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[MEGA] God

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to struggle with God

When i first came to this site i couldn't see past the Bible. I thought that i was special because i could see things differently. Because Jesus had revealed Himself to me in a way i thought was divine. I thought every other religion was wrong. They were all decieved by satan somehow in my eyes.
I would only post in T&A after the board started to divide into forums because i felt that posting anywhere else was meaningless to my life and everything i had to do had to be for God. Because if i wasn't for God then i was against Him. It was all black and white. No grey. Every move had to be in the Light or else it would be away from it.If you look at my posts from a few years ago especially the earliest ones you will see all of that reflected in it.

That wasn't the first time in my life i felt like that. I felt special when i was pulled out of my Catholic Church and saved, literally. It was a Baptist Church and i cried when i was saved and then felt the Spirit of Christ move through my body (even more powerful then salvation) when i was baptised.

When i started reading teachings from an SDA church in my early twenties and i again felt like i choosen and was revealed more secrets and understood more. I felt like i was special because i was pulled from my Baptist affiliations by the power of God for something bigger.

Funny thing about SDA churches is they trace back every single origin (that they want to of) of everything and take passages and study it verse by verse in Hebrew and Arabic in the entire context. Many words in the Bible actually mean other words but since they didn't have a word for it during the translation it became a word with very loose meanings even though it does have an exact one. does that make sense? (kind of tounge tied) For example the word meat to us means animal flesh. Meat in the Bible was food. Depending on what the actual word was that they used for meat during the translation would determine if we are talking about flesh or fruits and veggies or bread. However, you wouldn't know by just reading the Bible what they were referring to. You'd have to look each passage up in Strongs.

So by my new church the "hell" i had always thought my beer drinking poker playing (evil cards) father would burn it being tortured by demons and fire became a grave. Passage by passage we went through the Bible. It isn't untill the end of the New Testament that hell is translated from Tartaros which is direct straight from Greek mythology.
For years i stayed with that church believing that they were the true church (as if there can really be). They didn't take the mark of the beast by taking on Sunday worship (that's what they teach the mark of the beast is). I had gone from believing in the Baptist beliefs of directly taking the mark in your FOREhead or FOREhand, to being shown that it actually translates to having foreknowledge (in your head) and being forced (hand) to do something. You talk about your totally different interpetations just by looking up a passage.

Ah, but heaven was different. Just as the Baptist before them the SDA's believed in heaven on earth eventually. You know, the whole John's vision in Revelation type of New Jeruselum?

*knock, knock* One day a Jehovah Witness came and she had a Watchtower Magazine on the New Earth. Being an SDA we actually have classes on how to take on a Witness and show them their "error". I invited her in and we sat down and she was impressed with my knowledge of the verses about hell as well as others. She seemed to think i was agreeing with her because we have alot of the common beliefs. But then i started talking about the Sabbath and why it is special and we got into a Bible discussion about that. She soon became my friend and came back every week. we never discussed where we differed in viewpoints (they don't believe in the trinity), we mostly discussed the New Earth.

Now this is where it stated to go crazy for me. The SDA religion was so into getting rid of all pagan traditions (birthdays, wedding rings, sunday worship, flesh eating, christmas, easter...) but yet they would only use the King James version of the Bible.. King James was a pretty evil man who didn't think anyone was worthy of reading the Bible but priest and kings. I wondered why my church would trust the man who murdered and supressed people.
(this was also around the same time the old spirituality forum on BL opened)

I thought if the church has done all of this and accepted all of the nonBiblical traditions then it doesn't sound like it was walking into the Light of God. For the first time ever i left my Bible for outside info.
The first place i started was finding out about how the Bible was compiled and what all went on with it. What i found out did not make me happy. I went on a quest for all these other missing books and documents. I discovered the Gnostics and the Essenes and all the paganism in the Jews in the OT. I discovered the Christ concept and the other Christ. (Later i would learn that some refer to this same evolving story as a meme which is a whole another thing for me really.) I saw Jesus in a different role with a different view in these other books. If these books were hidden and not discovered or rejected by the king, but yet the king incorporated pagan mythology into the Bible for his advantage in controlling and converting the pagans then why shouldn't i trust the books that stayed away from the king's hands. And Paul's hands too. I always considered Paul such a holy man but then reading about him and his greed and obsessions made me realize i couldnt trust him to determine what books or pieces of books belonged in the Bible either. I mean, how could they say that paragraph A from this church can be included in the Bible but not paragraph B.?

