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[MEGA] Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion - Take 4

People REALLY need to stop coming in here and posting "Synthetic noids withdrawls are just as bad as benzo or opiate withdrawls."

I stopped smoking yesterday (and today) for the first time in over a year (smoking alot of snyths every day). NO WITHDRAWLS whatsoever....

Stop spreading misinformation.

Well I'm glad that you can discontinue use without any rebound symptoms but I experience a rebound of anxiety, sweats, jitteriness, insomnia, and even nausea after running through a gram of the stronger synthetics and abruptly running out. I've been doing this for years, buy a gram or 2 of noids smoke 'em up in a week or two.

I used to be huge on poppy tea back in the day and went through hell getting off that. I would say opiates have a stronger and markedly more unpleasant withdrawal syndrome *but* these synth noids can be comparable albeit less intense and long lasting.

Some noids gave me worse withdrawals than others. I remember a heavy am-2201 and 5f-ur-144 binge that definitely sucked when I ran out.

By the way, to the dude asking about ab-fubinaca I thought that one was excellent, drastically different from the older gens of noids. A little short acting, but the "high" it provided felt very clear, less hazy and sedating than most I've tried.
^^I totally see what you're saying, honestly I was a little fired up when I wrote that yesterday cause I was just reading threads about people saying it's "just as bad" as heroin withdrawls. Honestly I did feel kinda shaky and was sweating a lot, but no problems eating or sleeping.

I just really think noids have a really bad name for no reason
People REALLY need to stop coming in here and posting "Synthetic noids withdrawls are just as bad as benzo or opiate withdrawls."

I stopped smoking yesterday (and today) for the first time in over a year (smoking alot of snyths every day). NO WITHDRAWLS whatsoever....

Stop spreading misinformation.

Please read the appropriate phrase of my extensive post, and furthermore keep in mind that, for instance, some people do not experience benzodiazepine withdrawal.
Yeah I feel ya dude. The withdrawals are there, but it ain't like heroin.

Eating is most difficult for me. In the past 2 days all I ate was a bowl of soup and 2 eggs. I'm hungry but the 2nd I put food in my mouth I feel like "Oh I don't want this."

I bet the nervous sweaty feeling would be more managable if I could eat healthier but I just can't seem to eat. Luckily I probably put on 5lbs eating everything under the sun when I'm high.

I hate which i merge two threads only two find out the non mega thread was created first. Why must you stoners revive old threads?!?!?!?!

Sorry...I havent smoked yet today, making all kinds of sober mistakes.
I'm very sensitive to different chemicals, so my experiences will not apply to some of you.

opioid withdrawals are a vacation to me in comparison to some uncomfortable experiences in my life.

The total mind fuck from using these chems then stopping and only using cannabis fried me mentally for awhile. Similar to an amphetamine induced psychosis that lasts for months even after its out if your system. To note; only daily amphetamine use for a year ever induced symptoms like that in me.

During use I'd wake up to smoke synthetic cannabinoids to go back to sleep, a physical urge. I've never felt that with any other chemical I've ever used daily either.

I am adding my personal experience in case I may help someone in any way.
Please read the appropriate phrase of my extensive post, and furthermore keep in mind that, for instance, some people do not experience benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Dude I definitely wasn't referring to you...I think a couple mods said something about it and I've read it in many other threads
It's that bubble feeling in your stomach.. I've been smoking for a year and that's the only withdrawal I get. Not close to the pinnacle opiates stand on.
Cannabinoids blend 5F-PB22 and 5F-AKB48

Hoping this is in the right forum.

Just want to know how many milligrams of each to add to a gram of herbal hash incense base? It would be helpful to know what constitutes low-medium-strong blends.

And can a mixture be created of the two cannabinoids in a gram?

I have 80 grams of herbal hash base. And 500mg of each chemical. 5f pb22 and 5f akb48

Please be easy on me if this is in the wrong forum as I am quite new and move to correct forum.

