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[MEGA] Home-made/repaired pipes, bongs and vapes.

I tried welding some broken glass pipe with some home torcher, it kinda worked somehow. If I had the right equipment for I think if wouldn't be that hard.
Making a bong out of driftwood.

Hello BL. I have a piece of driftwood about 3 feet long and a little more thick than a soda can. It's not hollowed all the way and it's very similarto the shape of a bong. (Has a small "S" shape that I like)

I found it before my surgery near the Oklahoma Red River and took it home. It's in my garage, but I'm thinking about hollowing it out a little more, trying to give it a natural shine also. I don't plan on it having a metal bowl or stem, I want it to be all natural. Matter of fact, there will be no pull stem. I'll just drill a carb into it.

The "Stem" which is what I believe to be a small but tough branch. I'm going to carve out a bowl from the very top, and gently thin the stem so it isn't as big as the bowl. It holds water just fine, no drips or shit but I am worried about the wood rotting from the moisture.

The way it would look when it's done is the carved bowl, the outside of it will first be polished, then I will take a knife and scrape little slivers out of the whole thing for looks, then re-polish it again. I think I will flame polish it. Since i'm still recovering and can't do anything other than sit on my ass eating pain pills and smoking weed trying to not hurt and not be bored, I'm really looking into this.

Could I get some advice on this? Is this idea stupid?

Thanks BL!

-Brian C.
Brian242,....I noticed you also posted this thread in Drug Culture.. I'm merging this with our [MEGA] homemade pipes and bongs..
Continuing from the other thread, if you use a high powered torch lighter on the bowl it should burn off any contaminants and make the bowl safe to use. Heat treating it should also strengthen the whole bong, as well as helping to keep water from absorbing.

Also, to test to see how much water is absorbed, I would put a measured amount of water in, then let it sit for a few hours (or the normal amount of time you would use it for) and pour it back out and measure it again. Minus the two amounts and you got the amount thats been absorbed.

Good luck, making bongs is a lot of fun :)
*Barring obvious exceptions, like a pipe carved out of realgar or asbestos (actually, this would be fine once it got filth'ed up with resin...), or a wooden bowl carved out of a particularly thick poison ivy stem (it can reach up to an inch in diameter easy, so this is theoretically possible).

TheAzo made my day. %) =D
GLass will never really crac from heat alone, it will melt before it cracks, but if you apply the heat of a bic to a glas vaporizing pipe while outside in 20 degree F tempratures, it might crack a bitt, but seriously, SWIM Has smoked meth out of those glass vaporizing pipes outside on a january evening in Minnesota and it didn't crack. like he said glass cracks if it gets hit with an impact that causes it to vibrate at too high a rate, (glass has a very low vibration tolerance. Or if it is shocked, like say heating it up over a torch until it's good and hot and then sticking it in a bucket of lukewarm water. might even crack before you touch the water if the water is cold enough to make the air above it cold. hot/cold shocks or impact induced vibration (aka dropping it) are the only things you should really worry about. The heat you need to Vape weed is not enough to worry about the temperature outside being cold enough to crack the glass.
I didn't have time to read the replies, but, this was probably not mentioned.

When I was younger, what people would do is get an old lava lamp, get rid of the bottle with liquid and wax in it, all you need is the base and the bulb inside.

Get a digital thermometer (I was lucky to have access to one) and run the bulb for an hour or so then take it's temp. You may need to play around with different kelvins and wattage (fridge lights worked for me) You want it to get as close to 400 degrees as possible. If a bulb goes over 420 degrees, don't use it, if it is under 350, don't use it.

Now once you have the right bulb you need to make a that seals tight on the outside of the lamp (air intake will then pull from the bottom of the lamp, there are small openings in some older models that are perfect for breathing through. So, once you have a tight fitting dome that won't melt or break easily, fashion a piece of medical tubing in the top of the dome and put a screen filter on the end of the tube that is inside the dome. Or fill the end of the tubing with steel wool or some other filter. Just so that if things go wrong you don't breathe hot weed matter.

After that is all setup and it seems to pull lightly, get one of those tea candles and throw out the candle part, keep the little thin aluminum tray that they sit in. Round the bottom of it so it will sit nicely on the bulb. What I suggest is to chop your weed nicely and put a thin layer in the candle tray, lay it on the bulb, seal the dome back up and wait a minute or two, then start pulling slowly.