I wanted true christainity. I wanted to know what Jesus really wanted and what He really said and what his role really was without interference from contridicting books of the NT. The Essenes fascinated me, and still do. If there is one form of christainity that is most true the Essenes would have to be it. They knew of the Christ Concept and were aware of other Christ before that, but yet were waiting for their messiah as promised.

So through studing them i got into reading about Buddism which i believe Jesus was trying to show us. Somehow His posistion to me changed from the trinity concept into one of Him being born a regular man (the bible says he was born like me and you too, not knowing who he was to be much later), a messager of God, a Son of God, who lived a perfect life and achieved the ultimate- becoming one with God. To me then i saw He wanted us free from the bonds of religion and wanted us to devolop the God in ourselves. The Bible told me we were created to be like God. It says that we are created in His image and to reflect him in all ways. So the buddhist approach i do not knock.
From there i looked into the history of religions and how they all formed up. of, coarse, posting on BL did not help me any. I was tring to sort things out for myself and i all i ever heard was that God was created by man. That i was not ever going to accept. Religion was created by man. Everyone was equal and there were many paths. We all have the imprint of God in us, we just have to recogize (or deny) that.

So i liked the Essenes and i dug into old Jewish roots but problem was when i dug deeper i found out that the entire trinity concept was based on mythology. what's worse i discovered was all the same OT stories that i based alot of faith upon were taken from the pagans themselves. what made me madder was that i was always told that the first four books of my bible were the same as the Jewish Torah. They are not. There are certainly twist and omissions in the stories book to book. Many of the Psalms and Chaldean myth of the flood, the story of Moses and Abraham, as well as the Garden of Eden creation story can all be traced back to pagan mythology before they were ever recorded in a holy book. these stories are almost exactly the same except the names have been changed.
for example here is a piece of the flood myth:

"The deity Cronos appeared to him (Xisuthrus) in a vision and warned him that upon the fifteenth day of the month Desius there would be a flood, by which mankind would be destroyed. He therefore enjoined him to build a vessel, and take with him into it his friends and relations, and to convey on board everything necessary to sustain life, together with all the different animals, both birds and quadrupeds, and trust himself fearlessly to the deep. After the flood had been upon the earth, and was in time abated, Xisutrus sent out birds from the vessel. He therefore made an opening in the vessel, and upon looking out found that it was stranded upon the side of some mountain."

The legends of Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt is a version of the story of Bacchus, the Sun-god.

Bacchus had a rod with which he performed miracles, and which he could change into a serpent at pleasure. he passed the Red Sea, dry shod, at the head of his army. By the same mighty wand, he drew water from the rock, and wherever they marched, the land flowed with wine, milk and honey.


I really had to sort things out. I am not and will not ever believe in anything less then a Higher Power. I have had too many things happen to me all my life like being saved by my angels and OBE's that nobody will ever convince me didnt really happen. Or that was my brain experiencing trauma or whatever. NEVER!
So what about these "myths"? I could say that they were planted here by satan to decieve people but that would be turning a blind eye and living in denial really. Some christains who don't believe the world is as old as it is think that dino bones were planted here too as deception. This is all just a wacked out way to think to me.

To put away these stories as pagan myths would be to put away my whole Bible and start over with a completly different religion. Or i can think about it, think about it. What if since we can trace these "myth" stories all the way back to Eden and since they predate the bible what if pagantry was the true religion? And then i thought if it all started in the Garden of Eden with just God and man, then wouldn't everything that comes between God and man be pagan? including all religion? If it was just God and man then, then it should be God and man now. But how would i serve God what about the Bible will i believe if any? How do i determine what is true and what's not for me? I think now that since time and stories started with the pagans, then pagans all are we. All religions formed out of it so therefore the truth has to be there too.

