MEGA - Jobs, Resumes, Interviews

u said you were interested in psych research, figure out some fun/new/interesting research to do, write it up, get published. otherwise it sounds like its off to boring office job for you!
Go back to your school and check out the career center. They could probably be of great help to you.
burn out said:
i already did that.

Did you get them to help you with your resume? Attend any of the career fairs suggested? Try mock interviews? I'm sure it varies from school to school, but the career center at my school is very helpful. They won't do it for you, they can point you in the right direction.
While it may seem like a liberal arts education seems overly ambiguous and non-applicable to "real-life" situations, I have found that it taught me how to learn; and just because you are a graduate does not mean you should stop learning, in fact you will probably learn more outside the university walls.
kong said:
Did you get them to help you with your resume?


Attend any of the career fairs suggested?

planning to attend the next upcomming one.

Try mock interviews?[


I'm sure it varies from school to school, but the career center at my school is very helpful. They won't do it for you, they can point you in the right direction.

yeah, i just wish they'd do it for me.
Job Sites that make you pay

I'm looking for a job in a foreign country, preferably Dubai, and I'm running into all these sites that make you pay huge fees to join. Allegedly there is a lot of resume doctoring that comes with it, but I emailed one of them and asked them what exactly they do to connect me with an employer, and they replied that they are connected to over 5,000 recruiters blah blah blah.

I think it's a scam. I pay them, and they just send my resume out to a hundred recruiting firms. Anybody have any experience or advice in this area? It would be greatly appreciated...
Any time you have to pay to look for a job or get a job I automatically think it's a scam. :\
^ me too. any empoyment agency should either get a finder's fee if they find you a staff job somewhere, or make money out of you every week as a contractor. whatever happens, they shouldn't make money out of you directly. :|
Agree with the others. I've seen plenty of agencies that advertise jobs in the gulf, they never ask for money.

Find a website/agency that offers jobs in your field, and look there: maybe try some European sites.
Good recruiters get a kickback percentage of your salary - from the employer as a finder fee - you shouldn't have to pay anything :|
recons said:
Reputable head hunters are normally worth the money.
maybe so, but we're talking about captainbollocks here, not donald trump ;)

They had a story about these on my local news recently. Its a total scam.
Hey guys, I thought I would report back with an update. I went ahead and paid them to work on my CV and cover letter. It's something I've done before a couple of years ago with excellent results, although I had to do the legwork to get myself a pretty well-paid internship. I think that with my decent internship and part-time work experience (tax, real estate, and english teacher for legislative counselors) they should be able to create an effective CV even if the job hunt is up to me. I'm kind of painted into a corner right now in life - I've gambled away all my money and I have an arrest record, both of which will show up as red flags for most of the american companies until I can afford to get them both erased. Working here in Europe or somewhere else is basically my only option, and I've gambled away more money in a couple hours than it cost for this CV service...

Will let everyone know what the results of all this is - the very least of which will be a professional translation of my curriculum vitae.

Also, I should add that as far as jobs in Dubai go specifically, it is not uncommon for a recruiting agency to take a percentage of your salary in exchange for successful placement - usually 20% - which would also be fine considering I wouldn't be subject to any income tax. I'm not trying to get rich, anyways - I'm trying to lay low and make enough money to live and pay my various debts while getting another cool-sounding line on my CV.
Interviewing for Jobs as a recent college grad

Hey guys,

I am a recent college grad from a 4 year university with a degree in Communications and a minor in Business Admin.

I graduated in december and have been interviewing for jobs since ~october. So far, NONE of them have been offering me second round interviews not to mention a job. I dress very professionally, clean shaven,. etc. I answer questions honestly, and I feel I do a decent job answering those stupid fucking "tell me a time when you....." questions.

I read those interview tips I feel like I follow them pretty well. I am American/Arab and some people perceive me to be a foreigner because of my name and that fact that I grew up in another country. I dont think this really has anything to do with it though.

Its got to be something else, any of you successful BLers have tips or something to share about this?

It is fucking frustrating and my money is running out. I don't want to have to work at McDonalds (ie a place I could have started out in during highschool).
I'm still in college so I'm not a pro but my biggest interview advice is to basically have planned out what you want you are going to say beforehand. Be confident and well rehearsed when it comes to telling stories about how your positive characteristics can be seen in your past behaviors. These little stories can make or break your interview.

When they ask something like: "What are two words that your past employer or professor would use to describe you?" DON'T just answer with two words or a couple sentences. Shortly elaborate on each word giving a brief story/real life example to why you chose the words you did.

That's the only real tip I have, and you may already be doing that. Are you just looking for work in a particular field/industry or are you interviewing with companies from all different industries?

If you're just looking in a particular industry I'd say to broaden your horizon and take a look in different industries. Also, how are you going about finding companies that are hiring?
I am mainly looking in sales, management-training positions, retail, even financial planning.

I look online, walk in to businesses, and my university has recruiters trying to hire students or recent students.

I think a weakness I have is rehearsing my stories in a way that matches what they are looking for.
