. But yes, please do use the search engine in the future...I know the search engine can be difficult to use at times, but this is one thread that should have actually been incredibly easy to locate with "shake, twitch, spasm" or any of those keywords.
Yea bro it used to happen to me a lot too. Not so much in the beginning but definitely if I was high on something else at the same time. I also realized that it happened more frequently after a couple years of experimenting with many other drugs. Nicotine made me really shaky as well and the more I cut down on smoking cigarettes, the less I shook. Prescription medications might increase shaking or tremors if your on any of those as well. I know it did for me. But ever since Ive quit everything else and only smoke weed now my shakes have become very rare. Maybe you can mess around with some of that stuff and see if it helps. Hope that helps cuz damn those shakes are annoying when ur just trying to enjoy your high
ok so this is what has happend to me:
my torso and arms and hands were feeling weird and like while in my friends car we made a U-turn and like my whole upper body just spazzed out. it felt like a whole wave went through like my whole body and i could feel like evey single jont in my body that the wave went through and at first right after it happend i thought it hurt so i was like "ow" but then noticing the feeling my joints felt great! we had smoke like 4 grams between like 4 people so it was like a dub each outta a bong. but yeah i came out up with the conclusion that maybe tension was built up in the body and it was just released or whatever. but yeah.
This is exactly what happened to me a few days ago, I don't know why though. I was sick at the time but I'm not sure if it had anything to do. It was horrible because I took double the dose of a certain medication and I thought I was gonna die lol.