Of, coarse, this is the most difficult part because some myths are just not keeping in Gods law at all.
The trinity has also been disputed or believed in with other Christ before Him thousands of years ago. Some pagans believed it as too pagan.
I just don't know.

I used to think that Satan was messing with my head by showing me these things to get me off track and away from Gods plan for me. I longed for a simpler way when i had a simple plan. I tried and tried to forget what i knew instead of making sense of it.
One day i was mediating on everything and praying for true light and i heard a voice inside me say how i was getting true light but i was accusing satan of delivering it. it said how i just want to denywhat i am shown instead of excepting it. the voice said "you can't always make it go your way. it is My way". It made sense to me even though it doesn't to you.

My last name also posed to be a problem or a salvation for me. The name Saliba is the earliest Christain name ever recorded. It is Armenian and means "bearer or carrier of the cross", or the "the cruicified", it loses it's actual meaning in translation. It is a name directly descended from the Kings of Sparta andwas also sais to be the surname of King Saul (surname Sali.. the 'ba" made it christainfied when it was recorded in Malta a few years later), who later became Paul (of all people). So is my name a lie then? My husband's whole celebrated heritage for centuries all a sham?

Jesus doesn't want my salvation through an institution or any religion whatsoever. My salvation lies in beliving in God and beliving that Jesus came to show me who to be like. That is where i am at now. that is the message i have recieved at this point. I am my religion, no one else can join it. Jesus wants you to have your own. The kingdom of God is within you. I will keep the commandments as they are what Jesus did. they are right. I will listen to my teacher and i will pray to and honor my God. That's how i will grow and serve Him.

