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meGa slip up


Jul 14, 2004
I got 6 speedbombs in standard sized caps, I had 1 yesterday and it didn't do much, ended up falling to sleep as I have a High tolerance to amphetamines as I take Dexamphetamine too but I don't abuse it. Tonight I decided to Pop 4 plus I Railed the last one,

Its now hit and i'm sweating, having uncontrollable shakes and muscle tension.
My breathing is normal but my heart seems to be racing.

the last time I had a reaction similar to this I ended up in Hospital but that time I wanted to kill myself. But now i just wanted to have a bit of fun. except I'm getting a bit worried.

will I be okay?

What should I do to be safe?
We can't tell you that you'll be ok. If you start feeling bad enough to the hospital, maybe you should. The psychosis/ paranoia is typically what gets unmanageable in people when they overdo it like this on amps and such, so keep this in mind.
Come on man!
You got some benzos or something to chill you out?

If you want to have fun, make sure you're with someone in case something bad happens.

If you think you should go to the hospital, you should fucking go man! It won't kill you but as you described, it causes all sorts of complications like teeth problems that suck.
i was on meth for a couple of years and i think u will b okay i think u r just really high!!! try not to focus on thinkin u might have done to much just roll with.
what bad reactions should I look out for?
I have the emergency number in my speed dial on my phone just in case plus my Bluetooth in my ear.

I'm alone, I usually tweak alone,

I'm observing myself in the mirror thats above my bed, I'm sweating crazy, my pupils are dilated that I can't see my iris. I'm making sure my breathing stays normal but its a bit faster, and I feel my heart racing. trying to stay calm.

i got my raver dummy in my mouth and i punctured it and cracked my wisdom tooth, I put the broken fragment in a jar, I have chewed out a tooth in the past.
im feeling really tweaked now.

i put oon some music to help distra t me to try stop panic
what are benzo's?

your solution!

benzodiazepines (sp)?

ever heard of xanax, valium or klonopin? they are some typical benzos

definitely help you from the speed crash/paranoia/edginess etc
what are benzo's?

Benzodiazepines. Drugs that help you cope with anxiety. I find that they work wonders when I've taken to much amphetamine (which is a rarity) or take an ecstasy tablet that's been cut with a grip of meth/amps. They help out a lot, I'm surprised you've never heard of them. I read your thread that said you'd used meth for 12-months and find it very surprising you never used anything for the comedown. But perhaps you've never heard them referred to as 'benzos' either way. . .

Benzodiazepines enhance the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, which results in sedative, hypnotic (sleep-inducing), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and amnesic action. These properties make benzodiazepines useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as a premedication for medical or dental procedures. Benzodiazepines are categorized as either short-, intermediate- or long-acting. Short- and intermediate-acting benzodiazepines are preferred for the treatment of insomnia; longer-acting benzodiazepines are recommended for the treatment of anxiety.

Common Benzodiazepines: Ativan (lorazepam), Klonopin (clonazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Valium (diazepam)

Here's a link to the Wikipedia Page For Benzodiazepines

If you think you've over done it and need medical attention, please go to the hospital - no one here wants to see you get hurt. Otherwise if you decide against medical attention (they'll give you benzos most likely), try to find some benzos on your own and a friend to watch you.
okay stop looking in the mirror at your pupils cause its freakin u out! My pupils always always looked like that when i got high (promise) Break out some pens crayons and paper color doddle draw it will give u something to do and i think u r going to b just fine u r just really high!
I have heard of them but I have never used them, I was given valium in hospital.

I'm feeling alot better now, I called my cuz and chatted for ages,
I'm still very tweaked but its a more familiar feeling now. I think i just had a bit too much tonight, Listening to hardstyle and just cruising with the beat, I also reminded myself that when I went to hospital I consumed 500+mg in one go, so what I had tonight was nothing compared to that.

I just feel like a cigarette so badly and I don't have any nor the funds to get any. so Damn!!!
okay stop looking in the mirror at your pupils cause its freakin u out! My pupils always always looked like that when i got high (promise) Break out some pens crayons and paper color doddle draw it will give u something to do and i think u r going to b just fine u r just really high!

But I like looking at my reflection, I'm a bit opposite to that, seeing myself so fucked up reminds to me be more careful next time, also I can monitor my skin color of my face as the rest of my body is as white as a ghost naturally. also Its kinda hard not to look in the mirror as its mounted on my ceiling cos I'm a kinky bastard.

I like to draw more when I'm not tweaked as I'm trying to cut down and quit, So I no longer associate my most fun activities with tweaking and getting high. However I'd like to give that a go if I ever get the chance to try LSD.

my cuz is on the other side of the world atm, i saw he was on skype so i called him and caught up.
I just feel like typing alot at the moment so I'm going to type stuff, *goes and gets my panasonic DOS based typewriter with its warm blue plasma screen*.
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strangely when I'm really tweaked like I am now, I like to read a lot about different methods of cutting down the use of meth-amphetamine. the last time I got tweaked was at the DEFQON.1 music festival. Thats why I labelled this thread as a "slip up".

my goal is to quit using meth-amphetamine completely.
I used to be an every day user, I used to be tweaked and stay tweaked at every opportunity I had. My use is now only once in a while, but I still binge, Just like tonight.

Does anyone have any tips to help me stop binging? any things I can set as a trigger in my mind that have worked for others quitting on their own without professional medical help? well I actually have 1 close friend who's encouraging me to quit, mainly cos he's quitting too.