Many thanks
ODing on 5fpb22 was probably one of the scariest things I've ever been through, vaped an unknown amount of pure powder off of foil (I'm guessing it ended up being around 4-8mg on the foil, and I didnt catch all the vapor). After about 5 minutes I was extremely scared as the effects were rocketing way beyond any of my other experiences with this substance. The best way that I can describe the next hour was that it felt like I was slipping into insanity. I had to keep walking around because when I stopped parts of my body would start twitching and my forearm started tensing up, and I thought that I was going to have a seizure.
This noid isn't completely rubbish though, it can be quite fun when dosed properly, leaves me with the giggles and has a decent head high. Anyone trying this new noid for the first time just be VERY careful with it this one is very powerful.
have you tried the chemicals seperately first? if not, you should do so, to determine the dose you are comfortable with. only then you should start thinking about combining these.

and if you think about selling the product to others, please don't...
have you tried the chemicals seperately first? if not, you should do so, to determine the dose you are comfortable with. only then you should start thinking about combining these.

and if you think about selling the product to others, please don't...

Absolutely NOT trying to sell!
Its like a experiment and to have a couple ounces of hash lying around for a rainy day.
Scared about dosing someone told me that doses are less than 1mg. I don't have scales that accurate yet.

I suppose that a needle could be dipped in, but I don't smoke. Apart from electronic cig. I suppose i could vapourize it through that,
But that would be difficult as a couple of drops of liquid last a few hours so I never know when i'd get the dose, I'd have to smoke it for ages. How else could i dose?

I like weak to moderate hash, but rarely smoke it. Skunk makes me paranoid. I chose these as after research it said anxiety with these compounds is minimal. But in large doses yes. It still doesn't tell me how much I need to add per gram though as i get numerous spliffs from a gram.

I do have scales where I will be performing the procedure. Any experience with this or similar cannabinoids? never tried.
Are they dangerous? I'm very cautious about such things, hence asking here.
Thanks for your reply. Others welcome to help please!
for that amount of herb i would use the lot if not more a gram an oz is about the normal dose these days :)
^^lol!!!! One time when I was walking home from work I took a huge hit of MAM-2201 and I started seeing billboards come at me for the Disney movie CARS....I know fucking weird, and all the cars were talking to me and shit.
ODing on 5fpb22 was probably one of the scariest things I've ever been through, vaped an unknown amount of pure powder off of foil (I'm guessing it ended up being around 4-8mg on the foil, and I didnt catch all the vapor). After about 5 minutes I was extremely scared as the effects were rocketing way beyond any of my other experiences with this substance. The best way that I can describe the next hour was that it felt like I was slipping into insanity. I had to keep walking around because when I stopped parts of my body would start twitching and my forearm started tensing up, and I thought that I was going to have a seizure.
This noid isn't completely rubbish though, it can be quite fun when dosed properly, leaves me with the giggles and has a decent head high. Anyone trying this new noid for the first time just be VERY careful with it this one is very powerful.

Same thing happened to me, but with a blend (which I really doubt contained 4-8mg of any noid in the amount I smoked). I had to get up constantly to walk or run around to not twitch, I didn't know if my heart would just stop, it was confusing as hell, I was super worried about a seizure because my legs kept jerkin when I was laying down... awful stuff
for that amount of herb i would use the lot if not more a gram an oz is about the normal dose these days :)

I heard similar now illegal compounds without the 5f in front to be extremely potent, and may only require 10mg max per gram!


There's not much info on these new compounds at all, 1000mg per ounce would equate to roughly 35mg per gram! You have a source for that? Otherwise that could be HIGHLY dangerous! I even read of a man saying a dose was in the sub milligram range:


I don't think I could just chuck it all in. Could easily melt down the hash and add more but never take out. Sources please people!
Bump please.
I have added 500mg 5f PB22 to 50grams of Afghan hash incense (base only no THC).

So ended up with a product containing 10mg per gram roughly. Used a pestle and mortar and fork to grind up fine and then added the 5f PB22 trying to distribute it as evenly as i could. I then warmed in microwave until it was hot enough to press into a ball, hope it did not destroy any chemical but I could still press it into a ball without burning my hands. JUST ABOUT.

I have little to zero tolerance to THC, never tried cannabinoids. Have I used a good amount? What would be a good dose of the finished product?

I also have 5F AKB48 is the ratio similar?

Many thanks