The Bible is still resourceful to me in many ways. And unlike many who abandon it's words because they find an inaccuracy or deception in it, i like to see it in seperate fragments. I still looking up origins.... taking some, leaving some. It wasn't all supposed to be one big book of truth. Just because someone told you it is dosent mean you have to believe them. That i have learned. but there is truth. the truth is good. the truth is love and light and i won't take anything less from my God. That could be a big debate in itself, but it's no longer about a debate with others. it's about living in my light i get.

~~~ So i want to know... do you struggle like this with what is true and what isn't? How many times have you changed your beliefs? Are their atheist that struggle themselves ? Do you believe we must keep evolving or do you stop yourself from the places you could go?
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To answer your questions at the end, YES, i struggle with what is true and what isnt. I am not going into it all, but trust me, i dont and didnt just blindly believe what i have come to believe in. It was a very long journey that i am still traveling on....

I have a lot to say about your post, but i wont...I want tp point out though, that these myths from pagans and all that that you say were before the bible. How do you know they were before the Bible??? You cant possible know that. What documents are older than the dead sea scrolls? You are going from info even more sketchy than what people claim the scritpures to be.

What amazes me, is that while i may have not studied the same exact things as you are even as much as you have, maybe i have i dont know. But the point is, everything you see to work against the Bible i see to work for it. It is hard for me to explain so i wont even try.

I will end with saying this, you are completely contradicting yourself at points. You are believing in the commandment from writings you say came from pagans. You basically are trying to pick and choose your way through all of this and THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! You (IMO) are letting your ownself get in the way of God. As much as you seem to have freed yourself from religion you have bound yourself up with your own "religion".

I could say SOOOOOOO much more, but i wont. I dont feel it inside me to say anymore than i have...God Bless :)
yes, i do pick and choose. if i didnt then i would have to accept what i know not to be true and if i do then i also have to choose to believe the pagan origins too. the one thing that i adamantly hold though is the big ten. i have my reasoning behind it which i will explain.
i have a lot more to help explain this which involves theology more then it does my views and i am making another thread for you to explain.

as for the stories that predate the Bible they were found recorded already and archeology has proven them to be older as does the religion they served. like we know the sumarians worshipped and wrote what they did because we have historical evidence of them and their beliefs. we also have the story of Job which is the oldest story (i think) in the world. it is actually a Greek play. this we can prove because it is elsewheres in their history.

it's only natural that the Jews would take these stories with them because it's all they knew. so then maybe then it is true, you know what i'm saying? if the Jews took say the story of creation with them (which is slightly different then the Biblical christainfied Genesis account) then who's to say that maybe they wouldnt have used it in their holy book if they didn't believe it was true? so therefore truth in paganism? because i believe in the story of creation. so i believe in a pagan story.
see, this is my struggle. so when i struggle that is when that voice just comes in and tells me that i know what i need to do here, i know my mission. and that's all i have to worry about. God gave His Law and as long as i am following it (and His law is similar in all religions) and following my soul then i am doing what is expected of me...the following my own religion.

the bible tells us we will all struggle with Him. or wrestle maybe it says? whatever, this is mine. it never puts me farther from Him though. it brings me closer. God Bless you too.
I wrestled with god once, I managed to get him into a sleeper hold and he disappeared, never to be seen again.
I read your entire post and...I think you might be surprised to hear (considering our arguments aboug jesus existing) that I went through almost the very same thing you are right now. i don't think i want to write a big post about it for everyone to read, but i'll pm you.
thank you , i would really love to read it.

if i said it's been easy, i'd be lying.
Here's my story...
I was raised in a christian family but not necessarily the kind that reads the bible and goes to church all the time. After my dad died I questioned god's existence for a while. Then when I was in middle school I also looked into other religions predominantly hinduism and buddhism. I was raised methodist and something told me to go to church I thought it would solve all my problems I guess. So I joined the youth group. I stuck with it at some points every sunday reading the bible and everything. I really think though that I was hiding myself I didn't want to find out what I really believed so I turned to a religion to tell me what to believe. Then as a junior perhaps when I was most into christianity things caused me to question it. I dated sideways_falling who was fillling me with all these new ideas and forcing me to be more open minded and accepting. In the midst of this along came skywise's Jesus paper. After reading it and looking at some pictures skywise had me the fundamentalist christian going is Jesus even REAL?! This led to me deciding not to go to church anymore untill I had things figured out but I continued to go to youth group. I had a really hard time thinking of God as something other than christian but the school year started and I read the conversations