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[MEGA]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion- 2nd Toke

I originally thought my scale read down to mg's but it doesn't weigh unless you have at least 100mg on it... So does anyone please care to tell me what 5mg looks like of any typical powder? I have AM2201.

Also could someone please answer my question on the difference between sprinkling ontop of tobacco on a bowl, or vaporizing it using the light bulb (crack pipe looking thing) method?

Buy a decent scale. If you can afford synthetic cannabinoids, you can afford a $30 scale. There is no such thing as a "typical powder". If you are going to do this by eye, you are doing a stupid thing and it will be entirely your own responsibility. We don't want you coming back saying "I did what you guys said 5mg was and it was too much!". Here's an idea; work out how much solvent a given amount of plant material will hold. Dissolve however much you have in that solvent, apply it to the plant material, and let it dry out. You will then know the strength of the plant material, and can dose more safely.
haha, I wonder how high you would get if you took a really big hit with 0.1g pure jwh. You would probably get a heartattack or psychosis. 8o

I haven't smoked synthetics for 3 months now and was planning to never do it again but the urge to get stoned was too big so I ordered a bag of OMG smoking blend that's being sold from a website in Denmark.
I have two Lowryder plants growing and it's 2 weeks until harvest, so I'm wondering how of a cross tolerance there is between synthetics and real cannabis? I don't want to have a real high tolerance when I harvest and try my first homegrown so I barely feel anything of it.

Also, when I smoked a blend called Smile around christmas I had a strange side effect. My eye sight would suddenly shift when I got really stoned. Like if I was reading something and had my glasses on I would find the text got really fuzzy and I had to remove my glasses.
Has anyone else experienced this strange side effect from cannabinoids?
^smoking too much of any JWH is never fun. Smoking/consuming too much AM-2201 (20mg+ for me and i have a high tolerance) is horrendous. Not only have i puked, but have usually ended up balled up in bed shaking uncontrollably, unable to move or speak till it wears off

Definitely not my idea of a good time :\
Just a few more questions guys.

Okay, so i bought a gram of AM2201. From what I heard it was a pretty legitimate source but right now i'm not sure.

First off i do not have a scale (yet) will have one in the mail soon!

So first off i tried "vaporizing" the product. What i did was put about the amount of flat powder that would take up a quarter of a penny or would fill a matchhead, and i put it in the bottom of a long shot glass and heated it up untill it started melting and smoking and sucked in the smoke through a straw. This produced little/no effects on me :\ I then tried eating the same amount. I just placed it under my tongue and then swallowed with some water.

Is their something i'm doing wrong here? Please don't bitch about the not scale! I'll deal with my own mistake if i end up doing to much! I just couldn't resist the urge to try it before the scale came.

Also to note, the smell was kind of plasticy when it melted. I also have sore throat this morning which may be from the smoking attempts?
Am i doing something wrong with the whole vaporizing, and eating it thing. Does it sound like I have some bunk powder?
Well I just put a little more than that same amount in tin foil attached to a pen and vaporized it in that. So either i'm really high of smoking tin foil right now, or i'm actaully really high from the 2201. So why didn't it work when i ate it? Swallowed it on a empty stomache with water... Does it need to be in a in a solvent before i swallow it?
Katch 22 herbal incense??

Does anybody know anything about this blend? I recently tried it. It is similar to k2 except the high only lasts like 20 minutes but is much more intense than weed. guessing it has some kind of synthetic cannibiniod. It says on package does not contain jwh-018 or jwh-073.
Sadly we can only speculate unless somebody has gotten a proper GC/MS analysis on it.

Just because it says it doesn't contain JWH-018/JWH-073 doesn't mean it doesn't actually contain those. There are hundreds of synthetic cannibiniods in the literature now, it could be any number of those as well.
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Wondering if anyone knows of a synthetic cannibiniod that has such a short length of duration
Tolerance can be a large factor in the duration of cannabinoid effects, but quite a lot of the JWH compounds and some others will only last 20 mins anyway. Nobody can tell you what's on it until they get it to a GC/MS.

@superelephant: Yeah, it's getting ridiculous. I see why the DEA scheduled them :\
^I found AM-2201 can be a bit unpredictable when taken orally.. kind of hit and miss. Sometimes it'll make me really high to the point that i feel perma-fried and other times it does nothing :\

I've gotten the most consistent results when mixing it in warm milk and grapeseed oil. Tried it in 95% grain alcohol several times as well but it never worked, for some reason

Oh, and it usually takes 2hrs to kick in

Strange compound but i love it %)
You're not the first person to say that. I will swallow it with a spoon of cooking oil next time. Thanks!
after 7 months of this stuff I was feeling both mentally and physically ill... do not use for long periods.. Im still recovering
Tried it in 95% grain alcohol several times as well but it never worked, for some reason
I noticed this too. and best as I can tell, it was because it was precipitating out on contact with our various polar bodily fluids versus staying in solution when a nonpolar solvent like oil is used.
^smoking too much of any JWH is never fun. Smoking/consuming too much AM-2201 (20mg+ for me and i have a high tolerance) is horrendous. Not only have i puked, but have usually ended up balled up in bed shaking uncontrollably, unable to move or speak till it wears off
I encountered a case of this too, but only with first-time experiences :-/ wasn't careful with dosage... but the overdose wasn't even THAT much higher than normal... guess they don't call it the Fear for nothing!
after 7 months of this stuff I was feeling both mentally and physically ill... do not use for long periods.. Im still recovering
was this on AM-2201 specifically? or were you a poly-indole user
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JWH-210 oral vs. smoked dosage

i've found this cannabinoid pretty interesting. A bit more psychedelic & less anxiogenic than JWH-018 & 073. Vaped doses of ~1-2mg seem pretty effective, smoked more like 5, what with pyrolysis and all.. With tolerance dosages can get a bit higher, like 10-15mg, maybe 20 smoked, but thats with considerable tolerance.

Anyone tried oral with this one?