This is NOT even close to the vapes on the market these days... I did this in the early 2000's and it worked, but not well and it tasted like burnt chinese food. Without a dome I don't think you will get much of a vape experience without a vacuum being formed. Breathing it off foil or a spoon or something seems like you would waste most of it and be breathing mostly shitty tasting air.
You can use a glass wand in place of a lighter, although this isn't the most effective way to vaporize cannabis and is likely to be still partially igniting the cannabis.
I have been wondering since the first time i smoked out of foil when i was little if the foil is damaging to your body when used to smoke weed with it. Is this true or is it just a myth?

well ive been smoking marijuana for over 10 years and ive smoked out of aluminum foil and soda cans countless times. im not the smartest person in the world but it hasnt killed me yet. my life philosophy is "we all gotta die at some point what better time than now? you only live once so why not do what ever is convenient even if it means it may kill me?"
Well, advanced and profound as your philosophy is, it's not really in accordance with the harm-reduction ethos of our site. "Yo dawg, I couldn't find any clean water or syringes, so I just crushed a pill, mixed it with toilet water and injected it into my dick because that seemed convenient at the time " is myopic and stupid. Good luck with your whole thing, but don't advocate irresponsible behaviour on this board, please.
I remember having this glass hookah back in high school that lost the bowl piece so me and my friend ripped the three hoses out. Next I took this science lab thing (not a beeker but the tubes, i forget what theyre called) and used it as the downstem. From the same classroom I took two rubber stoppers and they fit in the remaining two holes perfectly. After I got a new slider it ripped fine just fine. Its hard to explain without pictures but I thought it was funny that school supplies helped build my bong.

Dont own it anymore though
Well, advanced and profound as your philosophy is, it's not really in accordance with the harm-reduction ethos of our site. "Yo dawg, I couldn't find any clean water or syringes, so I just crushed a pill, mixed it with toilet water and injected it into my dick because that seemed convenient at the time " is myopic and stupid. Good luck with your whole thing, but don't advocate irresponsible behaviour on this board, please.

sorry dude. was just stating that i havnt noticed any negative side affects from it and neither has any of my friends.
Yeah mate, I did probably lash out at you a bit there, and you probably didn't deserve it, and I apologise. Still, even if you've noticed no ill effects, "fuckit whynot" isn't really the HR way, know what I mean?
Well, advanced and profound as your philosophy is, it's not really in accordance with the harm-reduction ethos of our site. "Yo dawg, I couldn't find any clean water or syringes, so I just crushed a pill, mixed it with toilet water and injected it into my dick because that seemed convenient at the time " is myopic and stupid. Good luck with your whole thing, but don't advocate irresponsible behaviour on this board, please.

Thanks for making me spit my coffee all over my keyboard, lol.
Hey, I do what I can. Thanks for sending me a tasty sample of that weed you grow in the post... ;)
Yeah mate, I did probably lash out at you a bit there, and you probably didn't deserve it, and I apologise. Still, even if you've noticed no ill effects, "fuckit whynot" isn't really the HR way, know what I mean?

yea i know what ya mean lol its ok i shouldnt have said it that way lol XD
Homemade Chemistry Bong/Vape

I owe a friend a couple of favors and am generally a nice guy. He recently *ahem* acquired a bunch of glass chemistry gear including a buret, distillation tubes (?) and a round-bottom flask.

For those of you unsure of what I am talking about....


Distil. Tubing:

Round-bottom Flask

We decided that before we go our seperate ways we would create the best chemistry based Tetrahydrocannabinol paraphernalia ever. Basically, we want to make a bong or vape... probably both... each.

I think the easiest way to do this would to create a heating element surrounding the round-bottom/heating flask, attach distil. tubing and maybe even go as far as adding the burette to the top, it fits in but then the bottom hole is tiny so it could be difficult getting all of the vape in.

Another thought was to flip distil tube (see pic), put round bottom/conical on bottom, seal. Fill with coloured water and add burette to top and use as bong.

Not going to lie, haven't really thought loads about this and haven't really had a play with the equipment but there's plenty of it if things go wrong. Got ideas?
I just repaired a bong for the second time, and all it needs is some time before it's fully operational. I can't believe how easy it was in general, but I'm glad I got it done.