with god trilogy (thanks skywise) which was life changing to say the least also I took a particular class about all of this and I'm a different person now. I quit youth group as well it was like when I went I didn't belong there what I believed was different from what they were telling me to believe. And when I tried to talk to my youth leader about my new found spirituality I never felt like she really got it. Also I did sort get challenged by her husband I think I argued that god is in everyone or something and he was like oh so the Hindu's have it right? And at that point I'd had enough and decided to move away from christianity entirely. I'm still not very clear on my feelings about Jesus and whether or not he really existed but it's not especially important to me to determine if he did or not. I'm currently reading the 12th planet and plan on reading genesis revisited beanergrl I think if you haven't read those you might find them interesting. I really agree with you about moving away from a religion because you have to discover these things for yourself and return to your own spirituality.
Fantastic post beanergrl. Very much similar to my own thought processes, but again, with slightly different outcomes (so far). I will post more when I have time to compile my thoughts (i.e. after work)
great post! gave me a better understanding of the mentality of people raised by religion... also helped me better understand what my friend is getting into... I can't say that I relate to any of it, but since I'll never be able to personally live that experience, reading about it is the next best thing :D
Started on my post and half an hour later realised that I have so much to write on this topic that it would take me 3 or more hours of writing (and rewriting - damn I wish I could write like psychonaut!).

I will just say that I applaud your endeavour because although I don't believe you can find certainty in this area your search will keep you on the right path. I think.

However, if you're ever in Melbourne I would enjoy chatting for a couple of hours :)
Thanks for shedding light on those areas of life I have not experienced directly. My path is quite different, although it does involve some knowledge of Christs' light.


..we got confused somewhere along the way, probably with the destruction of the Tower of Babel or something..
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I highly commend the amount of research you have put into this beanergrl. It must have taken a hell of a lot of initiative, something which I could never dream of having so much of.

A very good read, and some great points raised. I love it.

A+ :p
This sounds a little like what I have come to believe about Jesus. That he was misunderstood and Christianity is a great big misunderstanding.

Jesus is born, comes to an understanding that the quest for material wealth at the expense of others is harmful, preaches peace and love and service to humanity. But the message gets screwed up

Jesus: If you love your fellow humans as you love yourselves, there will be heaven on earth.

People: Who are you that you know how to bring heaven to earth?

Jesus: I am a child of God.

People: So, will we all get into this heaven on earth?

Jesus: If you believe me (intending this to mean "believe that you should love your fellow humans as yourselves").

People: (Hearing "believe me" as "believe I am a child of God"), Great! So we just have to believe you are the Son of God and we get into heaven! What a simple way to be saved! That's sure a lot easier than obeying commandments or sacrificing animals!

Romans: (Being the wealthy and powerful, not liking Jesus' pseudo-communistic rhetoric.) Let's kill that Jesus guy. (They go arrest him, sentence him to execution.)

Jesus: Well, shit, I guess I have to die to prove the sincerity of my pacifist philosophy. But we are all children of God, so I believe in an afterlife where we return to our Supreme Father, God. People, please note I accept this death for the greater good of humanity (intending this to mean "to prove my sincerity in the philosophy of universal love, as a lesson for others to follow").

People: (Hearing "I accept this death for the greater good of humanity" as "by my death, humanity is saved.") Hmm....so by being crucified, Jesus suffered to pay God back for our sins. That makes sense because you need justice, an eye for an eye and all that... After all, the Old Testament God is a vengeful god... I mean, look at all his wrathfulness in those Judaic stories. So we could not expect HIM to just forgive humans for their sinfulness. So we could not expect HIM to just accept our belief that Jesus was his Son as enough to redeem us for our sins in God's eyes. No, God the Father needs blood and suffering to appease him. So this makes more sense now -- God exacted his punishment for our sins by making Jesus suffer, like punishing us by proxy. Whoop-di-doo! Better Jesus than me, that's for damn sure! Yay, crucifiction! Yay, making Jesus suffer for bad stuff I did (and will do), God gets appeased and I get off scott free so long as I merely indicate that, yes, I believe Jesus was literally the son of God rather than a mere mortal! What a great system! Now I can sin all I want, so long as I have faith that Jesus was the Son of God!"

Jesus: You people just aren't getting it. Oh, well. Another version of me will come in the future with the message, perhaps at a time when humans are more ready for it.

People: You will return? Oh, yeah, you mean to bring heaven back down to Earth like you talked about before... So I guess we have no reason to try to improve our world, or try to make Earth like a paradise, or to try to create a system of universal love down here. It's just temporary, after all. We are just biding time until Jesus brings heaven down here.

