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[MEGA]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion- 2nd Toke

substantially longer than some of the "1st generation" cannabinoids. +4hrs usually, for positive effects, some things linger for a bit longer though. Of late i've been combining it with 081, so that may be fouling up my duration estimate a bit, though i think 081 is generally shorter lived
I am on my second day off JWH-*** compounds, and am noticing that (for me at least) they have one motherfucker of a kick. Lethargy, body aches, anxiety, existential dread, lack of appetite -- I feel worse after quitting JWH than I did after I cold-turkey dropped an MDPV-smoking habit of nearly a gram a day. Has anyone else had this experience? Right now I'm feeling like when/if I light up again, my smoke will be coming from Mother Nature and not a Shanghai laboratory.
I'm kind of concerned about some of the effects of JWH and wanted to see if anyone can relate.
After a day of binge smoking, I usually wake up the next morning feeling very numb and cloudy. I can't keep my thoughts straight, I keep zoning out, and also I could all of a sudden get the sensation as if my body is collapsing into itself. The effects are not extremely adverse, and usually I find myself back to normal by dinner time. Yet, I'm still a little bit worried this stuff is might be frying my brain.

I usually use a mix of 018 and 073. I'm quite an experienced smoker, and I don't recall ever getting such feelings on weed. Can someone shed a light on what's going on?
I'm kind of concerned about some of the effects of JWH and wanted to see if anyone can relate.
After a day of binge smoking, I usually wake up the next morning feeling very numb and cloudy. I can't keep my thoughts straight, I keep zoning out, and also I could all of a sudden get the sensation as if my body is collapsing into itself. The effects are not extremely adverse, and usually I find myself back to normal by dinner time. Yet, I'm still a little bit worried this stuff is might be frying my brain.

I usually use a mix of 018 and 073. I'm quite an experienced smoker, and I don't recall ever getting such feelings on weed. Can someone shed a light on what's going on?

After smoking weed/jwh every day for about a year now, I've come to embrace that feeling. Abuse it daily and you'll come to enjoy the feeling of your brain being utterly scrambled for weeks on end.
I am I wrong to assume that this is what all legal incense products are made with since the banning of the most popular of the jwh synthetics?

I smoked both the purported "original recipe" as well as the stuff that is being made presently, and can definitely tell a difference in the high, aside from relative strength.
^Beats me, there's loads of different synthetics that are still legal in the US, and unless you're making the blends yourself or doing qualitative analyses you're just making educated guesses really. I'm going to merge this with the synth megathread.
since this is a Pot-Related Anxiety megathread you might want to rename it. plenty of us here have anxiety and use other substances to self-medicate
It's in Cannabis Discussion...does that not make it sufficiently obvious?
Can anxiety go away completely with more experience? That's to say, do experienced smokers learn how 'shut out' such feelings that induce anxiety, or do they get used to them so much that they don't mind them anymore?
In some cases, sure, as you get more familiar with the effects of the drug anxiety can diminish. However, in my case, and in the cases of others, the anxiety became more and moe prominent with continued use. When I first started smoking, cannabis didn't make me anxious at all, quite the opposite, but now when I use it sometimes I feel a little tense or uncomfortable. I still enjoy it; it's about controlling those feelings, so yes, you can "shut it out".
I've been smoking since the age of 13 and am now 20. I never really got anxiety from smoking until recently and now have stopped smoking. I feel great... I never thought I would ever want to stop smoking but I have just realized that I like the whole act of smoking weed more than the high that it gives off.
Does the use of benzo's help diminish the tense effects in your opinions?

Say 10mg Valium

Not as avid a smoker as I used to be, but enjoy dipping in from time to time and special occasions

I'm not constantly suffering from anxiety, but I like keeping a package of these handy for the off chance I may need one or 2 in a month

Haven't tested them with smoking though...

We only find hash here so it usually messes you up nicely as well compared to budd...
Follow up question: when you notice such feelings coming up, what do you do? You try to cognitively contrast them, or do try to let them be with out fighting it? I mean, which way is the best to avoid a more difficult experience ensuing?
Does the use of benzo's help diminish the tense effects in your opinions?
Yes, benzos are anxiolytic. They are also addictive. Please do not go down the path of using benzos to combat the anxiogenesis of cannabis, it's a slippery slope. Bluelight is, after all, a harm reduction board, and telling people to pick up a benzo habit is the polar opposite of that goal.
i would also appreciate much more information about intranasal jwh or any synthetic cannabinoids.

I have heard its not water soluable and that it will not work, but that is just speculation. Because the same can be said for benzos and


they are absorbed intranasaly JUST FINE. haha better than fine. I use benzos on a semi frequent/infrequent basis but EVERY time i do its intranasal because its active within 5-10 minutes and more euphoria.

I want to hear of people who have tried jwh intranasal, and I will also try it and report here

im not saying it works for sure, but lets find out. So far I have heard reports on both sides of the fence
:p well theres few things thatd set off my paranoia... last time I got blitzed we went out in the car to get food/drink... The place was closed along with all others because of a report for a suicide attack... shit

found open kabeb place in the city, waiting around, bunches of junkies come up and start asking for change... dizzy and clearly fucked up... a couple were kids, one was really old... in my head I couldn't help but think those kids were gonna end up like that old guy who just wouldn't leave us alone in his daze...
BOOM BOOM - what sounded like kalashinkovs firing 2 blocks away... more firing and im then in just a terrible state of mind...
Normally this would not effect me but while high it made it scary n surprising...
I was a daily smoker before getting very bad anxiety from smoking. I took time off, and recently got back into habitually smoking marijuana cigarettes... reefers.

I have found this to be very dependent on the strain of weed. Unfortunately I am not in a state with MMJ, so am limited in choosing from strains.

I have found that it helps if I stick to a certain strain, since I will be familiar with its particular effects after the first use or so. Also, like any other time you are altering your state of mind, it is good to go into in with a positive mindset. If I am worried that smoking may cause me to have anxiety, it usually will.