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meGa slip up

damn dude, you checked this thread like a crazy person!!! you musta really tweaked out hard today lol. that sucks that you love meth so much. i feel the same about smack. it's awesome and i love getting high but i know i shouldn't. when it comes to quitting you really just need to commit yourself and do it. I know about all the 12-step programs and all that bullcrap, although it may work for some, it doesn't work for everyone. Going to N.A. meetings actually made me crave smack even more. I had to stop going to not use every day. just try and relax, get yourself some downers and chill this evening. good luck to you.
strangely when I'm really tweaked like I am now, I like to read a lot about different methods of cutting down the use of meth-amphetamine. the last time I got tweaked was at the DEFQON.1 music festival. Thats why I labelled this thread as a "slip up".

my goal is to quit using meth-amphetamine completely.
I used to be an every day user, I used to be tweaked and stay tweaked at every opportunity I had. My use is now only once in a while, but I still binge, Just like tonight.

Does anyone have any tips to help me stop binging? any things I can set as a trigger in my mind that have worked for others quitting on their own without professional medical help? well I actually have 1 close friend who's encouraging me to quit, mainly cos he's quitting too.

I slip up more than him tho. the only difference between us is that He has a full time job, and I only have a casual job, So I get bored more often. therefore tempted more to go back to using meth.
And I can't keep a fulltime job longer than a month or 2 cos of my ADHD.

thats why I'm a DJ, and I'm not afraid to hide my drug use, because It seems that most of the great musicians who have hidden their drug habits from everyone either end up killing themselves from OD'ing, or get framed by the media and shot down and ruined by them. I think because they might not want that kind of attention associated with quuitting in any sence.

Yet its obvious that so many people suffer from drug addiction, and it normal for drug abusers to seek help, and being honest about everything seems to help the most. look at Brittney Spears for a good example of Honesty helping her. and the trouble Paris Hilton is in for being dishonest. yes they are annoying people but its the best example I could think of that everyone can relate to.

WOW what a Rant.......

well i can tell u how i did it and its been 6 years this month since i touched it first off i shot meth so i litteraly got on my knees and prayed to god to first off just let me throw my rigs away. after three days of just looking at them i was able to do that.second off i threw away my phone i cut ties with evry single person i hung around with, i went to a very good friend of mines house that did not do drugs and ate and slept for 3 months straight , i prayed i prayed i prayed, i looked at the horrific swollen disgusting bruised track marks on my arms and thought to myself is this really what i want? i looked in the mirror at my sunken in cheeks and at the girl that was once pretty and happy to the girl who i had become that was 30 pounds underweight without my daughter and had litereally nothing but the clothes on my back and thought is this really who i want to be and i dont know if u r relgious but i fell to my knees and begged god to plz just take the want of meth away from me and he did. he carried me when i couldt walk myself and i havent touched it in 6 years that was with no proffesional help. now i do still have some opiate problems and by far im not perfect but i can proudly say i am meth free. if i can do it u can do it i will pray for u meth is evil. i beleive in u pray it works
Is autism real? I always thought that it was a blanket statement for anyone who was smart but just didn't socialize. Now this may come off like a dick thing to say, but are you sure you aren't using that as an excuse for why you can't hold down a job? Why not seek social activities instead of shying away? I'm sure that this is a problem, and maybe you can or can't overcome it, but at least try like this guy.

And you asked about your meth problems, so bump that topic and try to get help!
strangely when I'm really tweaked like I am now, I like to read a lot about different methods of cutting down the use of meth-amphetamine. the last time I got tweaked was at the DEFQON.1 music festival. Thats why I labelled this thread as a "slip up".

my goal is to quit using meth-amphetamine completely.
I used to be an every day user, I used to be tweaked and stay tweaked at every opportunity I had. My use is now only once in a while, but I still binge, Just like tonight.

Does anyone have any tips to help me stop binging? any things I can set as a trigger in my mind that have worked for others quitting on their own without professional medical help? well I actually have 1 close friend who's encouraging me to quit, mainly cos he's quitting too.

I slip up more than him tho. the only difference between us is that He has a full time job, and I only have a casual job, So I get bored more often. therefore tempted more to go back to using meth.
And I can't keep a fulltime job longer than a month or 2 cos of my ADHD.

thats why I'm a DJ, and I'm not afraid to hide my drug use, because It seems that most of the great musicians who have hidden their drug habits from everyone either end up killing themselves from OD'ing, or get framed by the media and shot down and ruined by them. I think because they might not want that kind of attention associated with quuitting in any sence.