Jesus. [Sighs with exasperation.] Are you people going to just fucking twist everything I say to fit a "message" that abdicates from you ALL responsibility? You want to believe I suffered for your sins, so you don't have to suffer. You want to believe I'm going to come back with heaven on a silver platter for you. You think that just embracing the single concept that I am somehow more than mortal is the complete and total price of eternity in heaven? What is this, the bluelight special of religions? You join because it seems to be the best bang for the buck? The greatest religious bargain on the market? Oh, God, I can't make these people understand ... my death is for nothing. Shit, it may even have made things worse! Finally, I despair... [Jesus dies.]

Jesus: (Now dead, and reunited with God as are all dead people) Shit, I guess I didn't communicate my message very well, now, did I?

God: Oh, don't beat yourself up about it, Jesus. The people were looking for a way to misunderstand you. The people in power perverted your words to suit their own ambitions and to fit their own selfishness. Humanity just was not ready. They kept focusing on their fear of death, fear of pain, not on their hope for humanity, hope for peace, hope for brotherhood. So they twisted everything you said as if it was an escape from those fears, not a path to fulfill those hopes.

People (back on Earth): Wow! What a great crucifiction! Let's call ourselves Christians and celebrate Christ's crucifiction every year.

Jesus: [Still dead, but aware of what happens on Earth.] This is really too much. Here my crucifiction signified the great failure of humanity, that it was not ready to embrace a principle of universal love and, in fact, humans went so far as to crucify the guy suggesting such a principle -- an obvious sign of humanity's immaturity and unreadiness to create heaven on earth... And now these people calling themselves my "followers" have twisted it into some kind of fucking VICTORY FOR HUMANITY!! If I were still alive, I'd be sick to my stomach.... Declaring their love for me in one breath and then celebrating my crucifiction in the next. So desperate for an easy and trouble-free escape from death and from the illusory spectre of Hell. Oh, well, better luck to the next person who tries to spread the truth...

Christians (back on Earth, centuries later): [A man starts telling people that they got Jesus' message wrong, that "faith" that Jesus was more than mortal is not the end all and be all of divine morality, that they should practice universal love to create heaven on earth.] Blasphemer! Put him on the rack! Where'd I put those hot coals? Hang him when when he's had enough. Show him what happens to enemies of Jesus and enemies of the Church!

Jesus: [Still dead, but still aware of what happens on Earth.] Boy, is this ironic, or what? Very sad, but very ironic.... I better apologize to that guy when he gets here...


Now, that's not supposed to be a literal expression of how Jesus' message got fucked up. But just a summarized version of the shift that may have happened over many centuries. Jesus' intended message may not really have been as pure as I've stated it. He may have contributed more to the misunderstanding by having his own mistaken preconceptions based on his Jewish upbringing (he was, after all, merely human). But I think it is indicative of the absurdity of Christianity, and probably has some semblance of truth concerning how we got to where we are now with Christianity.

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hey what makes u say jesus was trying to tell us of buddhism?? and what did u have to prove them wrong about,i find that very funny that u took classes on how to deal with jehovas witnesses.i was raised a jehovas witness and find there views very relevant and still use there understanding in everyday life,i dont attend there meetings anymore as my dad ditched me and he was a witness which i found very cowardly and im only 16 and cant help being a bad little fucker and just deal with the bullshit my own ways but i kno il have to grow our of my sinfull ways one day.also what do u think about buddhism i dont kno much about it but it sounds very clean and pure and not all currupted but thats the ways currupted things can look sometimes so i dont kno.....who kno satan might just be a man made concept of the ultimate scapegoat...
Just for Stase...

From a friend's lapel pin:

"God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him."
^^ hey, you >>>>>>> OUT! ;)

Inside Out- thank you for sharing your story. That is the second time someone has recommended that book to me so it must be a sign. I will look for it at the library this weekend.

Quiet Roar- Thank you for trying. i know how difficult is is. It took me four hours to write that and my hand has hurt all day. and i'm journal slacking because of it. I didnt even go into the metaphysical part of how i feel and how it all ties into what i believe. There is simply too much metaphysical that i could write all day so i won't even try. Maybe someday i will come to the Land Down Under and i'll let you know.

Tranquil Soul & Sir Jack _ :) :) thanks.

Hive - i know what you mean and you and i agree on alot of things i didnt even get into, but we've discussed before.

Psychoblast - something like that. when you say:
"God exacted his punishment for our sins by making Jesus suffer, like punishing us by proxy. Whoop-di-doo! Better Jesus than me, that's for damn sure! Yay, crucifiction! Yay, making Jesus suffer for bad stuff I did (and will do), God gets appeased and I get off scott free so long as I merely indicate that, yes, I believe Jesus was literally the son of God rather than a mere mortal! What a great system! Now I can sin all I want, so long as I have faith that Jesus was the Son of God!"

That's what i always thought was fucked up about most Christainty .My old church taught that faith without works was dead, that it wasn't just faith alone which i agree with but not the baptist ones. But i have never agreed with God needing to sacrefice a person who lived without blemish for the sake of "eternal" life for all the rest of mankind. Whacked. I didn't understand and it made me skeptical as an adult. Glad to know it's part of a pagan myth. My next thread i am working on talks about that.