I slip up more than him tho. the only difference between us is that He has a full time job, and I only have a casual job, So I get bored more often. therefore tempted more to go back to using meth.
And I can't keep a fulltime job longer than a month or 2 cos of my ADHD.

thats why I'm a DJ, and I'm not afraid to hide my drug use, because It seems that most of the great musicians who have hidden their drug habits from everyone either end up killing themselves from OD'ing, or get framed by the media and shot down and ruined by them. I think because they might not want that kind of attention associated with quuitting in any sence.

Yet its obvious that so many people suffer from drug addiction, and it normal for drug abusers to seek help, and being honest about everything seems to help the most. look at Brittney Spears for a good example of Honesty helping her. and the trouble Paris Hilton is in for being dishonest. yes they are annoying people but its the best example I could think of that everyone can relate to.

WOW what a Rant.......
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I don't have access to any sort of Benzo's, is there anything else that can help take the edge off? I usually have tobacco, and thats the only thing missing from this particular binge.

could that be the reason why I started to freak out a little?
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IME with amps (never had meth tho) yes to the lack of tobacco/freak-out connection. For me nicotine reduces anxiety and keeps my depression away.

I dont know your time zone/country...but are there any businesses like gas stations, grocery or convience stores open nearby you can get to safely? If so, you can approach a smoker and ask to bum a cigarette...

ADHD is not an excuse for not being able to hold down a job for more than 2 months cuz of boredom...i have a feeling the jobs you have had, have been menial, unrewarding, unstimulating, and did not challenge you.

You need to look at your ADHD like it is an advantage because it is...especially for someone who is musically inclined! The ADHD brain's ability to multitask is incredible...but the ability of the ADHD brain to focus completely on something (reading for me, video games for my fiance, and for my little bro (and you too it would seem OP) MUSIC) is nothing short of extraordinary!

If music motivates you in indescribably uplifting ways...get and keep a job solely to support yourself and this passion (dj-ing isn't cheap from what i understand).

Practice making responsable decisions and it will become easier to BE RESPONSABLE. Establish a routine. Buy a day planner and use it to keep track of all your obligations. Work towards all the skills necessary to make a living...and use them to your advantage so you can one day leave boring work behind and support yourself completely doing something you are passionate about.
I also have Autism, that could be a reason why I might not be able to hold down a job.
I also have Autism, that could be a reason why I might not be able to hold down a job.

Dude, you just need to relax, and with your sort of mental disability, i wouldnt be binging on meth

& wut exactly is a speed bomb? just crank in a capsule?

anyways man, DONT LET THE DRUG CONTROL YOU.. you need to stay hydrated, fed, and need to get atleast 3-4 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period.
and know how much you are doing.. control how much you do in a 24 hour time.
and after you are all out of gear, stay clean for 2-3 weeks to get your body back on track man.. your brain has to be bone dry in terms of dopamine. Its like a roller coaster, you are peaking right now, but its gonna go DOWN & DOWN & DOWN TILL U HIT ROCK BOTTOM... But it will go back up, & thats what u need to get past.
thats why i wait for my connect to call ME..i dont seek it, or crave it, but i wont pass it down if it comes my way
this is a slip up. a re-lapse. i haven't done meth in about a month.

its crank in a cap. my ex's neighbor pushes the stuff in my face, I keep trying to lose contact with him. he keeps finding me.
I want to quit using meth. i hate the stuff.

i had a freak out this time cos i have no smokes
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Dude, you just need to relax, and with your sort of mental disability, i wouldnt be binging on meth

& wut exactly is a speed bomb? just crank in a capsule?

anyways man, DONT LET THE DRUG CONTROL YOU.. you need to stay hydrated, fed, and need to get atleast 3-4 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period.
and know how much you are doing.. control how much you do in a 24 hour time.
and after you are all out of gear, stay clean for 2-3 weeks to get your body back on track man.. your brain has to be bone dry in terms of dopamine. Its like a roller coaster, you are peaking right now, but its gonna go DOWN & DOWN & DOWN TILL U HIT ROCK BOTTOM... But it will go back up, & thats what u need to get past.
thats why i wait for my connect to call ME..i dont seek it, or crave it, but i wont pass it down if it comes my way

its not a disability. because of my condition i have an IQ of 188, my disability is the same as everyone else's who can't turn down such a pleasurable yet horrible substance. i don't need criticism about how god made me, its not like It appeared all a sudden. i'm just different, and everyone knows that everyone has different reactions to drugs such as meth.

would you say the same thing to someone who hasn't been diagnosed with something by a doctor.
its not like its going to make my autism and ADHD worse. just because someone is like the majority of the worlds population doesn't mean that drugs are safer for them to use!

its obvious you have no idea what these conditions really are? there are so many different types of autism, Mine is a higher functioning autism, kinda like what Marie Curie had, and i'm related to her. no one told her not to play with radioactive materials with her condition! and because she did, we have a way to treat illnesses like cancer.

I know how meth works, and if you had read my posts you can tell I'm trying to QUIT...

do you have a disability that affects you from reading. or has a disability formed from drug abuse.

you should understand what a Disability is before you start criticizing people for the way they were born. sadly thinking like what you said just makes people diagnosed with something they are born with feel horrible, most Australians who read your post would think that you're just a stupid American, But I see it as you have had a lack of information on the topic, and obviously the media always makes people like me look like vegetables but we're not, the guy who invented TV had a form of Autism, But I'm human too. just like you.

so please do us all a favor and do a bit more research about the benefits of people who have Autism, Did you know that the internet wouldn't have existed if Autism didn't exist, its all the different people who see things differently who are making the world a better place.

I'm not trying to start an argument with you, I'm just trying to teach you a new way of thinking. i'm trying to open your mind to a bigger perspective of the world.
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