Yet its obvious that so many people suffer from drug addiction, and it normal for drug abusers to seek help, and being honest about everything seems to help the most. look at Brittney Spears for a good example of Honesty helping her. and the trouble Paris Hilton is in for being dishonest. yes they are annoying people but its the best example I could think of that everyone can relate to.

WOW what a Rant.......

what about switching to soemthing like just weed when ur craving? obviously it aint gonna do much lol, but better than nothing, and may help u sleep
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Just so you know,
Benzos are...
Benzodiazapines, AKA Xanax, Klonopin, Valium and temazepam to name a few... they act on GABA receptors in the brain to "slow" brain activity and help to stop panic attacks and sometimes aid in sleep. I do NOT think it is wise to advise someone who has over done amphetamines to take a benzo... this is a harm reduction site meaning you don't tell someone to do something that could potentially cause harm taking drugs that do opposite things to the brain or body isn't usually a good combo, especially if you are already freaking out, you don't want to add any other chemical to the mix to make it more complicated, besides because you didnt know what benzos were, you wouldn't know what you were looking for as far as the effects and then may get worried about the new "high" from those as well, also combinations of drugs effect everyone differently, I knew someone who took Klonopin once and had a crazy mad paranoid panic attack and freaked out for about 2.5 hours, I have NO IDEA why, but i guess she had a bad reaction, I have NEVER had any bad reaction to benzos they always do what they are meant to do, chill me out, but I'm not everyone....
just remember that you are different from other ppl and just bc they can take somethings together, dont do it without reading on it, making sure that it is okay to take w/other meds you are on and also make sure you have someone with yoyu when you try new drugs so that in case you so south you have someone who can make sure you are okay and if need be take you to the hospital!
Just thought i would throw this bit of info in just so everyone can remember the obvious.
i would wait it off , preferably with a "tripsittrd"..bu if your breathing gets very very light, i would recommend the ER....

Is autism real? I always thought that it was a blanket statement for anyone who was smart but just didn't socialize. Now this may come off like a dick thing to say, but are you sure you aren't using that as an excuse for why you can't hold down a job? Why not seek social activities instead of shying away? I'm sure that this is a problem, and maybe you can or can't overcome it, but at least try like this guy.

And you asked about your meth problems, so bump that topic and try to get help!

IS AUTISM REAL????? Are you kidding me? Have you ever read a medical journal?

I really really really really really wish people would think before they type!!!! Autism has what experts call a spectrum for measuring the differences in symptoms or more accurately put, characteristics of behavior and IQ... My man's brother has a form of autism, but he has an IQ of like 75, he has issues communicating with people in a socially acceptable manner.
Autism is grouped together by this common "disability":::: Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication. Most people with Aspergers realize that they are intelligent but they may not be able to communicate in the same way that the general population does, and this may or may not be a disability in their life depending on how they choose to live with their differences as compared to everyone else.
You said that you think that Autism is a "blanket statement to describe people who are really intelligent but don't socialize?"
Here is the deal, You are only describing one end of the autism spectrum, which is usually what is called Asperger's syndrome (Which is a form of autism that is high on the autism spectrum because it is associated with the individual having a high IQ and being incredibly intelligent) but Jeremy (my boyfriends' brother) has a low IQ so the right "category" for him to be placed in the autism spectrum would be "Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) SO just to inform you, No, autism isn't some blanket statement for people who are "really smart but don't socialize" and frankly you should really watch what you are saying because that can or cannot be offensive to someone who is dealing with this and it only perpetuates stereotypes and such that go along with people who choose not to educate themselves on certain developmental "disorders"
Autism is usually recognized before the child is even 3 years old so the fact that they aren't "social' or not is not the issue, its the fact that there is a developmental difference and thus not a choice to be social or not there is an actual genetic and physiological difference thus making the autistic persons world a LOT different than you see your world. SO PLEASE understand what you are saying before you make blanket statement because there is no way that any blanket statement will apply to all, especially in a diagnosis as diverse as autism.
I felt I had to explain Autism in a very brief and shortened way because so many people don't know and I feel that maybe I should enlighten those who are too afraid to ask or for those that are ill informed and think that autism is some kind of choice or just a smart persons "problem". It's just so much more than that. There are real reasons why MR. MEGA SLIP UP can't hold a job, he is dealing with autism and this means that he may have some difficulty communicating to people in the workplace thus making it difficult to hold on to a job, especially if the people he works with don't understand autism. anyhow... I am sorry this is slightly unrelated to the original post, feel free to move if needed but it makes sense in this area so yeah.