The way i see it is kind of like you. Poor Jesus, a chosen teacher of God. vegetarian most likely. (that's why the fish were notable when He ate it once. they wouldnt just write about Him eating any food. He took the fish "with thanksgiving" because it was offered to Him.) anyways, Jesus is using reiki and giving special sermons (Bible says it, located in the Dead Sea Scrolls for real. ) teaching His disciples how to heal and drive out bad energy and practices divine meditation. And he was wise and so they were intimadated by him and must kill him. Jesus understands he must be killed because it has been prophecised. But He is not dying for their sins but of their sins.
After his death the Romans need someone to fit the bill of this role that has always worked before to control the people as well as to establish order and gain converts.Jesus was just their man. The people certainly knew about him enough at that point to see how he could be placed in this role. Jesus never wanted us to worship him. Jesus doesn't want to pray to him.

in a thread awhile ago i wrote this that illustrates it (there was more verses but edited for size: )
Jesus believed and studied the old test prophets so i don't think He ever thought He was God. The prophet Isaiah writes of God speaking to him saying in 45:5-7
"I am the Lord, and there is NO ONE else : there is no God besides me;I girded thee, and thou hast not known me:
That they may know who are from the rising of the sun, and they who are from the west, that there is NO ONE besides me.
I am the Lord, and there is none else : I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace, and create evil;I the Lord that do all these things."

Jesus also only referred to him serving One God and told us to do the same. He never said to worship him. He quotes "The Lord our God is one Lord", from duet. and expresses the same thing in Mark 12:29, Mark 12:32, John 17:3, & 1 Corinthians 8:6.

He made Himself One with God by living this life of rightousness and understanding and encourages us to do our best at achieving the most we can too by living according to the Light we get.He is how God would live if God lived on earth.
I do not believe in the trinity though and if Jesus taught the belief in one God- monotheism, then the trinity would going against the very concept that He taught to us. This is why Jesus would not want us worshipping Him or praying to Him.He prayed to God and said we should to. He said say "our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be thy name".

anyways, it's nice we agree on somethings. *shakes hand*

high life- i wrote about Jesus and buddhism on this board somewhere and have been looking for a half hour for it. the search isnt giving me what i need. i'll try again tomoorw and post the thread link for you.
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...u kno u cant always beleive whats u read after all it was writen by cursed humans. Do you beleive in the end of days for this world of things??? as in armegedon i dont kno if u read anything on jehovas witnesses but i find that the last days of this world of things as descibed in revelations quite cedible with our times,do u kno the significance of 1914???????and about the jesus thing where u he died for our sins,god had to sacrifice his body on earth because adam had disobeied god and ate from the tree of knowledge,its only a ballance of things as in an eye for an eye.dont kno if u knew anything about that,u have a vaster knowledge about religions than i so i might be repeating what u kno...who knos, anyways....
_high_life_ said:
...u kno u cant always beleive whats u read after all it was writen by cursed humans. Do you beleive in the end of days for this world of things??? as in armegedon i dont kno if u read anything on jehovas witnesses but i find that the last days of this world of things as descibed in revelations quite cedible with our times,do u kno the significance of 1914???????

MY question for you would be that if only 144,000 are going to be saved in the Rapture, and there are more than 144,000 Jehova's Witnesses worldwide, then why do you they keep coming to my door? Aren't they worried I might take one of their spots?
whats are u talking about only 144,000 will survive the rapture?? ur probably talking about those truly worthy of being jesus christ wife when the descrution has happened.those truly riteouse to god will be in heaven with him and only a certain number of these will be lucky enough those like moses and abraham and noah.every jehovas witness will be saved and will live thru the destruction in the time of it and then the 1000 years will start and every living being that ever lived on earth will be given a second chance to trully see the world without satan there to influence them abnd once the thousand years is up and those who still wish to be on the side of evil will be thrown into the abyse along with satan and his demon followers.but those who live in these times and dont wish to acnowlege the true god(i kno this is hard to understand)when the descruction happens they will be destroid and wont be given the second chance.it says in the bibles to go out and preach the word of god and that those who dont kno him will hate jehovas followers and is this not true???in the last days of this world of things there will be great misery earthquakes famine and all religions,ALL religions will be supressed by babylon the great(thats the american government)and it will be great work of god himself.once our governments,the fools who try to control the world,announce that we have now acheived PEACE AND SECURITY thats is the very moment the descruction will be deployed.if u watch politics on tv there always talking about ahceiving peace and security,and we all kno this can never trully happen when cursed humans are in control so u see these are trully the final days.theres so much more that i dont even kno but thats as much as i can say and i have so much more to learn but i kno for a fact that these trully are the final days.....
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